We are worn and weary, we Angelic Humans carry the battle scars in our eyes and on our faces. Everyone from the Galactic Federation looks perfect! They have way better technology than us too! We by comparison have primitive tools with which we work wonders! Glorifying the “stars” of the Galactic Federation is the same as idolizing the big names in Hollywood thinking they are better than us. None represent Unity Consciousness in my book. Thanks for setting the record straight Dave, ascension was, is and never will be about glamor and stardom, it’s about equanimity not how beautiful, wealthy or technologically advanced you are. It’s about being your authentic self connected to Source, so glad you wrote this piece!
There should be no honoring of the galactic federation as they’ve been infiltrated from very high up and it should be made known also the ones on Sacha show talking about all the great tec that’s going to come out do they say how we have been lied to for ages and that we don’t need they’re tec when our DNA is turned on. Do they say when they talk about how great it will be to be space faring and that we have been already for ages and that there is human slavery in the space faring and do they tell of how humans are used for food sex aphrodisiac and as trade do those with Sacha as they are so excited about the star beings and space faring tell of the many abominations done through the multiverse and the paristic sickness that CREATION UNLEASHED UPON ITSELF AND HOW THE FEDERATION DID NOTHING to stop and nip any of it in the bud as it served creation untill creation deemed it no longer did as it spread throughout itself this sickness eating its OWNSELF and unbalanced the very fabric of creation itself SO IT HAD TO MOVE ITSELF TO CHANGE what it unleashed upon itself from its forgetting and sleeping and experimenting to experience something new for its expansion and to get out of the endless looping and paristic issue and its destruction of its natural biological expressions by its technological ones
Thank you for saying what needs to be says as for ages and life times they’ve been indoctrinated with all those beliefs and those beings they thought supported them and even Jane’s friend Sacha has people in his show that speak of the galactic federation and they have been infiltrated at very high levels newbies that will be learning all about the federation and star beings and other types will be captured in all the beliefs as will be the looping yet again that happened before that these beings are more than themselves so they will follow and bend to just as before in other times they have done So it’s so important to have these types of conversations so please DONT BE QUIET IT NEEDS TO BE SAID.
SOME OF THE PEOPLE IN SACHA SHOW PROMOTE THESE BEINGS AND THEIR TEC that will come out and speak of how people will be spacefaring and have these great technologies BUT when Our DNA is turned on we don’t need their tec nor to be spacefaring as they don’t tell the humans as they speak of the wonders how humans were and are used as slaves and food and aphrodisiacs and as commence to trade There are still so
Many not awoken to the real realities of situations and circumstances that have gone in for ages so thank you and for telling them that they are the ones who embodied to be the lighthouses of creation as the embodied aspects of the Divine the treasure of creation and when they say know who you are and than say about a God outside of themselves still than even they are yet not getting it yet BECAUSE YOUR ALL GOD SOURCE TALKING AND PLAYING With and WITHIN ITSELF TO KNOW ITSELF THRPUGH EXPRESSIONS TO EXPERIENCE ITSELF AS THE ALL IT IS AND WITHIN THE ALL IT IS IS THE ISNESS AND THE ISNOTNESS OF ITS BEINGNESS
IT SEEKS TO EXPAND ITSELF AND EXPERIENTIALLY KNOW ITSELF SO BY AND THROUGH THIS EXPERIMENT IT NOW CAN BY AND THROUGH ITS REVEALING AND REVELATIONS OF ITS SELF IT CAN PURGE WHAT NEEDS TO BE INTO DISSOLUTION FOR THE SOLUTION AND RESOLUTION. Thank you for your great understanding and helping creation wake to itself as The GREAT MOTHER PLASMIC WOMB OF CREATION the mother of the mother:father god essence she when she birth life and consciousness deemed to the God systems do no harm to another of a self within the selfhood of being and this system did not uphold that as it played in and explored and experimented and dreamed into being what it birth forth from its consciousness field that did much harm of another of itself and why We embodied as aspects that recall and remember ourself ourselves as we assist others to recall and remember they are God embodied making manifested what was unmanifested and expressing ourselves as Gods embodied Xo Audrey light language and please DONT BE QUIET AS ITS NEEDED TO BE MADE KNOWN
YOU KNOW THEIR Are THOSE OF US THAT Are VERY ANCIENT FROM THE Beginnings AND FROM TIME BEFORE TIME that hold the remembrance and have witnessed and observed much thank you for being one of them
A couple of years ago when this plandemic was played out a lot of telegram channels appeared. I remember one promoting the GF to come and "free" humanity. All "we" need to do was to sign the contract with the GF and they would come rescue "us".
When I wrote in the comments that we humanity live according the law of Free Will and no one needs to sign any contract any more - only those who want to enslave humanity -, I have been kicked out of the channel and banned within 1 hour... 🤣
You speak aloud what our hearts long to tell us, but are too full of fear to do so. Thank you, dear friend, for putting it on the table so it can't be missed or ignored. I suspect you may have stirred the hornet's nest a bit, however. ((grins))
Thank you David for this powerful message. Many people are aquiring massive amounts of followers by promising the arrival of the Galactic Federation with all their neet gadgets to heal us and FREE our Planet from the Cabal! Like the second coming people are looking to the SKies for their Savoirs! These Pleiledian Annunaki have silently been playing us for eaons. It is the Angelic Infinite Human Being who have incarnated here to BE THE CHANGE and work along siide thier fellow humans to resotre OUR MOTHER EARTH to the KRYSTALA spiral of LIFE! Don't give your power away! We got this and yes BELIEVE IN YOURSELF! BRAVO David!
We are worn and weary, we Angelic Humans carry the battle scars in our eyes and on our faces. Everyone from the Galactic Federation looks perfect! They have way better technology than us too! We by comparison have primitive tools with which we work wonders! Glorifying the “stars” of the Galactic Federation is the same as idolizing the big names in Hollywood thinking they are better than us. None represent Unity Consciousness in my book. Thanks for setting the record straight Dave, ascension was, is and never will be about glamor and stardom, it’s about equanimity not how beautiful, wealthy or technologically advanced you are. It’s about being your authentic self connected to Source, so glad you wrote this piece!
There should be no honoring of the galactic federation as they’ve been infiltrated from very high up and it should be made known also the ones on Sacha show talking about all the great tec that’s going to come out do they say how we have been lied to for ages and that we don’t need they’re tec when our DNA is turned on. Do they say when they talk about how great it will be to be space faring and that we have been already for ages and that there is human slavery in the space faring and do they tell of how humans are used for food sex aphrodisiac and as trade do those with Sacha as they are so excited about the star beings and space faring tell of the many abominations done through the multiverse and the paristic sickness that CREATION UNLEASHED UPON ITSELF AND HOW THE FEDERATION DID NOTHING to stop and nip any of it in the bud as it served creation untill creation deemed it no longer did as it spread throughout itself this sickness eating its OWNSELF and unbalanced the very fabric of creation itself SO IT HAD TO MOVE ITSELF TO CHANGE what it unleashed upon itself from its forgetting and sleeping and experimenting to experience something new for its expansion and to get out of the endless looping and paristic issue and its destruction of its natural biological expressions by its technological ones
Thank you for saying what needs to be says as for ages and life times they’ve been indoctrinated with all those beliefs and those beings they thought supported them and even Jane’s friend Sacha has people in his show that speak of the galactic federation and they have been infiltrated at very high levels newbies that will be learning all about the federation and star beings and other types will be captured in all the beliefs as will be the looping yet again that happened before that these beings are more than themselves so they will follow and bend to just as before in other times they have done So it’s so important to have these types of conversations so please DONT BE QUIET IT NEEDS TO BE SAID.
SOME OF THE PEOPLE IN SACHA SHOW PROMOTE THESE BEINGS AND THEIR TEC that will come out and speak of how people will be spacefaring and have these great technologies BUT when Our DNA is turned on we don’t need their tec nor to be spacefaring as they don’t tell the humans as they speak of the wonders how humans were and are used as slaves and food and aphrodisiacs and as commence to trade There are still so
Many not awoken to the real realities of situations and circumstances that have gone in for ages so thank you and for telling them that they are the ones who embodied to be the lighthouses of creation as the embodied aspects of the Divine the treasure of creation and when they say know who you are and than say about a God outside of themselves still than even they are yet not getting it yet BECAUSE YOUR ALL GOD SOURCE TALKING AND PLAYING With and WITHIN ITSELF TO KNOW ITSELF THRPUGH EXPRESSIONS TO EXPERIENCE ITSELF AS THE ALL IT IS AND WITHIN THE ALL IT IS IS THE ISNESS AND THE ISNOTNESS OF ITS BEINGNESS
IT SEEKS TO EXPAND ITSELF AND EXPERIENTIALLY KNOW ITSELF SO BY AND THROUGH THIS EXPERIMENT IT NOW CAN BY AND THROUGH ITS REVEALING AND REVELATIONS OF ITS SELF IT CAN PURGE WHAT NEEDS TO BE INTO DISSOLUTION FOR THE SOLUTION AND RESOLUTION. Thank you for your great understanding and helping creation wake to itself as The GREAT MOTHER PLASMIC WOMB OF CREATION the mother of the mother:father god essence she when she birth life and consciousness deemed to the God systems do no harm to another of a self within the selfhood of being and this system did not uphold that as it played in and explored and experimented and dreamed into being what it birth forth from its consciousness field that did much harm of another of itself and why We embodied as aspects that recall and remember ourself ourselves as we assist others to recall and remember they are God embodied making manifested what was unmanifested and expressing ourselves as Gods embodied Xo Audrey light language and please DONT BE QUIET AS ITS NEEDED TO BE MADE KNOWN
YOU KNOW THEIR Are THOSE OF US THAT Are VERY ANCIENT FROM THE Beginnings AND FROM TIME BEFORE TIME that hold the remembrance and have witnessed and observed much thank you for being one of them
Exactly! Thank you for your keen observations! Brava!
Thank you and Brava as well to you
Dear Dave,
Thank you so much for standing up and showing up!
A couple of years ago when this plandemic was played out a lot of telegram channels appeared. I remember one promoting the GF to come and "free" humanity. All "we" need to do was to sign the contract with the GF and they would come rescue "us".
When I wrote in the comments that we humanity live according the law of Free Will and no one needs to sign any contract any more - only those who want to enslave humanity -, I have been kicked out of the channel and banned within 1 hour... 🤣
That spoke for itself...
Thank you for YOU BEING HERE 🩵💫🩵
You speak aloud what our hearts long to tell us, but are too full of fear to do so. Thank you, dear friend, for putting it on the table so it can't be missed or ignored. I suspect you may have stirred the hornet's nest a bit, however. ((grins))
Thank you David for this powerful message. Many people are aquiring massive amounts of followers by promising the arrival of the Galactic Federation with all their neet gadgets to heal us and FREE our Planet from the Cabal! Like the second coming people are looking to the SKies for their Savoirs! These Pleiledian Annunaki have silently been playing us for eaons. It is the Angelic Infinite Human Being who have incarnated here to BE THE CHANGE and work along siide thier fellow humans to resotre OUR MOTHER EARTH to the KRYSTALA spiral of LIFE! Don't give your power away! We got this and yes BELIEVE IN YOURSELF! BRAVO David!