Heavenly Worlds and Demonic Deviance.
Where We Came From - Where We Were Taken - and Who We Really Are.
Personal Note for readers:
This is an unusual transcript and I say ‘transcript’ because, in essence, I have not written this.
Yes, my hands and fingers have massaged the keyboard and my eyes have watched the screen as my mind has monitored the form of the language, but the inspiration and the creation have come from - beyond me - as it often does!
And yet, that is NOT so strange, for each of us operates in our expanded consciousness-state, in precisely the same manner, with another ‘self’ beyond us, encouraging us to express the light that shines within; once we are ‘ready’!
What ‘arrives’ upon the screen before you is a tale that, as I have said before, involves YOU, indeed, in many ways it IS you!
This narrative, this story of another time and another place so very different from where you are now, in your incarnate 3D ‘human’ self on Earth; third ‘stop’ along on the 12-Stop-Bus-Route into Heaven, tells the often majestic tale of where you come from and where you were taken and, ultimately, who you really are - and why it was that long ago, you forgot (like me) - all of this!
I have been asked to ‘remind’ you but only you! Because only those who already FEEL this truth can ever be presented with the words that confirm it.
Inside, you already know these details but I am writing this piece because I have been informed that now is the time for us all - together - to step away from the confusing ‘evidence’ of our co-called ‘history’ and to remember the cosmic, celestial, wondrous tapestry of existence that WE - collectively AND individually - have so magically created throughout so many universes.
There can be only ONE answer as to how we could EVER have manifested such creations - and this post aims to reveal this colossal yet so obvious - Truth.
I hope you enjoy the read and more; I hope it inspires and re-ignites your conscious awareness of the Divinity that you have always been.
I give you greetings.
The words that you now see upon this page and which are translated into the sound you hear within, are not those of David Emery.
David writes and he consciously hears and knows what is happening here, but WHAT he writes is only what he hears - and what he hears are the Tones-of-Truth from another realm, far, far beyond your Earth-world and yet - all ways within it.
I am NOT as you are - or as David is - incarnate, crystalline, physical-matter forms enclosing a celestial consciousness that has long been unaware of Its Real Self.
I am communicating with you here and now because David has awoken enough - and his coding has expanded sufficiently - for him to INTEND to be a co-communicator, interfacing your world and your consciousness with the only Reality; The Original Reality of The Living Presence.
David has informed you already of this; many times.
He has been (like many of you on this forum), prepared for such communications and this time in your Earth-Future is of great importance to all of you and so - you have been called - as one - to walk the Pathway of Order and to step out of the chaos of an unnatural programme imposed upon the life-fields of your multiple universes time-out-of-mind (as David often says).
You and David are not alone in this mission.
There have been many ‘speakers’ and ‘communicators’ of Truth in your world, throughout hundreds of thousands of years. Most of these were ‘taken out’ and destroyed or ‘turned’ from their given purpose and forced to forget all they knew.
Usually, there have been only a very few of these speakers in each era, but now, this world and your universes are standing on the edge of a most pivotal moment and choices must be made and no-one shall by-pass the results of those choices, without knowing the destiny that they create.
It is in these times now, that MORE ‘speakers’ must appear and each one of you who reads this transcript can know that you too are called - to BE a co-communicator of the Truths, through the expanding consciousness that your DNA is fulfilling.
Each one of you holds the unique gifts that only YOU (and your pure essence of God-Self) have created and it is these gifts that you are being asked to share - so that ALL may benefit in the times to come. There are NO ‘accidents’ - and you are here because you designed it to be so.
Because you have existed upon your Earth-world for so many lifetimes, you have become accustomed to ‘names’ and ‘titles’ as the only way to delineate differences between you and others around you.
In the realms I am taking you to, such naming is unnecessary for, in inter-connecting with each other - anywhere - all beings already KNOW who they are and thus names are not needed. Such ‘identification’ reveals itself through the energy-form they possess and express.
However, because, at this time, you cannot properly function without knowing a name or a title, I offer you ‘names’ for myself and all those beings whom you may meet here.
They are all happy about this and some have even smiled at the names they have been given, because they do, indeed, reflect the energy that they are (and have been for - often - many billions of years).
As a small aside I can say that your North American Native Indians hold more closely to the celestial naming of their people and in this they are more attuned to the innerstandings we have about such matters.
You may call me, ‘Air That Sings’. (The Eternal Wind-Song).
My ‘Cosmic’ title written within The Cosmic Prayer of Existence (The Krystal River Prayer you call it) is: ‘Sha-A’ Da a-moor’.
My closest essences also have such Cosmic references which we never use but I enclose them here for you, so you may know.
Hydrolase that Heals (Aah-QuA’-el or Eternal Water in your world),
Earth that Breathes, (et-a-LA’a KrystalA or Eternal Foundation).
Ether that Shines (E-Ta-Ur’ Sha-LA - Eternal Etheric Radiation).
Fire that Moves. (Jha-et’-A Dur-a - Eternal Flame of Divinity).
These energies are all of us so named and I will now transport you from where you are in this moment, into the celestial realms beyond your universe, to stand at the very edge of where YOU began your journey into the heart of the Hologram of Illusion.
The realm we will visit is hundreds of billions of your ‘Earth-years’ distant from you in what you call ‘Time’ which is, of course, a holographic construct shifted and distorted in so many universes by those beings who chose to re-code the hologram into a personally controlled digital and artificial programme.
Remember - the worlds we will now visit and the beings you meet will feel both VERY strange - and yet - paradoxically - wholly known, within your divine-heart, and that shall be - because THEY - are - YOU!
And so - we are here.
Of course, you cannot see anything of this vast and heavenly world. Your eyes are shut.
Yes, I know that your 3rd Dimensional eyes are open and reading these words on the screen, but your 4th Dimensional eyes and your 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th Dimensional eyes are not open and thus you cannot view the astounding panorama that lies before you.
If I asked you to observe even the 8th Dimension with your 3D eyes, the radiation would be SO powerful that your physical eyes would be dissolved in an instant.
When I instruct David to begin writing according to what I present, THEN you will ‘see’ and then you will engage one aspect of your celestial capability; your imagination.
In your world ‘imagination’ is a 4th-Dimensional skill or quality. You project an image you create out into the Ether-that-Shines and this etheric creation begins, instantly, to take on what YOU call a thought-form which you CAN assemble into a physical form.
THAT then becomes a 4th Dimensional material creation which can be observed ONLY from your next station of conscious-awareness in the 5th Dimension.
And so it goes on.
YOU are all of you now 6th or 7th or 8th Dimensional beings (even though your ‘evidence’ tells you otherwise) and when you begin to read what I inform David that he must write for you, THEN you will (in your imagination NOT in your physical form, of course) ‘see’ into dimensions FAR, far beyond the 8th Dimension.
This remembrance will assist you in accelerating your own awareness of self and of the universe you inhabit and also help you see through so much of the (what you often call) ‘bullshit’ that manifests everywhere in your world.
I trust that you are ready.
And one last thing: Always know that YOU are the creator of all you view before you and hear around you and feel within you. No-one else. Only - YOU!
And this means that YOU are responsible for what you create and this gives you great power; the power - to BE whatever you choose.
I surround you with my ineffable singing air and this will allow you to breathe safely within the realm at your feet and into which you will now move.
The words that will appear before you now are, of course, written by David, as though he were with you and seeing as you.
“Air that Sings informs you now to open your multi-dimensional eyes and become what you are in essence”.
The vision I saw was breathtaking and I did indeed, take an in-breath instantly, forced upon me by the shock of what I saw and felt.
I was not ‘standing’ - anywhere - I was just ‘there’, seemingly inside a swirling cloud of coloured light that held a captivating fragrance I have not ever experienced; it was LIKE honeysuckle and jasmine yet - different and wholly delightful.
The colours of the clouds (were they clouds?) moved around me and through me it felt, and their touch was warm and yet cool - but how could they be warm and cool at the same time?
They feel both because they ARE both.
In the heavenly realms what you call ‘temperature’ is the intimate and conscious relationship between fission and fusion of particles. These ‘clouds’ as you call them are sensitive to YOUR particles and so they embrace them with what your senses require.
But, how can they know all that? I mean no disrespect but they are surely just clouds of vapour? They cannot be ‘conscious’ really. Can they?
Everything in the Cosmos is conscious. Everything. What is often different in some worlds is the ‘awareness’ of that consciousness.
But, I thought that my consciousness was a part of my mind, not - not everything!
You already know the answers to all of this (or you would not be here!). ALL Energy is conscious and all consciousness is energy. That is ALL there is.
I watched in fascination the clouds heaving happily around me and I held up my hands to feel them.
It was magical, the pink feeling warm and the aquamarine feeling cool and then, as soon as I thought that, they switched and became the opposite.
I laughed. It was fun! I closed my eyes and wondered if they would bathe my face with their touch - and - they did. It was SUCH an exquisite sensory experience, a tiny bit like when I was hot with fever once and my mother bathed my face with cooling water.
These vapours are healing and cleansing and very comforting. IF you feel they need to be.
So they are ‘vapours’?
Yes. But they are what I suppose you would call, the ULTIMATE vapours. They are Vapour Essences which we would call, The Eternal Essences.
Without thinking I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, pulling the vapours in through my nostrils and into my lungs.
OMG it was beyond magical!
I felt an incredible surge of emotion - of love and peace and - and togetherness - with the vapours, and I began to float.
I wasn’t standing ON anything that I could see or feel but yes I started to float. My whole body became lighter and when I opened my eyes and saw my hands, they were shimmering with the colours of the rainbow.
The Essential Essences, these vapours; they are the structures that make up the Rainbow Rays and those rays manifest into ‘RAYSAS’ - the crystalline races of all the life-fields in the holographic Cosmos.
You mean, I am MADE of these essences? My body IS them?
In a deep sense yes. These Essences are how The Living Presence (what you call ‘God’ or ‘Goddess’) manifests External Creation.
And as they transform into liquid-crystalline flows these vapours become, what your digital-creators might call, ‘Performance Codes’; the signature-codes for manifesting standing-waves of light and sound.
And out of those standing waves, morphogenetic fields of crystalline grids are created and out of THOSE grids, YOU and your Earth are formed.
I studied the coloured mist-like clouds swirling about me. They were the colours of the rainbow.
Some of your knowing Angelics call these vapours the ‘Core-Flows’; the core-essences of Life.
‘Am I truly in the presence then, of ‘God’?’ I wondered. It was clear to me that ‘God’ wasn’t actually a physical ‘man’ or ‘woman’ but an energetic essence; an essence that was - ME - in some astounding way.
You are always within that presence. You ARE that presence. Everything is.
But almost every moment of my life I have NEVER felt that I was - you know - that presence. Sometimes, when I felt really good, I even felt that I could do anything but it seemed somehow wrong to imagine myself as - well, infinite.
Most beings of higher consciousness within the Lower Domains can feel like that.
They have, like you, been entrained to think that way; through their experiences.
The elemental kingdoms don’t feel that way. They follow their instincts, most of them, and their instincts are aligned with the cosmic divine design for the frequency of their awareness.
I don’t understand. You mean, animals and insects and flowers and trees are more aligned with The Living Presence than humans?
Mostly, in your world, yes.
They feel pain and fear and those experiences create within them withdrawal symptoms, which is why certain plants and trees are antagonistic to humans, but they do not have a ‘moral-awareness’. They do not distinguish between right and wrong. They simply live according to their living performance-codes; their ‘god-given’ instincts.
Humans can - and usually do - live according to their learned moral codes, and what their logical, reasoning, mental-body informs them of.
It is through THOSE conditions that humans have been manipulated.
But it is good to know the differences between right and wrong, surely?
There is no ‘right’ and there is no ‘wrong’ for one man’s right may be another man’s wrong in your world.
I was astonished. ‘But that’s just crazy. You can’t live without knowing the difference between right and wrong! That’s how our world fell into chaos!’
The Living Presence creates in each instant, total energetic alignment with Self. It does not seek what you believe is right or wrong and then judge it. Your ‘gods’ began that moral journey.
I was confused. There HAD to be rules or life would fall apart.
There are ‘rules’ as you call them. We call them Cosmic Laws; the Laws of Divine Design.
I laughed; ‘You mean, like the Ten Commandments?’
More like your principles of ‘cause and effect’, which we call the Laws of Reciprocity.
I knew what Air-that-Sings was saying. ‘Like ‘Karma’?’, I replied.
Karma is another ‘moral’ and religious creation, used for thousands of your Earth-years to keep recycling Humanity life-after-life through its belief in debt and sin, so that you would always be reborn to ‘repay’.
So you don’t believe in Karma?
Do you?
I believe in becoming a better person. And in fixing the things I think I did wrong.
How can you fix something that you might have done ‘wrong’ in one life when, in the next, you cannot remember at all what it was that you believe you MAY have done wrong in the past?
I said nothing but I knew it was a valid argument. Constant forgetting of our past lives simply leads to repetition of actions which could again lead to yet more Karma. How could we ever step away from that loop?
Your world has a saying, that the definition of insanity is repeating the same actions that brought chaos, and expecting a different result.
Is there an answer then?
There is always an answer.
So, how do the beings in this world exist eternally as you say they do and without Karma?
Karma, right and wrong, moral imperatives, re-incarnation without memory, all of these are aspects of essentially fallen-frequency worlds where the Divine Cosmic Laws have been either forgotten or used only when convenient.
In these worlds here, the Eternal-Internal Worlds, all beings exist in alignment - or attunement - with those laws.
So you do have laws then?
Free Will and The Law of One.
I know about ‘freedom’, we value that greatly on Earth and mostly we have free will, up to a point.
There is very little real freedom in your world. True most people are no longer slaves in chains; but they are still slaves in denial, held captive by invisible shackles!
Well I’m not in any sort of shackles or in denial. I am free to be who I choose to be.
So you never feel guilt - or shame - or doubt - or anxiety about doing the right thing - or duty - or success - or about being ‘in debt’?
Of course I felt all of those things sometimes. ‘Well, nobody is perfect’, I said, staring out into the still blend-merging rainbow vapours around me.
Would you like to feel totally and completely free - in every particle of all you are?
I nodded. Air-That-Sings was right. I wasn’t totally free; free from my own doubts and criticisms of self. In my world that’s just Life.
‘It’s the way it is,’ I thought.
Close your eyes and step into the vapours.
What, just walk out there into them?
Yes, of course. If you wish to know true freedom and joy, step into the vapours and know that they will support you in every way. You will learn something remarkable. IF you have faith in The Living Presence - and in yourself.
I wasn’t sure. Yes, I had faith - in well, in the thing some called ‘god’ etc and I sort of trusted Air-That-Sings but, the doubts closed in. What if I just . . . fell?
I wondered why Air-That-Sings said nothing. He could read my thoughts. He knew my fears. Why didn’t he say something . . . encouraging?
When your children were little, did you want them to believe in themselves . . . or in what someone told them?
I did not answer. I closed my eyes and stepped into the void.
I was remembering an airplane flight I took once and a sudden, fear-fuelling fall of 200 feet in a milli-second that the plane took due to turbulence. I remembered the shrieks, the screams, the baggage-compartments flying open, the stewardess flung into a seat and injuring her back, the chaos and the desperate sense of helplessness as we fell.
But . . . I didn’t fall. I was - suspended. The vapours held me. They swirled about me and I could feel their strength. I looked around for Air-That-Sings but he wasn’t there.
I am here. In the vapours.
Are you holding me up? I feel supported and I can’t explain it.
There is no need for explanations. Just FEEL the experience. Your world demands explanations because it cannot remember trust-in-self.
I suddenly remembered Peter, Jesus’ disciple, and how he walked so nervously on the water until he lost his faith and fell.
I laughed.
I began to love the experience.
I imagined myself walking through the vapours and I did - I moved through them, with them, beside them as they danced around me in mystical, shifting veils and curtains of colour.
Are you ready to truly let go?
What? I had not properly heard the question. I was entranced by the feeling of freedom in all my movements and the heavenly suspension. It was marvellous. I was ecstatic.
Are you ready to truly let go?
I laughed again, sweeping my hands through the kaleidoscopic rainbows of fragrant flows.
‘I thought I had . . . let go. I am walking in the air, Air-That-Sings, and it is wonderful. I could live like this forever.’
And it was true. I wanted to shout, cry, laugh, share this magical experience forever with all those I loved.
You have not fully let go. If you want to experience yourself as All-That-Is, then you should let go - of all that you are.
I stopped swimming around in the flows and as I stopped, they seemed to stop also, as though they were listening and wondering what might happen next.
‘How do I do that? How do I let go even more?’
Close your eyes. Breathe in deeply and allow the flows to BE you; to take you where they choose. You can do this ONLY if you trust.
Trust? Trust in what?
In YOU. In the inner knowing that YOU - are - everything. That YOU create your living experience moment-by-moment.
It sounded so . . . good, so wonderful but, to just let go of ME, my own - my own identity? My own SELF? Part of me whispered that there was a risk, a ‘payback’, an effect of this cause of letting go.
There is always a result in your worlds. The result of fear and the result of being bold, the result even of taking the risk to love.
Don’t you have ‘results’ of your actions in your world?
We create exactly what we want - because - we trust our own Divine Self that Is.
I said nothing. I didn’t want to be rude but I had never been THAT sure about anything in my life; and, come to think of it, I had never been totally sure about ME!
If you choose to stop now, you will be returned to your own realm and this will be only a memory.
It seemed then, as if my whole life flashed before me.
I had heard about this but never experienced it and yet, here I was, suddenly, in a rush of images and remembrances, re-considering the whole pageant of my life and I realised that I had come SO far, I had been through SO much that to just stop THIS revelation and to go back to being the same as I was before just didn’t seem . . . right!
Damn it - it isn’t what I wanted either.
I wanted something . . . something better, something that fulfilled all that I really am - whatever that was. I truly wanted to KNOW - my identity and - to live in a world of . . . LOVE and joy and freedom to just . . . fly - like this - laughing, unencumbered, everywhere with everyone I knew and loved and to share it all with - the universe . . .
And that is when I truly - let go.
I did not fall - I was in a sense, dis-assembled into a trillion pieces and yet - I remained whole.
Yes, our universal realms everywhere are packed with paradoxes, with ‘mirrors’ of our experience, of parallels that are not the same yet appear to be so.
When I say I was dis-assembled, I mean that every particle that makes up my physical body was released and moved - everywhere throughout the cosmos.
I was NOT ‘there’ in the vapour-flows anymore. I could not see my hands, they were gone! But I was there - I KNEW that ME, who I am, remained right ‘there’ within the flows. But now I was - everywhere but just not - visible!
I was separated in a sense from every particle and yet I KNEW I was still connected with them and - I could FEEL them, each one of them, constantly making re-connections with me - but WHAT ‘me’ since I was no longer - assembled - as a physical being?
I could sense every particle’s bond with me. I could feel that, unmistakably, they held ME in great affection and that they were sort of ‘looking for me’!
It was /and is an incredible feeling of togetherness - of affection - of love!
Where am I, Air-That-Sings?
You are where you always were.
Yes but where? I feel that I am existing everywhere in the universe but I am still - aware of ME!
Your Consciousness-of-Self is eternal. Your particles also have a Consciousness-of-Self and theirs is inextricably connected to yours.
You feel their love for you BECAUSE you have consistently shown your love for them over many years.
Can I call them all back into me and be ‘physical’ as I was before?
Of course. Their Consciousness-of-Self depends upon YOU - and yours. They take their instructions from you, so that everything you tell them or feel is transmitted INTO their own awareness.
That was a momentous statement. I was responsible, effectively, for how THEY acted! My particles took their cue from whatever I did or said! OMG!
I let go even more and felt myself literally ‘spread’ into every corner of the Cosmos. It was like I had opened my arms out into every distant space in every universe and was embracing them all with love.
It was an indescribable feeling of connection. And yet - I was here - there - in the heart of the Vapour-Essences.
Can I move my consciousness from here?
Where do you want to go?
I thought for a moment. To the farthest reaches of the known Cosmos.
There are NO ‘unknown’ reaches. There is no end to the realms of Divine Intention and Expression. They are everywhere and eternal.
Can I speak with all my particles no matter where they are?
They can hear you. Speak to them.
I . . . I wanted to tell them that I love them - all of them. And . . . and to say ‘thank you’ for how they have, you know, helped me to be here now.
They are very happy. They love that you love them. They are individual selves of consciousness as you are.
It is just that you are - in essence - their parent, and in loving them, they expand their conscious awareness of themselves AND of their own celestial identity.
And all of this enhances the loving unity of All-That-is.
Indeed, THAT is At-One-Ment; the Omni-Love of Creation - The Absolute Love of Source.
It’s the way it is!
I wondered about that as I lay, stood, swam through the flows of vapour amidst the fragrance of their love and the strength of their union with me.
‘Air-That-Sings, why is there such a difference between my consciousness ME and the consciousnesses of my particles?’
Because YOU are a unique, individuated consciousness of very substantial existence. You have been manifesting in the Lower Domains for a VERY long time in your Earth years. And even longer in other realms.
How long?
All of you who are reading these words have been in physical Earth-existence for at least 206,000 years and many of you for at least 800,000 years. There are two or three here who have existed as Angelic Humans for nearly 4 million years.
It was a lot to take in.
‘How long have we got to go - you know - on Earth?’
Earth is a living being as you are. It is, actually, a Star that has had its Corona-Sphere turned off. It is eternal as you are. It chooses its own destiny - as you do.
‘Will it ever be a star again?’
Yes. It has chosen to be so but not in the space-time coordinates in which it currently exists.
‘Where is it going? Will I be going with her?’
She is ascending along a unique pathway to Urtha 3 in the higher God-Worlds of External Creation. You and all those on this communication-platform are going with her but to different coordinates.
Urtha 3? What on Earth (I laughed as I said this) but what on Earth is ‘Urtha 3’?
Urtha 1 IS the real and original Earth-plane within the original celestial timeline of Creation.
Your ‘Earth’ literally fell into the space-time coordinates of Urtha 1 long ago, as a holographic ‘insert’ but your Earth is NOT a true part of Urtha 1.
Urtha 1 agreed to ‘host’ your ‘fallen’ Earth INTO its planetary system so that she and all your life-fields could continue to survive as conscious aspects of Creation.
Urtha 2 is the original ‘Urtha’ of the next realm beyond, called the Eckasha realm and Urtha 3 is the ‘Urtha’ that exists in the even more distant realm of universes, called the Eckasha A levels of existence.
Each ‘Urtha’ is a member of the same celestial ‘sphere-realm-family’ of Creation.
It sounds as though those realms are very distant from Earth.
In your ‘Earth-terms’ yes they are.
They are hugely separate in terms of what you call, ‘space’ and ‘time’ and yet - in the original reality, they are in precisely the SAME ‘space-time’ but just not the same physical coordinates, or manifesting the same density and spin.
‘Can I ask if those places we are going to are, you know, better places to be than Earth at the moment?’
They are places where all the elements and all the living-beings are expanded in conscious-awareness.
You will re-manifest in those places and in that space-time and with those living-beings who share your Awareness of Self and who resonate with the Divine Cosmic Design.
‘Maybe I could just stay here in the flows?’ I laughed, not being totally serious.
You cannot stay here.
Your destiny and that of all who are reading this, lies on current Earth; to assist her in the transformations she is making. You made a commitment to this long ago and it is nearly fulfilled.
Your breath of life is vital to every living-being on Earth. They look to you to take them all Home.
There was a long silence as I was swept along in the flows and across the universal realms of rainbow sound and ringing light.
It was warm and refreshing, invigorating, restful, healing and exciting and peaceful. I was, for a moment in Time, lost in the Love of Creation.
And now that you have let go and become the Cosmic Essence, it is time for you to visit another realm.
‘Where are we going now?’
To the heart of the highest downstepped realm; The Eckasha Aah worlds of living and invisible light, conscious air and shining inaudible sound.
The worlds out of which YOUR universal, holographic realms were born.
In an instant I was gone from the flows and felt, somehow, lost and lonely and . . . forgotten.
That is a usual emotion when leaving the essence of First Creation; the intent of The God Mind. You can feel, momentarily, ‘lost’.
But it will pass - because you are ALWAYS within that Divine Essence - always.
I looked about me. The voice was different. It wasn’t Air-That-Sings.
No. Air-That-Sings has merged into MY energetic presence.
I am Jha-et’- A Dur-a, The Eternal Flame of Destiny. You may know me as ‘Fire that Moves’.
The voice was different. ‘Air that Sings’ had a melodic, soft timbre. This ‘voice-of-fire’ was literally crackling and its resonance changed in its volume.
I looked around me and felt that I saw this amazing ‘fire-being’ but I wasn’t sure. I thought I glimpsed a sudden flickering of bright red-yellow light and then it was gone.
But I stopped looking for this flame-being as my attention was captivated by what I saw far below me.
It was a vast, slowly rotating, circular platform of glistening gold and silverish light, with what appeared to be an enormous blue-tinted hole in its centre and many bright yellow radiant-pillars sprouting out of the platform and up into the spaces above the moving disc of colour.
I gasped. It was almost alive and it was truly huge.
Outside of the disc was a deep blue expanse, stretching out beyond forever in what I presumed was simply space.
‘It’s an enormous disc!’ I exclaimed. ‘What can it be?’
Some call this The Yunasai God Core or The Point-of-All-Union. It is actually, what we call, a ‘Shield’.
It is in fact, properly known as The Reuchea, Krystallah, Amorea Central Flame - Man U, Azurite Core Crystal.
I thought ‘shields’ were for protection?
They are used for protection in your human world but cosmic shields do more; they hold energetic-frequency, they create cosmic or dimensional movement and they store the collective data-record of race-line or tribal identity.
So I have a sort of ‘tribal-shield’ as well? For my whole race-line?
You also have 5 personal shields, three that spin around your physical body and two more that spin, one above your head and one below your feet. These connect you to Earth and the higher realms.
It is these unseen shields which control the mathematical frequencies of consciousness and which interface them with Eternal Source-Flows to create the standing waves of light and sound which in turn create our holographic reality-fields.
There are darker objects within this shield-disc and seemingly aligned in patterns. What are they?
They are literally millions of star and planetary systems arranged in the form of structured ‘Trees-of-Life’ within Time-Matrices, too many to count.
I studied the immense architecture before me. It was breathtaking.
‘Is our Earth down there?’
It is. But it is too small to view from this distance. It is a part of one of the lowest domains within this structure; one of millions.
It all seems so . . so enormous! I mean, if our Earth is too tiny to see from here, just how big is this structure?
Your Earth-scientists persistently tell you that your universe and the whole Cosmos appears to have certain limits although they do not know.
They tell you that they have photographed your universe and secured heat-maps of the Cosmos but what they have done is to present their 3rd Dimensional and partial 4th Dimensional speculations of part of your Ecka-Veca universe.
They know nothing of the multi-dimensional worlds that exist within and beyond their speculated universe.
They have no idea of the true scale of the Cosmos or of the vast Krystar-Vehicles (orbs) within which every living cosmos exists.
What is the hole in the centre? And those huge yellow-gold pillars that are flashing off and on and moving in some sort of dance all around it?
The ‘hole’ as you call it is The Man U Window; the Zero-Point-Field your scientists talk of yet know little about.
This ‘window’ opens when the 12 Reuche-Sceptre Pillars, the yellow ones, arc down towards it and release the electro-magnetic forces to allow the Amorea Flame to pass out of The Living Presence and down into this structure and all the worlds within it.
Those Reuche Pillars are light-sound columnar standing waves and they are each rotating at super-luminal speeds either clockwise or anticlockwise, depending upon whether they are (in your world-terms) ‘masculine’ or ‘feminine’.
Watch. You will see in a moment. This disc-realm is about to breathe first inwards - and then out.
Again, I seemed to hold my breath as I watched the gargantuan cosmic construction slowly rotating below me.
And suddenly, soundlessly, the 12 yellow-gold pillars arced down towards each other as the The Man U window beneath them seemed to shimmer almost violently.
Was I watching the destruction of worlds - or their birth? I was entranced.
And then I was shocked!
A shatteringly bright flame of light appeared out of the void above the structure, as if literally from nowhere and thrust its thick, massive charge of truly brilliant power down through the Man U window, and into the unseen depths of the worlds below.
The whole disc began to vibrate and this time I could hear a sound like a choir of voices similar to bells but I couldn't be sure. It was both enormous in its volume and yet, strangely, celestial, in its effect upon me. Indeed, I was quickly moved to tears and wondered why.
The ‘feminine’ magnetic force of God-Intention has been inhaled INTO the shield-structure, so that the Amorea Flame of Eternal Life-Force can move from The Living Presence of The Living Essence down into all the worlds of this Yunasai God-Core Architecture.
‘Am I living, right now in my physical body on Earth as this happens?’
I was transfixed by the whole unbelievable drama of cosmic beauty and power and the magnificent, magisterial movement of the whole spectacle with the coruscating pillar of silver-golden light in the centre of it all.
You ARE still physically on Earth but what you are seeing is the precise moment in your Earth’s recent history when the first SAC (Stellar Activation Cycle or ascension-energy) for 210,000 years, was manifested on January 1st 2000 A.D.
Your physical form is ‘down there’ as you watch, and as you existed on New Year’s Day 2000 A.D.
I was stunned by the information. This drama before me had already happened nearly 25 years ago!
‘So this vast flame of energy is racing down into Earth as I watch?
In a sense yes. It spirals down and then back up through all the realms of External Creation, where you are and into the God-Worlds you see here.
‘And this happens all the time? Everywhere in our cosmos?
The flow of this conscious energy is eternal but the ‘breathing’ in and out take place over enormous passages of ‘Time’ as you call it.
The Yunasai-Shield first breathes in magnetically contracting The Living Presence energy into every particle.
Then it will breathe outwards, thrusting its masculine, electrical energies OUT and into all the universes to expand God-Expression into the worlds of creation.
I realised, with surprise then, that the whole structure beneath me was literally alive; alive with its own conscious-awareness of self, so all the universes and all the stars and all the planets must also be alive with their own conscious-awareness of self.
Everything is alive. Even the artificial creations of your world are alive in some sense because they are composed of particles of The Living Presence.
The only difference with artificially created elements is the fact that they cannot hold a God-Seed Atom or Spark of The Living Flame that you see here below you; that unique flame of pure-consciousness that you have and that you were created out of.
In THAT sense then, those artificial creations are no longer fully alive. They are disconnected from the true Source of Creation.
But, of course, those in your world who create such incredibly clever mechanisms, are wholly unaware of the impact and the divinity of pure-consciousness. They have not fathomed the ineffable dynamic of anything celestial.
I imagined myself far away and back in time, down there on Earth on that New Year’s Day nearly 25 years ago. I tried to remember what I was doing; what was happening in the world, how I was feeling?
I wondered if I would be trapped on Earth forever, never to expand my heart and soul into some of the fantastic worlds I could see shimmering beneath me.
My mind and my imagination had been marvellously expanded by all I had seen. I wanted to see more, to know more about how the universes worked and about me and my destiny and where I would visit next in my voyage through space and time.
The pillar of living light or First Cause Light, passes into every particle of Creation and circulates through the whole cosmic design in a back-flow-return of energy - a Krystal Spiral of Living Consciousness - which sustains all life perpetually throughout the holographic worlds.
You mean we are all supposed to be eternal? That we don’t die?
YOU - your consciousness - is eternal. And there is no ‘death’ or, in fact, ‘birth’ - there is only - change of form, within which your eternal consciousness perpetually exists.
Your choice is always do you wish to KNOW - and REMEMBER - all of who you are?
You create your form through your intent - and how you express your conscious-awareness of Self forms the process by which you may ascend or descend into holographic worlds.
The Law of Free Will allows all choices.
I watched on, still enthralled by the sight of the vast disc exploding with light and sound and movement, like a gigantic blue-yellow-golden-orange controlled firework-display beneath me.
‘How big is this. . . this disc-thing?
I thought I detected a slight giggle from ‘Fire that Moves’.
Well, it is not a ‘thing’. It is a cosmic ‘container’ if you like, within which resides YOUR Eckasha Aah Kristos 6 Platforms of Perception and ALL the millions of universes sustained BY this cosmic structure.
What are the 6 Platforms of Perception?
They are the Harmonic Universes through which your Divine Consciousness - your Tru-ah Self as God-Source - passes through in its journey into the holographic realms of experience and back out again.
There are 6 of these ‘experiential’ platforms, with the last of them standing at the very entrance to The Original God-Source, All-That-Is.
Your incarnate, Earth-Self, the ‘you’ that is listening to me, exists in the very first of these Harmonic Universes, in the lowest frequency-resonance of conscious-expression.
I was thoughtful again as I watched the vast disc slowly moving as if it were a colossal clock-face!
In a sense it IS a ‘clock’. It operates on what we call The Cosmic Clock of Time, although in fact, in the Yunasai, there is no Time.
‘So, what’s the cosmic time now then?’
It was a silly question and I felt momentarily stupid for asking it but ‘Fire That Moves’ ignored me.
There are Cycles of Creation throughout the Yunasai Core.
A Star-Born Cycle, a 15-Day Creation Cycle, Quadrants that move in specific sequences around a 360 degree space-time construct and Octaves of ‘time’ that move faster, yet always as part of the expansion-contraction and intention-expression process that exists everywhere in the Cosmayah.
So, indeed, there is a ‘clock’ concept operating deep within the structures of space-time.
It seems as though there truly IS a divine cosmic design - everywhere - and that I am part of it.
Fire That Moves crackled his answer back at me with sudden power.
You ARE that power - in your true essence - and you can manifest it once you fully realise it and transcend the awareness of self that has STOPPED you from perceiving your true identity.
It sounds so encouraging and so simple to do and yet, in my life on Earth, it is not so easy or believable. I have one moment believed and been full of the determination to manifest and then, the next moment, I lose my confidence and I no longer believe.
Your Earth and her universal systems once enhanced such natural creative powers but for many eons she has been controlled by very low-frequency forces which have shifted the spins and angles of energetic flow and distorted the shields and reversed the frequencies of creation.
They have also distorted many of your physical systems and deeply affected your DNA, thus cancelling many memories of Self and changing your physical, emotional and mental bodies.
Can we ever return ourselves to what we really are?
Can we repair all the damage done to us and our Earth?
Can we fulfil a better destiny, full of love and joy and freedom and laughter and togetherness?
You are a Flame-being. Like me. Your destiny is to create as a flame; as all those flames you see within the shield-core below.
As the Reuche-Sceptre Flames create and breathe and expand and contract; that is your Destiny of Joy. To create with the Flame of Loving Intent, the ‘flame’ that you call ‘desire’.
I didn’t fully innerstand. But I wanted to know - I wanted to know the way into love and joy - eternally - the way I just knew it was always meant to be.
‘Can you show me a world where I could live in joyous harmony? Is there one like that? Somewhere? Down there?’
I stared down into the shield of colour and sound. If I was also down there, then perhaps I might also be - somewhere else! Somewhere - better?
Yes, there are many worlds that you inhabit.
Your soul-essence exists within many worlds, not just Earth. That holds your incarnate self but you have many more selves - and you will be shown them - and they will know you.
But it will not be me who reveals these secrets to you. Another will show you these in another space-time coordinate.
Your journey into Creation will take you to the worlds of some of your other selves and it will also reveal to you what happened to your Earth - and why you have been incarnated as you are in the times that you have.
Your mission is celestial and you are awakening to the majestic purpose you long ago promised to fulfil in love and unity of The One.
And in the next moments your consciousness will manifest in another world; amongst the beings of Air and of Water.
Smiles and Tears of Joy, they are the best words the heart can speak. Thank You Dave <3
✨🙃✨❤️❤️❤️✨👍🌏🕊 Thanks Dave! A wonderful read and very timely for me personally..and others I’m sure. 🥰