I mention this really, because I know that you are interested in what I write and, since the book I have just completed IS - what I write - I thought you MIGHT like to know very briefly, what is contained inside its pages!
Then at least you’ll have had a ‘heads-up’ as to whether or not you DO want to read it! (He says smiling!).
It’s actually NOT like most books at all.
I mean, it’s not unique, for many writers have written about ‘Cosmic’ history, some, like J.P.Farrell, have done so perfectly brilliantly - and very scholarly too - whilst some others have written very poorly and without enough precision for the reader to comprehend a truly challenging subject - Cosmic-Human History - and all the ‘whys’ behind it!
But - it IS an unusual subject that’s for sure and the essential thrust of what I have written, brings together (I hope) many seemingly separated and unconnected strands of data, knowledge, information, alleged evidence and some arguable ‘facts’, about what we have been TOLD is our human story!
This ‘official’ narrative is, of course, as many of us now know, very substantially ‘faked’! Or it has been the victim of astounding ignorances and simple unawareness of what our cosmological story has really been about.
SOME of the 3D ‘details’ of action and event in our recent past (back up to say, 6,000 years ago) have been reported reasonably accurately, but when we realise that even one day last week in our OWN personal ‘story’ of daily life can be difficult to remember, it’s hardly surprising then that LOTS of our official, and recorded ‘history’ is really, quite wrong and it simply didn’t happen - THAT way at all!
You see, the true narrative of our existence throughout and within MANY worlds over vast ‘distances’ of space-time, has been the story of YOU - and me - and all other living-beings created out of The-All-That-Is; The Source-Mind, Loving-Intention.
You ARE, the Cosmos of Beingness. YOUR journey through the holographic realms has been, not just, EPIC, but epically pivotal to the WHOLE of External Creation.
And if this sounds a bit ‘Biblical’, I make no apology and in fact I can tell you that this story of YOURS is absolutely BEYOND the Biblical!
You, the experiences you have had and the IMPACT your living-expression time-out-of-mind has had upon the frequency-fields of consciousness is simply fabulously magnificent!
Without YOU, this cosmos of many holographic reality-fields, could NOT have become the expression of The Source-Mind that it was intended to be.
YOUR celestially creative powers based upon your loving, joyous, all-embracing instincts to freely and enthusiastically and abundantly BE all that you may imagine, IS what manifests the Cosmos we think we see spinning around us in a kaleidoscope of shimmering light and ringing sound and breathtaking movement.
I wanted this book to tell THAT story - of how everything is connected - and how even a distant event a billion, billion years before, is still an aspect of all that we have helped manifest into these worlds of light and sound.
It may seem impossible to believe but this is - indeed - the Truth of all of our existences within the External Worlds of holographic creation, for WE create many realities, out of what we know is illusion!
I also wanted to explain, as best I could, how there IS a divine pattern running through the whole of our experiences.
In fact, I wanted also to point out that YOU are an inexpressibly vital part OF that divinity of design and that you are NOT - and never have been - a mere ‘accident’ of Nature.
You have not been a simple, (or even complex) chemical aberration that resulted out of the equally simple movement of geological forces, gas, minerals, heat and the water of life!
You, as Source-Mind-Expression, are what gives ‘Life’ TO this Cosmos and you do so through your ineffable, unique and eternal CONSCIOUSNESS!
You did not receive this gift from a ‘god’ or even a collection of such gods as much of our history tells us and which many even today actually believe!
I have aimed to reveal, within this book, how YOU are The Source-Mind-in Expression THROUGH that Source-Mind-Intention; the way it truly - IS!
Many enlightened entities have endeavoured to teach us this fact (or rather, to remind us of it!) for in allowing our celestial consciousness to ‘fall’ into the worlds of illusion, it has been so easy to then - ‘fall’ for anything we were told - by those who NEVER wanted us to remember!
And, as you know, we have been told a LOT that has been foolishly fabricated or stupidly suggested or that has been even a collection of downright lies!
I give details about many of these lies and the perpetrators of them and how they affected us both physically and spiritually and how they even manifested their false-light fakery into the very structural dynamics of our universe!
The book I have now written, speaks of all of this and more, and yet, as always in all of the catalogues of light-sound drama that fill the holographic theatres of every Lower-Domain world, the finale is always uplifting, expanding, joyous and full of the glitteringly beautiful Love for all of our individual and collective expressions of Who We Really Are, that we manifested amidst the creations of who we really were NOT.
We are and have always been and WILL always be; The Original Intention and Expression of what many now believe IS, The God-Goddess Mind of Eternal Loving Unity.
Names and Titles do not matter in the Halls-of-Heaven; only Love and the joyous Expression of that Love, Together-as-One.
And finally, before I offer a few further details about what is IN the book, I must give grateful thanks and respect and appreciation, as a collective, to the many soul-essences whose knowledge, insights, inspiration and higher-self-awareness enabled me to write what they inspired.
Some, I have met and I thank them from deep within, as we journey together through the fields of space and time, and some, of course, I have not met and yet, their wisdom and love remains as MY inspiration in all that I create.
Without them all, I could not have remembered one particle of all that has really transpired within our ‘history’. Without them, indeed, I could not have been manifested into these realms to fulfil my soul-mission of explanation and love.
These items following are not in a specific order as yet - the editor may move things around! But they do reveal some of the astounding events and shifts and often impossible-to-believe incidents that have occurred in our Cosmic Journey through the universal creations of Consciousness; yours and mine!
I hope that what you read here will encourage you to maybe want to read, what is, in essence, the story of YOU, once it may appear!
Thank you for your time in reading this post.
How the Cosmos was made - and when! . . . It’s WAY older than you think!
What we have been told . . . is our ‘history’ - when we ‘began’ (about 8 million years ago as a member of the ‘Lemur’ species!). Seriously?
Where WE ‘came from’ . . . - out of Africa - walking the world - Homo-Sapiens-Sapiens taking over that world. Shaping Planet Earth according to our ‘intelligence’ and creative abilities. Being warlike and nasty, ruthless and full of rage - so they tell us!
Ice-Ages and Stone-Ages . . . - hunter-gatherers and farmers - writing and worship and ‘civilisation’! Into Sumeria - and beyond!
But what about Lemuria and Atlantis? . . . And free-energies and celestial healing and inter-planetary transport and vast buildings 200,000 years old?
Many gods and many godlike-beings . . . known as ‘Annunaki’, amongst others. Ancient tales, ancient religions and all sounding pretty much the same narrative! Could it be true? Or HOW did WE manifest here if NOT out of Africa?
What we were entrained to believe. . . . How things simply don’t match-up and more of us are wondering about it! Biblical tales like The Tower of Babel or Sodom and Gomorrah - really? God did the destroying?
A wholly alternative ‘Exodus’ . . . . Modern weapons unleashed in ancient times - repeatedly!
Angelic Humans and DNA. . . - so what’s the difference between us - and what we are supposed to be? How many ‘selves’ am I? And how far into Creation do they reach?
How worlds are really created. . . - and how we exist. The connections and the unmistakable energetic-similarities. Consciousness as Energy and Energy as Consciousness. The vastness of connecting universes, realms and cosmayahs and how each of them are - aligned in a Divinity of Cosmic Design.
Universal structures. . . Merkaba - Templates - Electro-Magnetic-Codes and Geomancies, standing waves of inaudible sound and invisible light. Is there a secret ‘purpose’’ in all these structures and energies? What am I made of, here on Earth?
,What about AI?. . . . Are there TWO ‘divine’ programmes running? The Checkerboard Matrix and the TWO sets of ‘Sacred-Geometry’. The ‘Fib-of-No-Chi’ and The Krystal Spiral of Eternal Life.
Timelines and paradigms . . . Overlapping probable-futures! Inserts and fabricated reality. Just how complicated can Life get?
So where does REALITY come from? . . . Manifesting matter - out of the Zero-Point Field. Partiki-Particum and PartikA - the real building-blocks of Life - everywhere! The importance of crystal - and hydrolase.
So where does all this ‘ENERGY’ come from? . . . . It comes from Consciousness and manifests everything in the same space and time! So what IS real? And what’s LOVE got to do with it?
Do you doubt ‘history’? . . . . Historical events that simply did NOT happen as we were told! Is the Bible true? WHY would anyone ‘lie’ about such important ‘spiritual’ identity-matters? The answers to the why (about the lies!).
The staggering story of THREE Jesus’! . . . . How the Roman Catholic Church hijacked the Kryst Mission. Islam and Rome - extensions of the Atlantis Drama.
Who were we up against? . . . . Knights Templars, The Freemasons, Illuminati, Zionists, Khazarians, Jesuits, The Leviathan Forces and the creepy beings behind the curtain, controlling them all!
Who ARE we up against? . . . . The same forces yet again, as above, plus the standard, patriarchal Taliban-types and geo-political-corporate greedy-guys - Shifting the Cosmic Laws - and changing the LAW (Land-Air-Water) of true Earth-living. Making LAW - complex and confusing and legal (setting it into confusion!). Managing the mob and banking on total control!
It’s ALL about Identity! . . . . 3D geo-political machinations. How YOUR celestial identity got stolen so you would agree to be ‘owned’! Oh yes, you’re officially a ‘dead-thing’! They made you a corpse - didn’t you know? But WHY?
God-Government-Kings-Queens and Real Estate. . . . . And how you got to be last on the totem-pole of a totally hierarchical life! Money - The ‘Trojan Horse’ wheeled into our psyche to steal our sacred energies - forever!
Seeding the Angelic. . . . - missions and purpose - NOTHING is an ‘accident’!
How waking up is hard to do! . . . . When you’ve been asleep for SO long!
Celestial interventions . . . . - re-claiming the Divine Codes; realigning the frequency-fields. Re-manifesting the divinity of your Tru-ah Self.
Who WAS the Wizard behind the curtain? . . . . Who really was hiding behind the frequency-veils of the unseen dimensions - and why? Draks, Annu, Omicrons, Zetas and wormholes. Holographic inserts - it’s nothing new!
The Approach of Armageddon . . . . - 9-11 and the War on Terror - all designed to terrorise YOU and ME! Trump told us - they’re not after me - they’re after - YOU! And he was right - but why?
The new programme for Ascension. . . . . The celestial ‘Fail-Safe’ - out of The Nomi-Code and into Aurora Earth. The 5R’s for the Reclamation of Self.
By-passing the original . . . ‘Stairway-to-Heaven’ and taking the ‘Sling-Shot Evac into Aramatena. (12th Dimension).
The separation of worlds . . . . and the return to the Original Perfection.
At last . . . . the answers to the questions long forgotten; who are we - and why are we here? And WHERE are we going?
But, of course, we ALWAYS knew . . . . The Truth - we (me anyway) just - for a while - forgot!
As I have suggested above, this book offers a LOT of information (and most of you will already know it, I realise that!) but it also gives some detailed insights into the incredible WHYS behind what has REALLY happened in our human and cosmic history! And why so much (not all) but so much of what we have been TOLD - is fake or fraud or downright fantasy!
And, if you listen to MSM, you will know that it is STILL going on!
Essentially, we have been cleverly, ruthlessly, diabolically (yes all three of those) diverted from our true purpose and our real identity.
Basically our 'story' is totally 'cosmic', because it is tied inexorably to our universe, through our Earth-connection and beyond!
Our whole universe has been desired as an energy-source and it could be secured ONLY through our beautiful Earth being captured wholly and completely.
To do THAT, those who chose to impose duality, disharmony, distortion and denial HAD to target Angelic Humans (you and I) before they could capture Earth herself.
And that's because WE - as Angelic-Indigos - held the Keys to the Krystic Kingdom of Universal Ascension back into the realms of celestial innerstanding.
Those 'keys' are within our unique and ineffably divine DNA - which is really why WE have been such a target time-out-of-mind.
THEY had to deny us our awareness of Self, distort us in our purpose, make us forget our true identity and force us to serve THEM in all the ways they planned for tens of thousands of years.
And yet - we are awakening to our original reality - we are re-assembling our awareness, our DNA and our celestial determination to fulfil our mission because that mission is - cosmic - and now - we know it!
Nothing can stop an idea whose time has come - and nothing can stand in the way of true angels, who have finally awoken to the Destiny of Joy that only THEY can create.
And THAT is what my book is really all about.
I hope you may enjoy it, whenever it may appear.
Thank you for the "Slingshot Evac" preview. I'm looking forward to reading the full book... Much appreciated🌞
Dear David,
First of all - thank you so much for your delightful - and mindblowing - messages.
I can't wait to get more of it...
When will your book be ready for sale in the book shelves?
Do you have a pre-order listing? I definitely need to get one - even before the printing ink is dry... 🥰
And PLEASE - continue writing...
Much Love & Light, Elke 🩵💫🩵