I had a wonderfully strident message from a dear subscriber whom I respect immensely for her wisdom and insightful innerstandings about spirit and life in general.
I felt that her comments to me about ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ should be the subject of an answer from me, out of that respect and admiration that I hold for her.
I wrote that ‘Source’ does not ‘recognise’ such things as ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ and this spiritual lady took me to task about it - and perfectly reasonably too; for it IS a contentious topic!
Here is my response to her commanding angle-of-vision, which I write here and now, because of the vital nature of this subject.
‘Let me thank you again for your immensely passionate response to what I wrote.
I so value your inputs AND - I so appreciate the fact that you took the time to write yet again in such depth of detail and interest. It is clear to me (and has always been so since first we 'met’) that you are a warrior of Truth, and with that I resonate so much.
I know that you were deeply concerned by what I wrote about 'right' and about 'wrong' and I am hoping that in the next two parts of my 'cosmic-tale', SOME of that may be answered.
In all that you say, I 'hold your hand' across the fields of time and I agree with you - as a man and as a human-being in so many lifetimes - and who has experienced the effects of 'right'; and of 'wrong'!
I know that you have too. We ALL have in some way and another.
When I was a teacher I encountered just a few young people who were often beyond difficult and one or two were actually 'nasty'.
But I resolved the feelings of anger and the determination to 'punish' when I realised that what I hated about them was NOT - them - it was their behaviours and those were down to THEIR inadequate awareness of Self - the Godhead within.
And yet I felt that I had begun to hate THEM as living-beings and inside I KNEW that such a feeling was NOT at all celestial.
Also, as I said, in OUR geo-social paradigm, running for 15,000 years, MANY concepts of 'right' and of 'wrong' HAVE been shifted and misaligned by the forces that prevailed. And they have often been simply used as a behavioural stick to beat our consciousness with time and time again.
But I still get what you say dear friend and I am NOT - at all - or EVER - saying that you are 'wrong'. Because - in so much of what you say - you are - RIGHT! I hear you very clearly and with great and abiding respect.
So what is my point if I am not choosing to step back into my narratives and re-write them so that they may align with your words and beliefs?
My point is THIS (and I am giving you this detail of my innerstanding before ever I offer it to others when they read what I have been asked to write).
480 BILLION years ago (it is said), a vast conflict arose within another matrix of universes far, far, away from us - as we lived according to the cosmic divine designs.
That matrix was almost devoured by - actions and behaviours which - by cosmic divinity were - 'wrong'! Meaning that those errant behaviours were NOT aligned with the divine design.
The beings there cried out that 'OMG, how could God (Source) ALLOW such shocking events? How could it permit such vast wrongs when all is supposed to be - right - in our universe?’
With no answers from the Spheres of Heaven, those beings set about discovering a 'better way' to control and organise all of Creation - and THAT is where our story of Truth began so long ago. THAT is where the patriarchal, controlling, hierarchical, monitoring systems of the victim-victimiser, blame-game, first began.
And all of our local matrices of vast and awe-inspiring worlds and galaxies and their beyond trillions of soul-essences, began to fall, slowly, into a very specific duality that stepped far away from the attunement of the Cosmic Divine Structures.
Now was THAT a part of THE divine design? That such a shift should be allowed? And which Source chose to NOT interfere with because it WANTED to know Itself AS this new artificially-created system? To know Itself as it is NOT!
And the answer must surely be - YES! Because if the Cosmic Design IS divine then - surely - ALL is known BEFORE it has ever occurred - IF it is truly divine.
ALL is already known - all that has ever been - was - became - manifested in past, present and all futures - IS - known. Because the lower-domain worlds of illusion are - creations OF the Ineffable Source of All-That-Is; built with 'probabilities' of scale and shift within their design.
Are 'right' and 'wrong' a part OF that duality system?
Yes - they are - they MUST be - and we, as expanding consciousnesses slowly come to realise that it is a set of 'behaviours' which were NOT in alignment with the divine design but something which WE - as a collective - created so that ALL-THAT-IS - COULD - experience such shifts and alternative creations.
You see, I feel that we must remember that we - forgot!
We forgot upon our entrance into the worlds of illusion that we ARE that God-Source Divinity and that forgetting was (in certain ways) ‘built-into’ the divine system for holographic experience.
In all that you have stated to me, most astute and powerful soul-essence - you are - right!
And the 'rights' and the 'wrongs' of much utterly ghastly, unprincipled, shocking and catastrophic behaviour is NOT condoned in ANY Cosmic Law of Divine Expression! Ever!
They are the result of 'soul-children' running amok without spiritual controls and without connection to the Divine Protocols which THEY cut themselves off from because they no longer held TRUST - in the Source of All-That-Is. - And that would mean (of course) that they no longer held TRUST - in - and for - THEMSELVES.
They could trust ONLY the 'evidence', the 'facts', the 'results' of what they wanted to see and believe and of what THEY created.
They could trust ONLY - their own behaviours! They became slaves of their own denials. And in becoming so - they HAD to enslave all other conscious beings to be - and to feel - and to act - the same! Their artificial creations were programmed to perform in exactly the same way!
THIS has happened upon our world, time-out-of-mind. (And MANY other worlds too!).
And yet - as the entity 'Jesus' is alleged to have suggested in his parable of the Prodigal Son (and Daughter, of course!) - no matter what behaviours may have been committed - ALL will be welcomed back into the Heart of Heaven by the Source of all Creation.
Is there a 'right' and a 'wrong'? Of course there is - within all the worlds of the holographic template and does 'God-Source' SEE and BLAME these as 'rights' or 'wrongs'?
NO - IT - does not! IT does not approve of or disapprove of ANY 'victim' or any 'victimiser'. It observes ONLY the celestial alignment of soul-essence WITH the celestially designed 'programme' of ITSELF!
(And THIS is why it holds within its living fields of energetic essence - The Living Essence - a deep-core Fail-Safe protocol which in OUR matrix and some others now, HAS been activated BECAUSE the structure of worlds has been so deeply threatened BY those ‘rights’ and ‘wrongs’!)
What All-That-Is (God-Source) observes is the fact that such behaviours, perceptions, determinations, result in falsity, fakery, artificial reverse-energy structures, loss of the absoluteness of Love and the dismantling of Unity and Joy, all of which move soul-essences AWAY from the Divine Design for Holographic Expansion of Self.
It is 'right' to fulfil one's celestial destiny AS God-Source - and it is 'wrong' to manifest behaviours (and systems) which eliminate that destiny.
What we have discussed here is NOT that you are wrong or that I am wrong. We are on the same 'side' in this - what we are REALLY talking about (and which God-Source focuses upon all ways) is - what is in alignment WITH - and AS - God-Source and Its Divine Design for living in worlds of illusion.
If we point fingers of 'blame' at those who create mis-alignment in our worlds and who cause pain and suffering for so many and if we call them 'victimisers' - godless - evil - satanic etc - then we are NOT in alignment with the Divine Energy of Love-in-Joy-in-Unity of All, even though - yes - for sure - we absolutely FEEL like that and may even want to lash out and stop the victimisers and to move from being 'victims' ourselves, to being . . . victimisers of our victimisers!
We are ascribing their 'fallen' behaviours AS these 'beings' who were once created OUT of God-Source. We are presuming that THEY - ARE - those behaviours, however ghastly they may be - to us.
God-Source does NOT presume in such a way at all or, indeed, in any way at all.
Would any of us wish our loving parent, father or mother, to ever say they hate US?
We never want that. If they must hate something about us then let it be our behaviour for that we can correct with enough love and honesty and truth and inestimable courage.
ONLY the Biblical 'gods' of The Old Testament do / did that sort of personal, identity-hatred - and THEY were ALL Fallen angelics anyway who helped to create the false-light systems - for themselves.
So, am I saying that we should just suck up all the BS and the crap that these false-light, fallen beings hand out to us as they please - and clasp our hands in prayer and beseech God-Source to save us?
NO - of course not! And I will certainly not - not now - not ever now - do such a thing.
The universe responds precisely to our expectations (that is the law) and if we feel ourselves as victims then the natural programme of energetic creation WILL provide us with what we beseech AS victims! Someone or thing - to look after us - or GIVE us what we think we need and that may NOT be precisely what we wanted!
Just look at governments for goodness’ sake! How many of them provide us truly with what we seek? NONE on current performance!
No - the answer is - as we expand our conscious awareness of Self - in knowing who we really are - in being finally and completely aware of our TRUE identity AS - God-Source - then - and only then - shall we manifest all that we are and all that we desire far beyond the realms of the BS and crap that others' behaviours have created for us to live in.
We must awaken to our own GodHead - the FACT that we ARE God-Source and the full and total and ineffable expression of the Intent and the Expression - of - All-That-Is - in Absolute LOVE within The Living Presence of a Divine Creation-Energy.
That cannot be fulfilled with any shred of hatred or desire to victimise - anyone! Or we become - however slowly - AS - their behaviours!
We may say something is 'right' or that something is 'wrong' - but we are talking of behaviours which are not in alignment with our own Divinity and our own celestial energies of Love.
Once we tell these false-light energies firmly that NO - we do not accept, we do not acquiesce we do NOT choose to follow their reversed programmes, and that WE are the true Light of Creation and that WE choose to exist and create and breathe and align with All-That-Is - perfect; then we begin to create the Heaven that is within - without.’
Love and thanks always to all beloved friends, known and unknown, across the fields of time.
David E.
Thank you for helping to clarify these points.