You are here. Open your eyes angelic being.
I took another fast in-breath.
I was no longer suspended above the colossal shield of The Yunasai.
I was suspended inside a world of . . . light and water!
‘Where am I?’ I asked of the presence beside me.
You are in another world.
Let us call it The World of Aquareion. It exists in another Eckasha Universe far from Earth and long ago in the very distant past.
Can I live here . . . safely? I don’t swim so good!
I stared at the shifting currents of aquamarine, deep blue, shimmering greens and pinks and yellows. It was beautiful but - it was a water-world.
The presence beside me - I couldn’t see it but I knew it was there - it seemed to suddenly laugh for I heard a gentle tinkling sound and the air around me vibrated very softly.
You Angelics - you are so delightful!
The air vibrated again and the tinkling returned with the water before me literally bubbling as if too were laughing!
‘I . . I didn’t mean disrespect,’ I said. ‘It’s just that I am a sort of ‘land’ animal. I like water but really only to drink it!’
But - you ARE ‘water’! In fact, you are - everything - you are composed of all 144 sacred, living elements.
I had been told this before and yet I was still momentarily shocked.
‘I am 144 living elements?’ I questioned. ‘Is that all?’
This time I KNEW the presence was laughing and the water around me was suddenly filled with the cascading energy of crystal bubbles and glittering streams of rushing currents.
Have no fears, for you are truly more than that - you are Pure-Consciousness of The Self that IS - All-there-is.
It means that you exist - and therefore that you are safe - everywhere.
I thought that I quite liked this presence. Not that I didn't respect the other presence but this one seemed more . . . more human!
Well, thank you dear Angelic. We like you too. And - we remember you from forever in your past-future.
I was confused by that. It seemed impossible to place the future in the same ‘space’ as the past. But then, I had discovered that - on this journey - nothing was as it appeared.
That is so true.
In our primal identity as The One there is no confusion. Yet once we manifest our celestial self into the outer realms, it is easy to forget who we are.
And to become unsure about what is - and what is not.
‘Can we get lost out here - in these outer realms? I know that I have been ‘lost’ often and that I wonder - and feel so sad - about losing my way.’
Oh yes, you can get lost. We all do, at some time get lost in our heavenly journey.
‘YOU have been lost?’. I was deeply shocked. How could such a divine energy get lost?
There is no difference between you and I - and all of us around you. We are all of the same unique and divine essence.
‘But you seem so . . so omniscient. I mean, almost ‘god-like’. How could YOU get lost?’
You know, you really ought to stop looking at everything in terms of what you believe is their ‘status’!
What do you mean?
I mean that you view me as being ‘omniscient’ and give respect because of that ‘status’ but, if you do that then perhaps you are NOT giving respect to another being because of its apparent ‘lesser’ status.
If that were true, then you are still locked into the lower-frequency concepts of the lower-domain worlds whose conscious-awareness is based mostly upon the hierarchy of control and NOT of Oneness-of-All.
It made sense to me.
‘Sorry,’ I said. ‘You're right, of course you are.’
And another thing.
Please stop apologising all the time. It reveals a lack of self-esteem. It is a demonstration of low self-respect.
‘Sorry!’ I said, as what seemed like a gale of water-based laughter engulfed the coloured elements around me.
Suddenly I felt myself becoming embarrassed.
‘I was simply showing respect!’ I never wish to offend anyone.
You CANNOT offend any being who knows who they are. In your world ‘respect’ is usually a hidden, behavioural rule designed to establish or assert control.
It is a learned geo-social protocol for beings who do NOT know who they really are.
Respect in your world is often a masquerade of posture, movement and friendliness behind which there is no genuine love.
Momentarily I was lost for words!
‘But I try always to respect everyone - and everything. Well, I do now.
I innerstand. I know you do - and yet in the expanded worlds where conscious-awareness is natural, our ‘respect’ as you call it and which is expressed by you in so many ‘sorry’s’; our respect is genuine love - which means in these worlds you are now in you will NEVER hear an apology.
I was silent. I wasn’t sure whether I had been taught something valuable - or reprimanded for being ‘disrespectful’!
More laughter arose in the crystal water around me and I felt a little confused.
My dear and tender-hearted Angelic. Be now not concerned - or confused!
Every particle of consciousness here LOVES you and your refreshingly different way of thinking and expressing. We are all truly - enchanted - and the waters wish to thank you - for being so wonderfully - YOU!
I felt almost absurdly pleased and very nearly blushed.
The waters also say that you are a very loving Angelic and they want you to meet the beings that move through our oceans. They know you will be very fascinated.
And instantly I was transported out of the warm, crystal waters of my landing-place and I was standing upon a silver beach with aquamarine colours moving in waves before me and whispering their way onto the sands around my feet.
This is Hydrolase. You have met it many times before.
This Hydrolase IS the Krystal Water of First Creation. It is a celestial, living organism.
All of the waters of your Earth were once Hydrolase like this.
‘It is truly amazing.’ I couldn’t help but be transfixed by its beauty.
I began to lean down and put out my hand to scoop some of the crystal-water up when suddenly a stream of it jumped up towards my hand and splashed itself into it.
‘Wow!’ I stepped back in shock. ‘It’s alive!’
The air about me began to literally sing and tremble.
‘Don’t tell me! I made someone laugh again!’
Indeed, you did! And these waters ARE alive. They have a personality. Each molecule of them exists as unique and free, yet always conjoined in joy as the one.
Although they are individuals, they are also of the whole.
And this means that they all know you - even the waters a million miles away now. The molecules all know you.
That is the way in the higher worlds of expanded conscious-awareness of self.
I studied the water in my hand. It shouldn’t have revealed any colour, now being in a puddle in my hand, but it still did hold its magically bright aquamarine colour.
We call it ‘Aqualene’, after the ‘Aqualene Sun’ which is shining up there above us and between those two other suns on either side of it.
I looked up at the vault of the sky which was like no other I had ever seen - at least not in my lifetime.
It was blue for sure and yet it had pink and pale green and then silver and then gold streaks and wisps within it and all moving swiftly through it, as though in a celestial dance of coloured joy. It was captivating.
I saw the Aqualene Sun in the centre of the sky as a green, blue iridescent orb and glowing, pulsing light which seemed golden in its core. It was majestically beautiful.
The other two suns were bright silver yet seemingly covered in a softly shining cloak of thin mist.
I was mesmerised. ‘I could look at that forever,’ I whispered.
Of course. But not now. Now you have to meet some other amazing beings.
‘Ok’, I said as I shook the small pool of hydrolase from my hand, except - it didn’t leave! It stayed on my hand as a tiny blue puddle!
I tried shaking it off again, this time more firmly.
There was laughter everywhere and I looked up to see the waters out in the bay before me all heaving up and down and making a splishing sound that resembled tiny bells ringing in the distance.
‘I seem to be a bit of a comedian in your world. Every being seems to find me funny!’
Oh they do - but only in a nice and loving way. They don’t meet beings like you every day! And they really like you.
Mmm, I hope they spread the word!
They already have. Every particle of consciousness in every being in this world already knows that you are here - and that you are a unique and uniquely loveable being.
I didn’t know what to say. I was almost . . yet again . . embarrassed.
The water in your hand. It wants to stay there and that is good. It is healing water. It is the Hydrolase that Heals. It is actually a part of ME!
I stared at my hand. The hydrolase was moving around in my palm and was sometimes cool and sometimes warm but it didn’t seem . . wet! I admit that it felt - weird!
A great many things you see here will feel very strange. But remember, it is YOUR world that is strange.
What you experience in these higher-frequency domains is the natural order of Life everywhere. As it was meant to be. There is ‘difference’ yes - we call it ‘contrast’ - but essentially everything follows the Divine Design.
‘Our Earth can be very beautiful,’ I said. ‘But some places and some aspects of life there are dark and unpleasant’.
None of that is natural. And your purpose here and now is to relearn what IS natural and how celestial your existence really is; or rather, how it was MEANT to be.
You are here to remember why you chose to manifest in the lower-domains - and who you truly are.
‘I’m not sure I can learn to be like you and all the beings here in this amazing world. You seem so different and I feel so, well, mostly NOT at all like you and not able to be so . . . wonderful.
And yet, as you were told before, when you speak to your own children, you tell them to believe in themselves and that they are wonderful. You strangely seem to NOT believe it about yourself!
I didn’t have an answer to that. What can one say in the face of a certain truth?
Hydrolase That Heals seemed to smile and laugh again.
No matter dear loving Angelic. Let us speak with someone who can explain more than I. After all, I am elemental, structured Hydrolase and NOT a matter-being of the lower-domains.
And in an instant, I was deep within the waters of the bay before me and surrounded by moving plants and multi-colored fish, all of which kissed their pouting lips near me as the swimming plants draped their fronds of sinuous shape around my legs and arms and across my face.
For a moment I panicked and my heart seemed to stop beating. I tried to breathe but, of course, I couldn’t. I felt that I was going to faint. I became, in one instant, terrified.
As if frozen in time all the water-beings stopped their movements and the water became solid.
I breathed again, powerfully and yet still through the fear of my sudden experience.
How could I suddenly breathe?
I have transformed the water into crystal. And you have a small pocket of the air you feel you must have in order to breathe.
‘I’m sorry . . . I . . I felt I was going to drown. I just didn’t know what to do and I panicked’.
We innerstand and we are all loving you and supporting you.
I could move my head and as I did so the crystalised water relaxed its grip upon me so that I could turn my whole body slowly and see the fish and the other creatures all suspended around me.
‘Are they all - are they ok? I . . I apologise for interrupting their dance’.
I was staring at one huge green fish in front of me and suddenly a large bubble of crystal slowly emerged out of its mouth and moved very gently up the crystal interface between us.
I almost laughed.
Are they all still . . . alive, in the crystal-water?
But of course. They are wholly aligned with the Hydrolase and have learned to breathe out of water and within it. Just as YOU can”!
I can?
I didn’t dare try. The experience I had just had screamed in my head and the fear lay lurking inside my heart-space.
But you have been an aquatic being many times. Just as you have been an ‘avian’ and can fly.
You need to meet someone who will help you AND, I want you to trust me first in all I say and then learn to trust YOU. You can do this ONLY when you truly remember - who you are.
And before I could object or even get prepared for what was about to happen, the hydrolase changed from the solid yet pliable crystal form it was in, back into water.
I was about to sink into panic again, when a slender arm with a graceful hand appeared before me and caressed my face.
I turned slightly to my left and there she was; a mermaid!
I opened my mouth to speak simply because I was SO shocked that I forgot I was underwater!
In that moment the mermaid smiled and I became entranced by, not just her presence, but her most astounding beauty.
You can speak to me in your way. It is fine and it is natural. Speak. I wish to hear you speak to me.
She drew her long-fingered hand down from my face and held my hand, moving away with me as she looked over her shoulder . . . as . . I spoke to her!
I could breathe - right there - under the water of this strange yet marvellously magical world.
‘Are you a mermaid?’ I asked, no longer concerned about breathing or drowning or feeling at all stupid. I was shocked at her size for she must have been at least 15 feet in length.
In your world and in almost all of your cultures yes, I am a ‘mermaid’. My race-line was once upon your world until other energies forced us to leave.
She began to swim, still holding my hand, and I thought nothing of it. It seemed now so - natural.
And anyway, I was simply captivated by her amazing form, colours, grace, and yes - beauty.
She had immensely long red-golden hair which stretched out behind her as she swam and some of the strands of it touched my face.
Her back was of a silver-green sheen and shone in the crystal waters and her immense tail fanned out as she slid sinuously through the fish-filled waters.
I was swimming alongside her yet slightly behind and I began to feel joyous about the movements I was making through the Hydrolase. I felt free in a sense that I had never felt before. It was wonderful. I could feel the surge of ecstasy rising from deep within; that knowing that I can achieve and be and do - anything!
OMG it was SO amazing!
Without thinking I spoke to her.
‘Thank you for . . well, thank you for saving my life!’
How I spoke I have no idea but it wasn’t with words from my mouth. I was breathing in the hydrolase and then breathing out totally normally it seemed but my words were all telepathic connections.
She turned her fabulous face towards me and smiled, revealing small yet perfectly white teeth amidst a shining countenance with deep-green-crystal eyes and lips that were tiny, yet brilliant red.
She laughed then and her eyes seemed to contain a mischievous look.
I have not saved your life or anything about you.
An iridescent-colored fish the size of my hand suddenly swooped up to my face and literally ‘kissed’ my cheek.
The Mermaid laughed again and the tone was a tinkling sound of delight.
Everyone here loves you. You have quite perfectly made our day!
I began to really enjoy the passion of my movement through the hydrolase.
I quickly learned that if I wanted to go faster I would think it and the hydrolase would become less dense! I mean it. And if I wanted to zoom around and go slower the hydrolase would become more viscous so I seemed to be almost hovering! It was - truly - magical!
Suddenly we were joined by a different presence!
It was a merman! And he must have been at least 20 feet in length.
He swam up and literally winked at me!
I think I gasped at the unexpected nature of the greeting and seeing me do that he laughed.
A huge shoal of silver-rainbow fish that had been following me as one, suddenly broke up into a million separate beings and flittered about me as though they too were laughing!
The merman swam muscularly up to the mermaid and she turned, smiled and threw her other arm across his shoulders.
Then they kissed!
Mermaid seemed to know what I was thinking!
He is my Twin - we have been together in this world for thousands of your Earth-years.
He was larger than her, with deep-black hair and, as I said, he was muscular, with a more golden-brown sheen to his form which was longer in the tail.
I thought they looked an amazing couple and it was impossible not to admire his powerful form and speed through the water.
We are nearly there.
Of course, I had no idea where ‘there’ was but within seconds I knew.
We are at the land of the Water-Deity.
I wondered what that would be like but more vitally, I wondered how I was going to climb up onto that cliff -face above me that we had reached. It seemed sheer and vast in its blue-grey bulk.
The shoals of fish and individual gargantuan creatures all stopped at the base of the cliffs and milled around, sometimes gently brushing against me as if they wanted to know what I felt like!
You will be able to bypass these walls.
She spoke with a confidence I didn’t feel.
My twin will show you. Swim fast as you can at the walls and then - imagine jumping.
I looked suddenly around and saw Merman swim in a rapidly undulating fashion at the walls and thought he was for sure going to shatter his form against the rock-face but he suddenly flipped and disappeared!
The fish around me all swirled and twirled as if in appreciation at the feat just as Mermaid spoke again.
Now I will show you. And remember - here you are as all of us are - The Divine Expression of All-That-Is.
Then she too raced her wondrously writhing body fast towards the cliff-face and disappeared in a cascade of white water and descending crystalline particles.
The fish cavorted again in excited fashion but I was not excited. I was concerned and wondered about my newly-found swimming skills. Would they be enough? Would I be enough?
Yes - you will always be enough - if you know who you really are.
The sound of this advice was deep; deeper in tone than anything I had ever heard that could be construed as a ‘voice’.
It was a sound which travelled into my particles not as words but as a collection of crisp clicks and booms and yet - I KNEW what was being said! It was uncanny but it was as if I was listening to the loving words of a vastly ancient being.
I looked around to see the source of the sounds and beside me appeared, out of the blue-green crystal Hydrolase, an enormous whale-like creature with an eye right beside me that must have been the size of a bright-blue London bus!
It stared at me yet I was not afraid at all of this vast being of blue-grey mountainous scale that seemed to hover right beside me.
The tenderness and wisdom of the look the creature returned to me was . . well, it was comforting and made me feel as though I was safe and innerstood and loved - more than ever I had felt in my lifetime, beyond even my loving mother or my protective father.
This feeling was - celestial. It seemed to dive deep into my soul-senses and embrace the whole of all that I was, all that I am and all that I could ever be.
I knew not what to say - or think - about this majestically huge creature yet I noted that all the fish and the dolphins and other unknown beings swam excitedly around the giant and gently touched it every so often.
They seemed to revere it in some way and I could imagine their reasons for the loving energy and wisdom of the whale felt as though they were invested into the very structure of the world I was within.
You are a most loved Angelic.
The deep tones of enveloping energy filled my heart and I forgot everything else, except wanting to experience as much of this deep-core, elemental, life-giving force.
I did not know really what to say but I began anyway.
‘Are you a whale?’
Once more I created mirth amongst the marine members of this world. Some dolphins actually somersaulted around me and one even pirouetted in ecstasy.
‘Have I said something wrong?’ I asked.
I was mortified. I would never wish to offend such a gracious and ancient presence.
I am not a whale - and we are not at all offended.
A dolphin came up to me and clicked its message about something or other to me. I was not sure, but it seemed to smile as it did so.
Alanea thinks you are quite the nicest being to visit our world in a VERY long time.
I guessed Alanea was the dolphin that smiled at me! So I smiled back at her silver-spaceship shape swimming around me and she did a flip I thought, maybe just for me.
I looked back at the vast eye that still stared at me.
I am known here in this world as ‘Grandfather’. That is the closest title I can give you that your world would comprehend.
Mentally I said ‘hello’ and then a ‘thank you for speaking with me’.
You’re welcome!
Immediately there was more laughter amongst the inhabitants of that beautiful green-blue crystal water-hydrolase.
I guessed they were laughing because it was a comment we use on Earth a lot! How did they know?
They know everything that you know. In these realms there are no secrets. All is known and so too are all feelings.
For a moment I hoped they could not ‘see’ or know all that I felt or said or had done throughout my life. I would not ever want that.
The things that you have said and done and thought and created in all your lifetimes in every realm are recorded yet they are never judged - except only by you.
It is YOU dear Angelic who judges all you are. It is YOU who manifests the consciousness you choose. It is YOU who creates the realities of your perception.
Grandfather’s wisdom was comforting in a strange sense for me. I had not been advised in such a way before.
‘I often wonder, Grandfather, who I really am and where I truly came from.’
It was a genuine and heartfelt comment. Sometimes the world I lived in and the life that I had been leading were confusing and contentious and often commanded me to be and do and feel in ways that pulled me away from who I imagined I truly was.
All the Source-Beings on your world can be confused, my dear Angelic. Confusion is a part of many Lower-Domain worlds. It is how they have come to create.
‘Some on our world say that we came to Earth just to learn lessons and to suffer and to experience all the unpleasant things so that we can appreciate the Divine. Is that true?’
No - it is not true. All worlds created by the All-That-Is have a Divine Design and it is based upon Absolute Love-in-Joy-in-Oneness of All.
‘Then how did Earth become so . . . so difficult a place to live?’
Every world created by the Pillar of First Cause Light holds 12 probabilities - 12 purposeful futures - and the living-beings, including the orb-world itself can choose which probability they want.
These choices are governed by the Divine Design of Free-Will.
‘I cannot ever imagine then how Earth could have chosen such an unfortunate future for itself. There is beauty and joy and love there but it is heavily surpassed by despair and death and sadness.’
We know of this and we know from whence this choice came - long ago - for our world was affected by it too.
I wondered how Earth came to be so different from the Divine Design.
Free-Will allows all choices, even those which may create the very opposite of the Divine. This must be so or there would not be Free-Will.
In our world there seem to be so many ‘opposites’ and so many ‘parallel’, often paradoxical choices.
Your world has become, like many others, ‘mirror-worlds’, which reveal the natural parallels as distortions. Your concepts of ‘love’ for example, and of ‘value’. They have many times been re-created as misrepresentations of their original intent.
‘Where do I really come from Grandfather?’
Originally and long ago and more eons than you might ever imagine, you came from this matrix of worlds called The Aquareion Matrix, far, far away in space-time from your world.
It sounds like the name we give on Earth to what we call the ‘Aquarius’ sign.
Grandfather blinked and his eye took on an even more kindly expression.
In that your world is right; you are of the Aquari-US world - all Oraphim Angelics are of US in this matrix-universe.
He said nothing for a moment and the ocean-realm we floated in was also suddenly silent.
In your world I believe that even now you say that you are existing in The Age of Aquarius and this would be true for you are returning that beautiful water-world called Earth BACK to the wonders of the Aquareion Matrix as it is now, deep in our Cosmic past.
Back then, did we look like I do now?
The waters bubbled again with burbled laughter and the realm burst back into vibrant movement.
Oh no!
Grandfather’s immense bulk seemed to shake with laughter.
The Oraphim were very beautiful but not very much like you at all. A little, in your most angelic moments, but Oraphim bodies were very different - and much bigger!
They were first created as an Anuhazi intent 430 billion years ago, here in our vast realm, but then refined through genetic association 250 billion years ago with The Azurite feline-hominids, the avian-hominids and the inyu-cetaceans.
‘But that means I am a cat, a bird and a dolphin!’
At this the whole water-world erupted in a cacophony of cascading waves and bubbles and frantic fish spinning and wheeling around me in glee!
They were clearly hysterical in their impassioned amusement!
Even Grandfather shook his enormous frame in a grand, gargantuan manner.
No - and of course - yes!
You, as an Angelic Human, hold within your genome the unique qualities of all those species.
You were designed to BE and to re-manifest, the ultimate reclamation of the lost codes and the forgotten ways of The Krist-Code structure that holds all of our matrix-worlds together.
This is why so many other species of Life have chosen to incarnate into your world as Angelic Humans; to receive the codes of their original existence and this is why Angelics are so loved and celebrated throughout the many worlds of illusion.
It is a code that in many worlds was attacked and distorted so greatly that a way had to be found to recover the celestial architecture of all our realms and The Oraphim were the chosen answer.
‘But why am I not called an ‘Oraphim’? You and many others here call me an ‘Angelic’.
Because all Angelics and especially their Indigo selves were created OUT of that pre-ancient Oraphim race-line nearly 600 million years ago and manifested first from Dimensions 6 and 7 and 8 and 9 in your Time-Matrix.
You are The Living Presence’s gift to all of our worlds to help re-forge the reclamation of the Divine Heavenly Holographic Structure.
I was quite shocked. ‘But this is a very great responsibility for us all then.’
Oh indeed it is but it is one which we all know that you can fulfil. Every being in our world here knows that with YOU in our Cosmic realms, we can one day soon return to living as we were always meant.
Indeed, when you succeed in your mission, then we shall all return to the Original timeline-future that was divinely designed.
I was about to ask yet another question when Grandfather hushed me gently.
Now it is time for you to return to our earthen worlds and meet your pre-ancient ancestors and also to commune with The Deity of All The Waters of Life.
I suddenly thought of the vast rock-face lurking in the distance.
And, no, you will not have to jump out of this ocean. I shall take you.
On Grandfather’s instructions I clung with both hands to one of his enormous fins and slowly we rose to the surface of the waters.
The fish and the dolphins came with us until all were splashing and frolicking around on the choppy, foaming surface.
I stared out across the hydrolase and saw that Mermaid and her merman were standing on a silver beach about 300 yards away. I guessed I would have to swim the distance but felt that was better than trying to jump a cliff-face!
No need to swim, dear Angelic, boomed Grandfather. You can walk!
I looked down at the surface still heaving with moving water and equally moving life-forms! I wondered how I could walk across them all! My mind whispered that I would be like St. Peter!
Grandfather laughed again and I nearly lost my grip of his fin!
Yes you will be like St. Peter. Except this time you will have significant assistance!
As he said this the hydrolase changed its form and became like pure, hardened crystal. I stepped down onto its surface and marvelled.
It was cool to the touch and firm yet it also softened very slightly as I put my whole weight upon it. It was amazingly beautiful for I could see down into the depths below as I walked and I could see the fishes and dolphins all following beneath the solidified crystal.
I turned to see Grandfather wink his huge eye and slide beneath the surface.
I shouted my thanks and also that the Hydrolase was heavenly and like no water I had ever seen on Earth.
His reply streamed into my mind and I will never forget it.
Hydrolase is the Water of Life and is the only water that can survive existence on orb-worlds for it holds itself together as one particle, through its divine intent.
And with that, the huge cetacean was gone, back into the depths of his blue-green realm.
I was sad to see him go but turned back to the shore when I heard Mermaid shout. She was waving at me as her merman stood silently with his muscular arms folded. It was then that I noticed that they had lost their enormous tails!
It took but moments to jog across the solidified Hydrolase and reach the beach. I turned to say thank you to the Hydrolase as it changed its form once again, back into water.
As I gave my thanks, it spouted a colossal geyser of crystal water high into the air above me and seconds later I was totally drenched in its spray!
Mermaid and Merman laughed and embraced with joy. Clearly they enjoyed my surprise at the ‘blessing’ given by the Hydrolase!
I pointed to their newly-created legs.
‘My dear friends, you no longer have your tails. You have human legs instead!’
Mermaid giggled. ‘Legs are better on land’, she smiled. ‘And so we manifested them as soon as we land-ed!’
I laughed too and then I asked about ‘Grandfather’.
He is Inyu-Cetacean, the grandest, most wise water-being in the cosmic holograms. There is an aspect of him in every universal realm of the External Worlds.’
Then, quite surprisingly, Merman also spoke, and in an almost sing-song manner.
‘The Grandfathers of the worlds, hold structures together.
Their scalar-wave powers sustain planets forever.’
I was impressed but had no words to offer so I was silent for a moment and in that time-space, Mermaid spoke instead.
We must go. The Water-Deity awaits you as do some Oraphim from the deep past of our future times.
‘Is it far?’ I asked, wondering if I would have to walk a long way.
Not far for us since we have lived upon this huge realm all our lives but for a ‘human’ such as you, yes, it IS a long way.’
There was silence between us as Mermaid watched my enquiring expression.
‘About 5,000 miles in Earth-terms,’ she added.
She saw my shocked face and offered comfort. ‘But be not concerned, for we have help.’
She pointed into the sky above and as I shaded my eyes from the triple sunshine, my heart leapt within me as I saw three enormous winged horses, white, brown and black, swing down towards us and land lightly some distance away. The black one pawed the ground in seeming impatience.
I was entranced and also wondering if my eyes had deceived me.
These are Pegasi, very beautiful and wise ‘deer-beings’. With their help we shall make the distance before evening.’
I became somewhat nervous again, since the last time I had ridden a horse , when I was young, I fell off!
Merman shook his head in disbelief and then laughed as he swung himself up onto the black horse.
You will not fall off this great creature,
It’s holding power is its most wonderful feature!
Even I laughed at that, although I had NO idea what he meant!
Mermaid took the white horse and somehow their choices seemed appropriate. I took the brown horse which was, thankfully, somewhat smaller than the other two gigantic beings!
I didn’t know how to get up there and I did try a pathetic jump-attempt but hit the horse’s wing tip causing the horse to neigh and Merman to laugh again; this time uproariously!
My horse dipped its wing down to me and Mermaid instructed me to climb along it and onto the creature's neck, which I did.
I grabbed the horse’s mane which was full and coarse to touch. I imagined that I MIGHT be able to hang on as long as the steed did not indulge in any turbulent behaviours!
I was working hard to calm my feelings of tension when, perfectly suddenly, my legs and hands felt strangely controlled.
I looked down at them and gasped. Both legs and both hands were seemingly now a PART of the horse’s body! I could see neither hands or legs but only my thighs and arms from the wrist up!
I was almost dumbstruck but managed to utter a strangled cry.
‘Er, hello Mer-people, I seem to have lost my hands and legs! Is this normal?’
Merman laughed, shook his head again, lifted his enormous beast into the air and flew off into the vault above.
Mermaid drew her horse alongside mine.
First-time riders become part of the horse’s body. It’s safer that way for beings, like you dear Angelic, who have never even seen such a flying creature! And, it CAN get very thrilling up there in the sky-world.
She turned her horse away and lifted off to follow her merman, leaving me to seriously consider what she meant by the word, ‘thrilling’!
I was about to imagine all sorts of things when, suddenly, my horse took flight and I believe I yelled some words I cannot now remember!
And yet - up there - in the blue-pink, golden air of an unknown sky I felt - peaceful!
Yes, it was unfathomable, but I had a feeling of peace and calm about me once I realised that I WAS, truly, a part of the creature beneath me that flew so effortlessly and so fast and so serenely through the air.
I looked down and gasped as I seemed always to do in this strange yet magical world.
I was thousands of feet up and could see - forever.
There were mountains in the furthest distance, looking blue-grey and white-topped, valleys of luminous green, rivers that cascaded silver and blue crystal waters shimmering in the light of the three amazing suns above.
I began to laugh and breathed in the flowing air that pushed my hair backwards and which seemed to ripple through every particle of me.
I had no idea of the height we were flying at but it was surely still thousands of feet up and then, suddenly, we rose fast again and I yelled some more suitable exclamations as we were forced to gain height to scale the appearance of trees that were unimaginably huge!
These trees were beyond enormous and if we had not risen we would certainly have crashed into their upper branches.
I stared down into the forested canopy below and realised that these trees must have been at least 10,000 feet in height. And if they were THAT height, then I wondered just how large their massive bulk must have been.
That is the Forest of Forever!
It was Mermaid, reading my thoughts.
It is called that because for as long as this world has existed, beings have lived within and around those great trees. Even humanoid beings like you live in the trunks and tops of those wise and grand beings.
I was enthralled and stared down trying to see some signs of life and maybe even tiny homes within the trees.
Your world too once gave birth to trees of this size and benevolence - until your world was taken over by The Path of Chaos.
I remembered seeing strange pictures on Earth of what some said were truly gigantic trees which had become fossilised. I wondered if it were true and if all that the experts said about them NOT being trees at all, were yet more of their false-hoods and fakery.
We travelled above the forest for at least an hour for it was so vast in extent, but eventually we slowed and began to drift lower into a fabulously beautiful valley which still had the three sun’s sunlight tipping into its greenery and lustrous, blue lakes and rivers.
It seemed that we were to land in Paradise, it seemed so beautiful.
This is The Plain of Perfection.
Mermaid’s horse was now beneath mine although Merman’s was nowhere to be seen.
We will land in that large, glistening lake. It is the Deity’s palace.
I wondered if my horse realised it was about to land in water. I hoped it could swim!
Mermaid laughed gently.
There will be no swimming for us. We will walk as usual upon the magic waters of The Deity.
We landed safely, and gently too, and my hands and legs were released from the horse's body and I slid down its dipped wing and said thank you to the kindly creature. It snorted and I felt sure that I heard within my mind a greeting and a recognition.
He likes you and thinks you performed rather well!
I laughed and followed Mermaid across the solidified crystal of the lake.
It was truly enormous and, though I could see its distant edges, they must have been at least 4 miles away.
We walked briskly towards an outcrop of red-gold rocks ahead of us, surrounded as they were by beautiful plants and greenery and with many blue-skinned humanoid-type beings standing or sitting and seemingly waiting for us.
They are all waiting to see and hear YOU dear Angelic and to discover what the Deity will tell you.
My nervousness was tempered by my fascination at seeing the humanoids. They were at least 20 feet tall and, as I drew closer, I truly could not tell the differences, if there were any, between females and males!
Oh indeed, yes there are differences. They do not have the ‘sexual-organs’ that Earth-humans have, on display, outside their bodies, but they have access to sexual creation-processes if and when they may ever choose to procreate.
As we reached the deity Palace I was stunned into silence by the beautiful magnificence of the scene of tranquility, peace and loving ambience.
I could feel it, almost bathing me in waves of wondrous warmth and healing. I knew it instantly as a place I could live forever in harmony and grace.
Can you see The Deity?
I stared ahead, at the rocks, at the waterfall, at the greenery, even at the humanoids now stepping closer to me and seeming to murmur amongst themselves, but I could not see The Deity.
Where was she? Maybe she had decided to not see me or speak with me.
She is there - right before you Angelic. There - in the waters of the waterfall.
I narrowed my gaze and stared at the tumbling crystal waters spilling white-capped streams down the rock-face and onto the ground below.
And suddenly, I saw her - a huge transparent, yet slightly blue-tinged figure made of - crystal-water, staring straight into my whole self and filling me with the energy of peace and love.
I wasn’t sure what to do, so I sort of bowed and inside said ‘thank you’ though I was not sure for what! Just being permitted to BE there I suppose!
Welcome descendant of The Oraphim.
She was speaking with me. I knew it was The deity. No-one needed to tell me. Her energy was unmistakably her; even though I had never in any human lifetime met any entity such as this amazingly fabulous being.
I think I bowed again and heard a slight shimmering sound from the gathering humanoids.
I wondered what they were.
Mermaid’s whispered answer slipped into my mind.
They are Oraphim. They are your pre-ancient ancestors from whom YOU were long ago created.
I stared at them again, this time in greater detail.
If they were the sort of ‘prototype’ of me created long ago, then I wondered where and when such great changes had been made for I knew I looked very different from all of them.
Much has happened in all our histories in these last hundreds of millions of years. But Earth-Angelics still retain much of the celestial qualities of our Oraphim races.
It was the Deity speaking with me and I nodded to let her know that I had innerstood.
There were seven or eight dark-blue-skinned Oraphim close to The Deity but the other 30 or 40 moved closer to me.
A few were a type of translucent deep-tan colour but most were pale-blue with elongated skulls and very child-like faces with cat-like lips and tiny noses and almost no ears.
One or two of the largest were all-white, however, and a few had white-feathered heads.
Their eyes were either brilliant golden or electric blue or even strikingly violet with white slits as pupils.
I wondered what other amazing characteristics they had, apart from their captivating physical appearance.
They are shape-shifters and have total power over manifesting and de-manifesting into and out of many realms.
It was The Deity speaking to me again.
They are Breatharians and their electro-magnetic energies allow them to perform, when needed, intensive structural repairs to any universal template.
They hold 12 - 48 strands of what you call DNA; the highest configuration of genomic capability of any being in any of the worlds we know.
These are the beings who are your direct pre-ancient ancestors, out of the Azurite genome of 250 billion years ago Earth-time.
‘If they are so wonderfully gifted’, I asked, ‘then why are we Earth-Angelics so connected to them as our ancestors?’
Because YOU, dear Angelic and all who feel as you do, are the final, the very last physical-form attempt by the Guardians of the Cosmos to save our worlds and reclaim the true destiny of our many universes.
I was silent for a moment. I mean, it was a definitive statement; a momentous declaration of the vital nature of Angelic-Indigo purpose. I had not known at all, the extent of our importance - to all that existed.
If you fail in this pivotal moment in our cosmological history, then all our worlds will be lost and our escape from their descent into oblivion will be all that we may hope for.
‘My lady . . I . .’ I stuttered, not knowing quite what to say. ‘I am not sure I know how we Angelics . . . how I . . may help in such a vast commission. I have not . . . the skills.’
Then you must have the faith dear one. Faith in ALL the energies and celestial gifts that you have been given time-out-of-mind to BE - HERE - NOW and to reclaim the very nature of All-That-Is.
I stared at the crystal Hydrolase beneath my feet and at the fish silently swimming far below, some of whom looked back up at me and burped tiny bubbles at my shadow.
At that moment I felt very ‘incapable’ of such a gargantuan task; of such an unforgiving destiny.
You have been brought here into these many worlds and into these past-future times to know that everything is possible and that YOU are as one with all of us - and that WE believe in YOU.
I looked across and upwards at the beautiful Deity of Life and Living, hoping that she would give me one reason that I could cling to and which would let me know that I and all my race could succeed in this, this ‘impossible’ undertaking.
Your strength is in your capacity to LOVE - and in the power of your JOY - and in your celestial connection to the unity of ALL things.
I looked over at Mermaid, hoping for some support or even a smile, yet her head was bowed and she seemed to be in prayer.
The Oraphim still surrounded me, staring yet saying nothing until, quite suddenly, a smaller Oraphim with perfectly blue, shining skin and violet eyes reached down to my shoulder and placed a cat-paw-hand on it and then, gently squeezed.
‘Dearest Angelic, be not afraid.’
Her message was spoken within me and without her tiny cat-lips moving at all.
‘If you have appeared here with us so far away from your home and so far distant in the past times of many different futures, then there is a divine reason, for there are NO ‘accidents’ in our celestial design.
I looked at the beautiful creature and nodded. Then I took in a great breath.
I bowed to the Oraphim who graced me with a most brilliant smile and suddenly the whole tribe of Oraphim seemed to relax and communicate with each other.
Mermaid looked up and this time she too smiled back at me.
I spoke to The Deity.
‘My Lady of the Spheres of Heaven, I and all my tribe of Angelic-Indigos will be the guardians, healers and protectors of our world and of yours, and we thank you for being there for us in your time, so that we could be here for you - in ours.’
The Deity suddenly rose up and the waterfall of crystal cascaded across the rocks and the shrubs around her and moved in an inexorably beautiful wave towards me, covering my feet and rising up to my ankles.
Then dear Angelic, you must now leave here and visit your world in an ancient past before you embark upon your mission to save the souls of many worlds.
We thank you for visiting us and we wish you fulfilment of all our dreams - together.
I knew that I was about to disappear from this beautiful, wondrous land and all the many friends I had so suddenly made and I was briefly sad.
‘Shall I see you all ever again? I asked.
In the celestial worlds of reality - there is no such thing as ‘goodbye’ - and only the perpetual joy of ‘hello’.
So beautiful, so beautiful I can forget breathings.
Such a beautiful unfurling of what some of us have known since children. All those races: feline, avian, whales & dolphins, mermaids, we have played, & remember the love, collaboration, beauty you describe. After reading, I turned on a video of a Pleiadian singing light language, & there was the flowing pinks, greens, blues, light crystals you were describing! So now we know, what we were feeling, visioning, is true, & we are bridging back to Earth & HUmanity. My concern is my Son in his mid 40's, knowing all this very young, creating a self portrait of clay of an elongated head, big blue eyes, in 1st grade; a christmas card of a tree w/ the metatron tetrahedron star( not the 5 pointed start); he loved the mermaids & to this day has photos in his home of them. These 40 yrs olds were targeted by science & medical corporations for their dna, workmanship, & doused w/toxic shot after toxic shot of nanotech, mind control. Daily we need to remind them of the love, life & beauty they once knew; & manifest they are cleared of all that does not belong in their physical bodies, their soul returned to it's orginal essence. I know there are other mothers out there feeling the same. Let's see what our divine light beams correct on the Sophia Earth in 2025. Thank you for speaking & writing the truth David.