This might sound a bit ‘off-track’ but bear with me!
My favourite actors are Mat Damon and Russell Crowe!
Of course, there are many others equally brilliant I know that but those two always encourage me to watch their ‘work’.
They are helped massively by great production, skilful script-writing and fabulous visuals but it’s amazing to me how, when I watch these two actors, KNOWING that they’ve been in many other, often totally different films, that I can still get so sucked into watching them and how excellent they (and their production-teams) are at getting me - to believe!
Yes, I KNOW they are acting, I know they have been other ‘characters’ and I know the film is not ‘real’ but you know, watching them, within a few minutes, something happens inside my head (and the heads of millions of others who watch their work too) and I become ‘one’ with the drama unfolding.
Why, it’s almost like I’m right there - with them - and I, in a way, ‘identify’ with them and their film-predicament.
So - what happens to me? I mean, when I watch those two actors?
They have that special knack - or skill - to somehow get me to, ‘suspend-my-disbelief’!
And THAT is what every top script-writer, dramatist and novelist is always trying to do - with you - and me! Get us to suspend our inherent disbelief!
What do I mean?
Well, when I walk into the cinema or access Netflix, I KNOW I am going to watch a film - and that it isn’t ‘real’ and that it’s just ‘make-believe’! But their skills get me to STOP that realisation (that they are mere actors and it’s only a make-believe film) and actually ‘believe’ that they - and the film - are REAL.
I can even feel my emotional-body getting ‘activated’ at times (often hugely) as the plot and the action develops.
Crowe and Damon have the special ability to get me to believe in them and their portrayal and to ‘suspend’ or momentarily eliminate my awareness that they are only acting! This means that I can wholly involve myself in their drama, and even become (in my mind) a part of it - until the film stops and I walk out of the theatre!
Wow! It can be such a rush of imagined excitement and tension and fear and triumph and spine-tingling anticipation! Sort of - just like life - in an expanded-action way!
So what’s that got to do with my title here; ‘Congratulations’?
You see, your whole life, every aspect of your existence here on Planet Earth (if it is a ‘planet’!) is like a ‘theatre-experience’ with YOU as the primary ‘actor’ and YOU being the production-team, the script-writer, the director and - even - the audience!
I know - that sounds mad doesn’t it?
But think about it.
When you are born into this world you ‘appear’ into the heart of an ongoing drama, don’t you? A ‘drama’ that’s been continuing (so they say) for millions of years! And face it - it IS a drama, or it sure was when I was born (what I can vaguely remember).
There were the bright lights in the hospital, the being pulled (seemed like) out of a warm and dark cavity into a space and noise I’d never known before and couldn’t make any sense of and then I get spanked on my butt to make me cry - and I did!
And THAT was just the start - and it was NO film and every sound I made and emotion I felt was totally unscripted! It was real!
There was zero chance of me being able to suspend anything, let alone my ‘disbelief’ in all that I was so suddenly going through.
Now if I had been a REALLY enlightened being (like the being we call ‘Jesus’, maybe or the Buddha) then maybe I COULD have known that it was just ‘make-believe’ and realised that it was just a drama and that I was simply in a ‘theatre’ (although, parts of a hospital ARE known as a ‘theatre’ aren’t they?). Interesting!
THEN, perhaps my self-talk might have gone something like this:
‘David, chill out! You KNOW this is just a make-believe drama that YOU created so you could find out more - about - YOU and about LIFE on Planet Earth! So just go with the flow and observe and learn as much as you can. It’s not real. Relax!’
Yes, well, maybe I could have done that - but I didn’t! My ‘self-talk’ was WAY different to that - and way more noisy and unintelligible! I was freaking out because I was ‘freaking’ THERE - in the heart of something that was real (to me) and that I didn’t know anything about! I mean, it was scary and real!
For me EVERYTHING was real and in fact everything in my life HAS been real and I’ve believed it - until I did what?
Until I began to realise that a lot of it WASN’T real and when that happened I stopped suspending my disbelief!
Of course, if I do THAT when I’m watching Russell Crowe and Mat Damon then what happens? I stop enjoying the film and I stop wanting to BE in the theatre and spending the cash to go and watch it. Then I want to do something else entirely - something that I CAN believe in for however long I want.
THAT is the ‘Theatre of Life’ which starts making ‘sense’ once we STOP suspending our disbelief.
The whole ‘theatre’ industry of film and show and MSM and publishing DEPENDS on getting us to suspend our disbelief as often and as completely as they can make us - every moment of our lives.
In fact, they would like us to be in that state of suspended-disbelief, all day long because then they would make more money and have even more control over how we think and act and - perhaps - comply - with any hidden ‘messaging’ there might be within the secret script-intent of those who try to write a ‘movie-for-living’!
But there’s a problem with having the Buddhaic approach to life.
If we don’t suspend our disbelief in the living of our lives, then everything we experience becomes just a mildly amusing fantasy and we know it, so we don’t take it seriously and can’t learn anything from it - because in our minds it’s not ‘real’.
I mean, if your sister started crying because she'd pranged her car and damaged it and you just laughed and said, "Chill out girl, it's not real, it's just an illusion!"
Well, she wouldn't be impressed would she? She might have damaged her car but she might also damage YOU because to her, everything that happened was REAL!
So, in many ways, we DO have to suspend our disbelief because if we didn't we would get bored with life generally and develop a ‘careless’ approach to it and to how we live it because we would know that it was all just a ‘film-reel’ of images and sounds!
We wouldn’t be ‘connected’ with the experiences or totally involved with them as a part of us so how could we learn - anything - or expand ourselves or get ‘better’ at anything - if we are simply being mildly observant - as we yawn our way through a catalogue of meaningless pictures and sounds and acts?
Basically - we couldn’t learn - anything much at all - certainly about ourselves and why we are ‘here’ and who we REALLY are. You can’t enjoy a film which doesn’t help you suspend your disbelief. You just can’t enjoy it!
Let me give you an example from my personal life ok?
Long ago when I was a teenager all I really wanted to do (and be) was a great tennis-player and win Wimbledon!
Of course, it’s obvious - I didn’t make it in either of those deep desires! I sure suspended my disbelief enough to be ABLE to make it - but I didn’t.
Yet I often thought about my ‘bad luck’ and the ‘unfairness’ of it all each time I failed and I remember thinking once on a long train-journey home after yet another loss, about what it would be like to have that magic stardust of incredible fortune which would get me to win EVERY match brilliantly for a year and be the world’s best player and hold a million silver trophies!
Gosh, wouldn’t it be great if I could just go on court and every shot I hit was a winner and my opponent hit every one of theirs in the fence? So cool!
But as the journey continued I realised something. If THAT magic fortune happened then everyone would get bored - watching me - because they knew I would win. And no-one would want to play me cos they would know they would lose and the tournaments wouldn’t want me to play because when I did - no-one would want to watch, already knowing the outcome.
And what about me? I would get bored because I wouldn’t have to try or need to get better and always winning would mean no-one would take me seriously as a player and would say,
‘Yeh, you’re good Dave but who cares - it’s no fun mate for the rest of us! Tennis is boring when you play!’
If you live your life each moment in a state of total KNOWING that it is a created make-believe’, then nothing you do would really matter - it would become - boring - like if I always won at tennis; no-one would ever want to play me and I would lose the sheer joy of playing - which is why I started playing in the first place - to have joy and fun doing it!
If you couldn't suspend your disbelief, you would always be searching for something ‘out there’ to give meaning to your life. You couldn't take anything seriously. Nothing would really matter and all the wonderful feelings of love and joy and excitement and thrill and exploration and pain and pleasure and fear and wonder would - vanish!
So, ‘suspending our disbelief’ IS a vital component in the art and science of living - and in how we expand our awareness of it all - and of ourselves and WHY we might have come to ‘BE’ here and now.
Suspending our disbelief is a critical aspect of BEING - ourselves - and living - in the world-of-moments.
In THAT way the experiences we have CAN expand our awareness of ourselves, our likes, our hates, our fears, our loves and, ultimately, our true identity as living beings.
Living wholly and with involvement in every moment, immersed in the feelings of it all and believing it as it is, is how we expand our true selves into better and more exalted expressions of ourselves - so that we can ‘experience more - and - ’in-joy’ ourselves and our creations!
So, when you chose to come here - before you were born - and you chose your parents (you did) to give you life-through-birth, you also bought a ticket of suspended disbelief to pass you through the experiences of life that you created, so that it would always appear real and would always ‘involve’ you totally in every fibre of your being.
THAT was the ‘condition’ you agreed to on deciding to visit here once again and the experiences you have had while here have moulded and fashioned the uniqueness of YOU - in so many ways.
But I can hear your mind beginning to ask some important questions, like;
‘But if we forever suspend our disbelief? Then always everything we experience will be ‘real’ to us and fact or truth!
So what happens if much of all of that is NOT real or truth but merely ‘fabrication’ or lies or false-light and sound? We would be trapped here in a world of make-believe and NEVER escape, forever following the same pathways into the same living and never truly expand?’
Good question and it deserves an answer.
Much of what you suggest HAS come to pass on this Earth and even today (especially today) we see evidence of energies being used to ensure that we NEVER wake up to who we really are or what our real purpose might be in our lives; so that we don’t - in effect - expand ourselves in truth.
A perpetual ‘motion-picture-for-living’ has been created and promoted for us all to live by and within (according to ‘history’, ‘tradition’, religion, rules and regulations, laws and geo-political, social-morality). For this to work you HAVE to suspend your disbelief! You have to or the ‘motion-picture’ of controlled life will just not work!
If the Government, for example, tells us all to have another vaccination and we all say ‘no!’ Well, then that’s the end of that demand because without our compliance THEIR movie-for-living simply CANNOT project!
That out-picture of ‘reality’ ends immediately right there, because then we would have suspended our belief in what they told us and operated collectively in a totally different mind-set. Not even Russell Crowe could shift that!
(Mind you, have you noticed how corporations and governments so often USE film-stars and celebrities to GET us to comply? It's as if they already KNOW how powerful such people are in getting us to 'believe' in a specific narrative.)
It's the same with the 'phantom', paper-money ('Fiat-money') too.
It has NO genuine value except we GIVE it value in our heads through our own 'Belief-in-Value'.
Once-upon-a-time and long ago we did the same with shells and cows. We gave those objects our belief in their value - until 'money' came along, governed and controlled by those few elites who realised how convenient it would be for them, if all of US - believed in THEIR money!
And so it came to pass, as it says in the Bible!
So yes, there are many ‘energetic-influences’ on us individually and collectively to continually suspend our disbelief (the fact that we will not ‘believe’ in anything else but the 'target' narrative) - and waking up to how our lives are controlled is a vital aspect of expanding our knowledge of who we are and our purpose in the world.
This ‘waking-up’ can only be completed when we DO ‘disbelieve’.
You HAVE to disbelieve some things long before you can ‘believe’ in yourself and your personal mission.
You cannot continually live within the theatres of dreams (or nightmares) and create the true meaning and structure of your existence here on Earth.
At sometime you HAVE to ‘wake-up’ from the suspension of your own disbelief and believe totally - in YOU!
You have to someday open your eyes and realise that you’ve been watching a film that someone else created and that you are allowing Russell Crowe and Mat Damon to act it out for you!
Governments and elite corporations cleverly (diabolically?) get us to 'act-out' many aspects of our lives, essentially for THEIR benefit and yet we often fail to realise it and just carry on 'watching' and acting' in THEIR movie, with our belief totally suspended!
BUT, if you STOP that suspension of your disbelief, and truly realise that what you are watching and living in daily is NOT 'real' or the truth of how things are, well, that way you can create your own 'film-for-your-life' and the reality that holds truth - for you.
And that’s why the title of this was ‘Congratulations’, because when you ‘see it’ - you can ‘live it’ as ONLY you can!
And you deserve to congratulate yourself, because coming to the realisation that YOU create EVERYTHING in YOUR world is a pivotal moment in anyone's life.
Once you take back your ability to disbelieve and activate your ability - to believe - in you - everything you ever were and all that you can ever be - returns - forever - and you become the actor of primal power in all that you create.
And Dave, what I like about waking up? You can not ever go back to sleep! The energy is expending forever creating domino effect in all direction. More souls are influenced by your beautiful writings more will grow exponentially. Thank you. ❤️