This is a ‘heads-up’ to all my friends on Substack about what I am about to post for you; a ‘Holiday Tale’ of MASSIVELY pre-ancient times (and yet only last week in the Cosmic Realms!). It will be longer than usual but it will give you (perhaps) something invigorating to read after Christmas-Day lunch!
This story is truly immense in terms of space-time ‘distance’ and in its enormously celestial panorama! Vaster even than something like ‘Star Wars’ which was / is a ‘Race-Memory’, and the major reason for that film’s astonishing world-wide popularity.
So, if you think I’ve posted some articles of ‘difficult-to-believe’ and magical ‘history’, wait til you read this one - and - it’s true!
Mind you, as in ALL things I write, please make up your own minds about veracity and fact. I tell you what I feel is true, yes, for sure, but remember we each create our own reality-out-pictures, moment-by-moment and what I know as ‘truth’ may not always be yours.
However, having said that, I can also say that this narrative is (as all of mine are) about YOU (and me too!).
NOT the ‘you’ that exists right here, right now AS the named individual you call yourself today, but the ‘you’ that essentially has ALWAYS been the Tru-ah-Self ‘you’; the eternal essence of your Living Presence that downstepped into the External Worlds of holographic universes, to experience all that was NOT - YOU!
Well, THAT existential experience is coming to a close and the Original Timeline of Divine Life is being re-set after - seriously - a VERY long time (about 450 BILLION Earth-years).
This elemental, all-encompassing divine identity that is the REAL you, holds the ‘you’ here and now, in its perpetual bio-spiritual grasp, lovingly and with purpose, but it too has moved through some absolutely epic and often unimaginably pivotal experiences and it has come down to THESE moments NOW in our Story-of-Life, when YOU - as you are, reading this post - have been asked (by that divine identity that is the real you) - to pick up the shield that was lost on a distant battlefield, and use it to bring us all Home to that heavenly place we never left but forgot.
Our journey has been filled with every experience you could ever possibly imagine - and then some!
We have literally lost many friends and loved ones within our race-line and our soul-families, through low-frequency choices, subversive information, covert actions, false-light promises and demonic intent.
Yet we stand here - together - on a once-fallen realm - to pick up the fragments of memory forgotten and to reprint them into our hearts so that we may find our pathway home.
Only YOU can do this. It is why you are HERE - and NOW.
This is the moment for which you have trained yourself lifetime-through-lifetime; no ifs, no buts, no, ‘what are you talking about Dave?’ - this IS your moment - in THIS lifetime today. Will you step up to the plate and free yourself, as, in doing so, you free the universes around you?
You long ago promised, at the very edge of the abyss and amongst the smoking ruins of yet another civilised world, that THIS time you would make THE difference; that THIS time, you would BE the change for which the Krystic Realms sang their ancient sound-tones.
There are no accidents within the holographic worlds of kaleidoscopic vision and shimmering mystery.
We move repeatedly through veils of imagined theatre, of crashing chaos, endless emotion and epic events until, in one magnificent moment, we remember who we are and take control of our destiny; the destiny that has always been encrypted deep within us and which has been silently beaming its eternal signature of self so that one day - we might hear - and find ourselves again.
This up-coming story will tell of where that real YOU came from and why - and what happened to you (or rather some of your race-line family) and how we all got ‘lost’ in the worlds of illusion and conflicting, interweaving timeline-future-probabilities.
Many of these ensnared our energies and confused our conscious-awareness of self and led us down descending pathways into darkness. And yet, like Theseus, guided by his ‘twin’, Ariadne, the light that is BOTH of you, illuminated the way back into Truth and the heavenly heart of Love.
There have been times when, seriously, you almost never made it and times when you COULD have been trapped forever in phantom worlds and imprisoned planets, spinning in reverse and lowering in frequency until your Tru-ah self imploded into space-dust and fragmented consciousness, enforcing you to start your journey all over again, for another 10 billion years.
As the quote says; “If you wanted Peace, you had to be willing to face the war within you. The war that made you doubt yourself as Divine.”
And yet, here you are, awake, able and aware and you cannot go back to what you were not. You can move only forward into a new and celestial paradigm which YOU have helped to manifest in these times here today.
This up-coming tale reminds you of the distance you have travelled over hundreds of billions of years; a journey which is NOW entering its final highway home.
You have turned many corners and the last one is the one you are now negotiating. Ahead of you is both your finish - and also your start - of a new existence with a new and invigorating event-horizon that takes you home to the heavenly worlds of Love.
I hope you will enjoy this forthcoming final post of 2024 and intend a new and joyously expanded journey through 2025; a year which will be pivotal in so many wonderful ways.
Thank you for being with me along this pathway into light - and wisdom - laughter and Truth.
Dear Dave,
Thank you!
Can't wait to read this special Kryst(mas) present of you...!
I'm looking forward to "learn" more about the Star Wars "story*, too. The science fiction about extraterrestrial life always fascinated me.
Hope to soon find ways to use the FORCE as the Jedi does.
Thank you for sharing and for your BEING!
Much Love & Light & peace 🩵💫🩵
Dear Dave, thank you so very much for your guidance through our new world. Peace and love be with you.