Hello and again I am trusting that what I write here is not ‘overdoing’ anything for you.
I have written a great deal I know just recently but only because I was ‘called’ to do so.
What began as a ‘one-off’ post turned into a ‘Three-off’ as it were! And the third part is about to appear - in 4 days time - on the 2nd January, the real 13th Day of Kristos; the moment when Jeshua12 Sananda Melchizedek invested the Eckasha God-Seed Code into the Earth-grids - and those of all her life-fields who could access it.
In the first two ‘journeys’ back into our future-past, the worlds I entered with you were and still are - real and existing. Just as the world you inhabit here in this moment is real and now!
It is difficult I know, for us to imagine such strange and unbelievable happenings in the passage of what we call ‘Time’ through the distance we call ‘Space’! But life in the holographic realms IS - strange and thrilling, exciting, shocking, demanding, fulfilling, fabulous, fearful and full of fantasies we sometimes cannot fathom.
And so, in the final part of this essentially, celestial journey for which I thank you in joining me, I return to Earth as we may more normally know it!
Except - it is still ‘removed’ from our current space-time coordinates - because it transports you to the years after the Fall of Brenaui, a truly massively impactful matrix-event that occurred in an adjacent system of universes far away and yet which catastrophically affected our whole local universe and Earth in particular.
That event took place in our current ‘Earth-time’ nearly 210,000 years ago and my ‘return’ in the next and final chapter of our journey sees us manifesting on Earth, sometime around 165,000 years ago and in what we would now call the plains and mountains of India.
My dialogues with the beings there are much more ‘human’, for billions of years have passed from my communications with our previous hosts, and the connections between Angelic-Humans of 165,000 years ago and you and I are much closer and dynamic!
In this final journey into awareness of who we are collectively and individually, you will hear of Twin Flames, of ghastly creatures bred by demonic forces, of cataclysmic events which YOU - all of you in times past - have lived through and have known.
You will read of strange magic and of the inestimable, courageous and freedom-loving energies of YOUR Angelic ancestors whose efforts back then have paved the way for you and I today to complete the tasks that they began and which you have heard of in your other journeys into time and space.
Everything is - truly - connected - and you are a part of All-That-Is, indeed, you ARE All-That-Is and our collective voyage into dark as well as light, has been a passionate expression of the intent of The God-Mind that we are - to explore, to know, to embrace and to love - together-as-one - in spite of EVERYTHING that has manifested in the worlds of illusion.
This voyage is reaching its inevitable conclusion in the celestial realms of Love, and this final part of our ‘tale’ reveals those Angelics on Earth who set the parameters for awakening Angelics such as you and I - to finally - and completely - and lovingly, fulfil the task of total conscious-awareness of Self; the Knowing Innocence of The Living Presence that we are.
I hope you enjoy and I hope that together we can add our unique signatures into the frequencies of existence that make THE difference and that only we may choose to do.