Well, I said that this Substack is about the history we have had hidden from us so why not start right at the ‘Biblical’ heart of so much we have been told is ‘fact’?
Let’s pop back in time to the millennia before the arrival of the man called ‘Jesus’. Indeed the date would be somewhere around 1450 B.C.
We are told that Moses was a prince of Egypt, after being found in a reed-basket by a member of the royal Pharaoh’s court.
Years later he was supervising the slavery of the Jewish nation and ‘God’ spoke to him, encouraging him to end their slavery and to escort them out of Egypt and into the ‘land of milk and honey’.
You remember the tale?
Moses, after much difficulty, managed to lead ‘God’s Chosen People’ out of Egyptian captivity and into Canaan, the Promised Land, after 40 years of wandering.
Well, that’s, the ‘official’ narrative upon which SO much of our ‘modern’ geo-political history has been based, including the power of the ‘Jewish' cultural influence upon our Judeo-Christian Moral-Ethic and upon our fiscal, legal, ‘religious’ and media-controlled world.
So now let’s offer an alternative story.
Moses WAS an Egyptian Prince and a Pharaoh too, - so it seems - and his name was Tuthmosis III. So far that all seems ‘real’ but his Jewish slaves were NOT Jews at all!
They were Hyksos tribal members who had invaded Egypt 200 years earlier and taken over much of the country. And Tuthmosis III himself was really a human-hybrid warrior-leader of Galactic Federation (Dimension 5) agenda intent!
Yes, he was human alright but his DNA had been aligned, through his race-line, with what we might call ‘alien’ DNA and the Galactic Federation were, essentially and at that time, anti-human in their global agenda.
In addition to this detail, it should also be said that the Jews were not and never have been a genuine human race-line but are a geo-politically created ‘version’ of their original Hebrew race-line, which IS a true human line. So - confusion all round.
(And before some might think that I am ‘anti-semitic’, I can assure you I am not, having had three lifetimes past AS a very proud and committed ‘Jewish’ Angelic-Human!).
So about now you might be wondering why the subterfuge about Jews and Moses and the Exodus.
Well, the Bible was eventually written nearly two thousand years later, by human elements of that Galactic Federation (and other off-planet beings) and THEY wanted their agenda promoted and supported through the biblical narrative.
Key to this agenda was the making of the ‘Jewish’ nation into THEIR god’s chosen people and as leaders of the new ‘timeline-evolution’ they had planned for Humanity!
This agenda was STILL operating in the 20th Century through the Zionist movement, of which Netanyahu is a proponent.
So what WAS that ‘exodus’ all about?
Tuthmosis DID escort his Hyksos people out of Egypt because another Pharaonic line had kicked them out! But the Galactic Federation agenda was for him and the Hyksos, to invade the lands of the Israelites (the Hebrews really) and to destroy the Hebrew legacy and all their race-line!
They were to be substituted, effectively, by the Hyksos race-line who would have morphed into ‘God’s Chosen People’ and, latterly, the title ‘Jews’ was created for them.
And why were the Hebrews so important that they had to be destroyed? Was it just to take over their beautiful lands?
Not really. It was to eliminate the Hebrew Cloister-Race-Line genetics which naturally aligned with those of the Aryan race-line and which also included Melchizedek DNA as a result of much inter-breeding.
The plan was to eliminate most of the men and to then breed with the Hebrew women so that the Hebrew / Aryan / Melchizedek coding could be assimilated INTO the DNA strands of the Hyksos hybrids and be controlled by the Galactic Federation.
Demented ‘alien’ beings have been doing this sort of thing to humans for hundreds of thousands of years, by the way.
The ‘god’ that Moses proclaimed as mighty and omniscient was in fact a god of the pre-ancient Anu whose descendants were the Annunaki.
That god’s name was ‘Jehovah’ and it was through that god - allegedly - that Moses manifested the Ten Commandments (leaving out the two most vital cosmic laws of Free-will and Oneness!).
When the Bible was ‘constructed’ out of suitably ‘re-written’ texts in around 325 A.D. The Church of Rome NEEDED the document to support THEIR control of the Christian doctrine so that all geo-political influence could be maintained by that Church-Cult - forever!
And if you think that the power of ‘Rome’ vanished around 500 A.D., think again because the insidious influence of that vast empire covertly morphed into the hidden power of politics, ‘law’ and ‘trusts’, finance and the religious imperative that has under-pinned our ‘western’ culture for the last 1500 years!
Jesus’ words and concepts were hijacked to support that influence and the Jews were promoted as the chosen people of Jehovah - god - and the tale of The Exodus and of Moses became a pivotal part of the dynamic of our human history, revealing the power of that ‘god’ (Jehovah) and paving the way for the often covert influence of ‘Jewry’ upon the world.
Of course, you don’t have to take my word for anything I say. It’s merely my opinion, based on what I have studied, but a careful look at what has gone down in our so-called history MIGHT - maybe - encourage you to re-consider some of the historical events that we are told have been so important.
Next Substack article will be on How We Got to Be - Here - Now; The Entrance of The Victim - and The Victimiser, Blame-Game.
Wow! Who knew? Great info, Dave! This is what I signed up for!
This all makes sense to me Dave. It answers a lot of questions I have had since I was a child attending Catholic mass...it did not make sense. All becoming clearer. Thank you.