I realise that most of you will know a LOT of what I write about here but although I might ask you to forgive me for this, nevertheless I can’t apologise because it is SO vital for us to confirm the details of a reality that we have been literally buried within time-out-of-mind!
Seriously, it was never meant to BE like it has been and certainly for so long but that’s the ‘deal’ we ended up with and which began big time for us on Earth about 30,000 years ago.
What happened back then was really set into motion deep within the frequency-grids of Earth, (beneath Stonehenge) when a very powerful sound-pulse ‘broadcasting’ system called the NDCG (Nibiruian Diodic Crystal-Grid) was first set-up by what we might call ‘Fallen-beings’ seeking control over both Earth and Humanity.
That pulse-mechanism beamed low-frequency energies into Earth and therefore into the DNA of every human-being and plant and creature, de-stabilising our particle-base, lowering our healing capabilities, our longevity and our immune-system, so much so that we became steadily more insular, inward-looking, fearful and compliant.
You might think that’s just crazy but consider how crazy our ‘modern’ world has recently been when a global ‘pandemic-disaster’ was called and within THREE weeks ALL political systems and industrial and ‘legal’ requirements and signs and codes and laws were actively engaged in demanding worldwide obedience so that BILLIONS of us complied with masks and acceptance of whatever was commanded!
You’d think it was because they KNEW the pandemic was going to hit us!
And let’s not travel the route of mandatory vaccinations for global salvation!
In both of those astounding scenarios, you would have to say, ‘you couldn’t make it up’ and I hope you get my point in stating all this!
So, what I’m saying is that the reasons behind our current situation here and now on Earth is because of events that have recently happened - over the last, say, 500 years - AND events from deep in our forgotten past. Indeed, the very FIRST event that kicked off our current position, occurred literally BILLIONS of years ago!
I just thought that you MIGHT like to know how all of these seemingly disparate and ‘accidental’ events are, in fact, connected and that where we find ourselves today, here on Earth, is part of the very same pre-ancient ‘narrative of history’ written not by you and I, but by something and someone, wholly different from us holding an agenda that has NOT been designed for us to thrive or expand or know who we truly are.
But in order to make any sense of the global situation we all find ourselves in today, AND of our real identity, maybe we had indeed better start with - ‘The Biblical’ - and consider some historical perspectives about life today, whether we believe in ‘God’ or in biblical things or not!
After that, I’ll tell you about some seriously ‘out there’ cosmic history which points to the ‘why’ we are here and finally I’ll tell you about our controlled life on Earth and where we are going - IF we have the ‘ticket’ to get there!
So - in the ‘beginning’ and according to The Bible - the world’s primary inhabitants (just like now) were, ‘Man’ and ‘Woman’.
And they were the result of the ineffable creation of . . God - and they lived in the Garden of Eden with ‘God’ until he allegedly cast them out - into the wilderness of Earth!
And on Earth (eventually), Man and Woman created ‘Government’ and controlled the animals and all business and commerce (when they invented it!).
So - the ancient hierarchy was:
Kings (and sometimes Queens)
Man - Woman
Earth resources.
All so simple really.
But we know that today THAT hierarchy is WAY off piste!
Now it looks something like;
Business (corporations)
Security (of the corporations)
Government (corporations)
Security (of the Government)
Earth resources
Animals (all the life-field)
Man - Woman.
So - if you believe the above, how come it got SO - altered?
It’s because those who desired more and more control over the Earth-realm chose to create a NEW hierarchy.
THEY chose a shift from The Original, to one wherein ‘God’ and His first (primary) creation (being Man and Woman) were no longer in any control-position!
Well, if this be true, then where and how did THAT start? I mean, where did these ‘elites’ in control get the ideas FOR control?
It started a VERY long time ago; way before The Bible was even conceived. In fact, it began way before humans appeared and before even Earth was manifest!
Now if that sounds insane, I know what you mean but bear with me because the things that have happened in this universe and upon our Earth in the last 600 million years are literally beyond biblical!
We are talking AI interference of mega proportions, holographic inserts into our historical record, time-travel, dimensional blending, soul-capture, bond-possession, astral-tagging, wormhole and time-rip technologies and the capacity for disengaging whole suns, planets AND galaxies from their primal positions.
Yes I know, that’s a seriously mind-numbing list and that’s only the half of it! In a later substack I’ll tell you more but for now let me explain how this desire for ‘control’ really began, because THAT’S sort of why and how WE began; we Angelic Humans who are here and now!
Essentially, this shift began long ago. In fact it really began 480 BILLION years ago in another vast collection of universes far from ours and hidden from us by the secret dynamics of space-time.
In that astoundingly enormous matrix of universes (called an Eckasha Universe) a race of beings of great intelligence and technological ability, fell into a huge galactic war which destroyed several universes in one hit and which led to losing the souls of literally trillions of beings.
It was an event that was beyond tragic. It had a truly devastating effect on the psyche of that whole race-line of beings throughout what remained of their life-matrix.
The race-line was known as The Borenthasala and they chose, right then, in their shattered emotions and their total despair at losing so many friends and family and life-forms, that never again would such a tragedy occur.
They believed, originally, in the Divine, Cosmic Design for life and living and they followed the basic tenets of living according to the laws of Source, the primary of which were (and still are) the Law of Free Will and the Law of One (Unity-Consciousness).
But after the cataclysm, all of that stopped.
They chose, as a collective, to create a NEW order for life and living; one which would guarantee that no more cataclysmic events would happen - anywhere in their vast Eckasha realm.
To manifest this new order, they decided to investigate HOW a huge cosmic war could have happened and to study the behavioural reasons behind its appearance.
So they set up a three-group experiment comprising whole planetary family-lineages, which they called ‘the Victim-Victimiser Blame-Game’.
One group on the ‘control’ planet where the experimental headquarters were situated, simply lived their lives as normal.
The second group on another planetary system were entrained to NEVER respond or fight back in the face of any aggression and the third group, the ‘victimisers’, were entrained to do whatever they wanted, whenever they wanted and to totally disregard the Cosmic Laws for Living.
Of course, we are talking a huge length of time for this experiment, possibly THE grandest and longest experiment ever. And to ensure a genuine, evidential outcome,
The time-span for it was around 25,000 years! This would allow each group the opportunity to evolve INTO the demands of the experiment, so that behavioural changes could be monitored.
Well, as you might have already guessed, the experiment failed - in the most ghastly of ways.
Over time they all forgot the protocols behind the experiment and lived according to their ‘behavioural’ imperatives.
The victimisers fought amongst themselves until there was only one vicious, unprincipled, violent and mendacious tribe left, known as The Shan-Tar-El (‘El’ meaning ‘god’) and over thousands of years they chose to expand their victimising into other planetary systems - so they did.
They invaded the ‘victim’ group, now behaviourally incapable of any substantial resistance, and took over that system. Then they invaded the ‘control-group’ including the leaders of the experiment itself, and destroyed that system.
And, when they were technologically ready, they decided to invade other star-systems and finally, other universes.
By the time ten million years had passed, they were ready to invade even dimensional systems because they had created high-tech AI mechanisms to secure those invaded realms and they had also invented specific energetic insert-probes, giving them access to even very distant parts of adjacent Eckasha domains via their time-rip and wormhole creations.
The Shan-Tar-El are - and have been - a very nasty collective of utterly ruthless, non-benign beings, viciously committed to controlling everything they come into contact with. Their moral compass has been terminated and they cannot love or connect empathetically with any other being or collective, unless it is to seek an alliance which offers them more control over more systems.
In some dimensions they are known as ‘star-suckers’ or even ‘soul-eaters’. They are NOT followers of any cosmic design except their own.
THEY effectively began the ‘control’ dogmas and behaviours that have slid their way into so many universal domains via distortions in the frequency-fields that can occur when the Cosmic Divine Design Principles are seriously undermined or diminished.
OUR universe was invaded by these same NON-Source energies, not at first BY the Shan-Tar-El, but by other once ‘co-creator gods’ out of the higher dimensions of our universe who had been influenced by the destabilising energies and who slowly, over great spans of time, chose to war with other collectives and to seek - control - over our universal domains in the higher realms.
Eventually, in our local universe and including what is now our Earth, these warring groups and races chose to take over our planet and its connected universal realms, because of the vitally strategic position of Earth within the Time-Matrix.
Over more vast stretches of ‘time’, they infiltrated their low-frequency, non-Source intent into the frequency-fields of Earth and her life-field so that the natural energies of love and unity and empathy for other beings became distorted.
It wasn’t long before these ‘fallen’ beings of great technological expertise, managed to initiate human-hybrid experimentation so that they could create a force of these hybrid beings who would follow and fulfil the purposes that the ‘controllers’ wanted actually ON Earth. And FOR the controllers.
And this is how, for the last 15 thousand years, our Angelic races have been slowly (like the frog in the pan of steadily heated water), entrained to accept their control mechanisms and to comply with their demands for our resources, energy, obedience, blood, sweat, time, tears and talents!
Indeed, many of these most repugnant of fallen controllers have wanted our souls too!
The colossal storehouse of detail about all this dimensional and universal invasion and essentially, the ‘take-over’ of Earth and of the Angelic Human genome, is catalogued elsewhere, but for now let me show you just how, in Earthly, geo-social terms, we have been cleverly (diabolically cleverly) shifted away from our instinctive awareness of self (who we really are - aspects of God-source, ineffable energy and Pure Consciousness) and who have slowly forgotten our true identity and the divine, cosmic laws for Life and Living.
Let me reveal to you (though most of you will now know all of this detail), how we have allowed the celestial laws of Free Will and Unity-Consciousness to be taken away from us and how other mechanisms of behavioural control have been put in their place.
Let me show you how our natural instinct for loving, joyful, unified existence, together-as-one and our innerstanding of the divine design for happy existence and ascension, has been slowly eradicated from our daily living.
You know now where all this began, so long ago. And a little later, I will show you how it ends.
Now, as I mentioned at the start of this piece, back in the ancient days the movers and shakers of the Earth life-field (that’s Man and Woman) believed in ‘God’ and in ‘Law’ - the laws of God (Natural Law) and those created by Man and Woman UNDER God (often known as ‘The Common Law’).
But those who desired control (and wealth and influence and sensory fulfilment any which way they wanted it!) well, THEY realised that the only way they could get THAT ball rolling for them in the lives of such powerfully Source-connected beings as Angelics, would be to shift Man and Woman’s understanding (comprehension) of what ‘Law’ really was.
To do THAT they had to create a new system of ‘law’ which would govern ANYTHING they wanted (and any behaviour of Man and Woman that they wanted to control as well).
This meant they had to create, over time, thousands of new laws, from the ‘laws’ demanding taxes to the ‘laws’ requiring licences and registrations and permission to travel and where to park and so on. Thousands of them!
This was to micro-manage the daily lives of Humanity.
The Romans really kicked that agenda off with their ‘legality’ protocols. It was an imperative by the controllers behind the frequency-veils, to ensure that all daily (and nightly) life of humans was increasingly controlled, monitored and managed.
THEY had to get Humanity to the place where Humanity would just ‘OBEY’ without really thinking about it.
Now THAT was a problem in those early days because most humans could not read or write so how would they ever come to understand these new ‘laws’?
Back in the ancient days of our ‘stone-age’ mentality’ (so we are told) most Men and Women would not only not read or write, they would NOT obey either if they didn’t like something - but take out their billhooks and revolt!
You see revolt and insurrection was expensive for the people trying to control - even if they had all the arrows and swords!
So - they needed a better way!
They wanted to - 'build back better’ even back then!
The Romans had started it effectively, thousands of years ago, as I said, when they introduced a system of laws they termed ‘Bollox’ (seriously - meaning ‘Legality’ and that was Latin for; ‘to set into confusion’).
True (wouldn’t you know?).
But these laws were often difficult to enforce and were for the elite class mostly. The Romans still resorted to the sword when they needed to - which was a lot!
A thousand years later the Normans, (previously ‘Vikings’ often used by the ‘fallen; as raider forces, twenty thousand years before), well they moved things along further when they started to record the names and property of the Saxon people in their The Doomsday Book - (great title and prescient for the future, regarding ‘doom’!)
But the controllers had to do way more than just collect names of people and create more laws for them.
They had to get the populations of the world ‘educated’ - which actually meant ‘DE-educated’ from the old ‘naturally lawful’ ways of living - and ‘educated’ INTO the new ways of being ‘legal’!
But it was important for the people to BELIEVE that they were still following the old original ‘God’s Natural Law’ so they cleverly slid ‘Legality’ into the ‘Natural Law’; sort of like a viral ‘infection’!
Most people now don’t see or comprehend the difference between the two types of ‘law’ and assume that ‘being legal’ is ‘law’ and the same as ‘being lawful’ - but it isn’t!
NO Man or Woman needs EVER to obey rules of ‘Legality’ - because ‘Legality’ is NOT ‘Law’ - and never has been except in our belief in it and because IF you confirm that you are a Living Man or a Living Woman Under God, then NO ‘legality’ can touch you - I mean it!
But there’s a catch! (There always is on 3D Earth!)
And the catch is - YOU have to KNOW you’re a ‘Man’ or a ‘Woman’ sovereign under God’s Laws - and most of us - don’t know that - or if we do, then perhaps we are too diffident to proclaim it!
Oh yes, we all know that we are biologically Man or Woman (or at least we USED to!) but knowing THAT is NOT enough to stop the controllers from their power-seeking.
Mind you - have you noticed that with the LGBT ‘developments’ these days,’ even GENDER is being questioned, because THEY (the controllers) need us to STOP believing in ‘Man’ and ‘Woman’ (and in fact anything regarded as ‘Human’)?
And THAT is a part of the controllers’ programme - to eliminate Man and Woman as a legal and even as a biological ‘identity’!
Now, to get us all (worldwide!), to think this way about ‘Legality’ and to believe in it and obey it, the controllers knew they had to play ‘the long game’ of ;
‘Changing Collective Perception’!
So - effectively - they began (around the reign of Henry VIII in about 1530) - to slowly introduce their programme for collective change in Humanity’s mindset about ‘being governed’ (meaning, really, ‘being controlled’!).
You will know that around Henry’s time, reading became (eventually) popular and it started in Germany with Luther’s translation of the Bible from Latin (the language of the elites, used in Rome but never by the ordinary Man or Woman) into the vernacular German so that ordinary folk could finally read God’s Holy Word!
Now this set a precedent and although most ‘elites’ in control back then HATED the thought of the ordinary folk being able to read - anything - the REAL elite-controllers realised that they NEEDED ordinary folk to be able to read and to be ‘educated’ so that any language the controllers used for them (and mostly against them!) could be ‘understood’ by them all - (or rather ‘stood-under’ as in ‘obedience’!).
So began the journey into all things ‘EDUCATION’ which was controlled - by the controllers - so that ordinary folk would simply assume that what they read (and were told) was ‘TRUTH-in-LAW’ - or FACT - or - EVIDENCE - or, basically, ‘REAL’.
It took a long time but the BIG elite controllers knew they had time on their side because they were aiming for a world totally under their control in every way, two or three or four hundred years after they started this ‘journey’!
Now to get Law’ intertwined with ‘Legal’, they also had to eliminate the populations’ perception that they were created by God and that they were His ‘Primary Creations’.
Because, you see, if Man and Woman believed they were second only to God, then how could the big-time elite controllers get them to believe in THEM and THEIR controls through their laws?
They couldn’t!
So they FIRST got the people to want to get rid of their kings and queens as the ‘Divine Right of Kings - aka ‘controllers’ etc - and to believe in ‘Government’ as the control, set up by and for ‘The People’.
Like they told us, “We’re doing this for you and we’re all in this together!”
In England they did this (killed the king) in 1649 when Oliver Cromwell killed the king - legally!
So - the precedent was set - ‘Kings’ had lost their power and Government had assumed the power of kings and The People BELIEVED that THEY controlled Parliament - except:
A popular meaning for ‘Parliament’ was . . . ‘to speak lies’! It’s from the French; ‘parler’ to speak and ‘ment’ meaning to lie!
That’s a Fact!
So - the people had been duped because even the politicians knew that lying was ok because it was in the name - ‘Parliament’ and none of the people objected - because they didn’t know!
And thus - the people had been duped - again!
Now the controllers turned their attention to setting up THEIR ‘legal-laws’ for governance.
They HAD to shift the relationship (good word and I’ll tell you why in a moment!) - but they had to shift the relationship between God and Man - Woman so that THEY could ‘PRESUME’ a different relationship which the people would never comprehend or ‘perceive’.
The best way to do THAT was to ‘hide it in plain sight’ because they say that often we cannot see the thing we are looking for when it is right in front of us - and if we’re not looking for something then we’ve got no chance!
You see, ‘God’s Law’ was always known from ancient times as ‘The Law of the Land’ and THAT perception had to be hidden from Humanity.
So the controllers introduced something else; ‘The Law of the Sea’ or - The Holy See’!!!
Yes, this is also a ‘religious’ experience!
If the controllers could get the ‘Law of the Sea’ into the social-construct of the People’s minds as being real ‘Law’ then controlling the populations and everything they did, would be so much easier!
So that’s what they did.
They called it ‘Maritime Law’ or ‘Admiralty Law’! And these are NOT at all, ‘The Law of the Land’! It is the law of the sea or the law of ‘The Captain’ who controls the ‘Ship of State’! And ALL captains on their ship hold supreme power!
That law refers to Man and Woman (effectively) under God as God’s primary creations. But Maritime Law (legality!) holds Man and Woman as under the law of the controllers (other men, mostly) the men in Parliament or Government or Congress. And that is how the shifts in hierarchy started!
About this time the controllers realised that they had to get the People to THINK they were still Man and Woman under God as His primary creations but still get them to follow the new ‘legal laws’ of Maritime Law!
So - here’s where they got really diabolical! They STOLE - yes - they did - they stole our identities!
And how did they do that?
They organised this (in the late 1500’s to mid 1600’s and onwards) through giving our ‘names’ as ‘David of the farmer’ family for example or ‘James of the blacksmith’ family, or ‘Nathaniel of Lincoln’ or Timothy of Elmwood land’, they gave these names out as ‘titles’ except we didn’t know that, so that they would become (for example);
David Farmer or James Blacksmith or Nathaniel Lincoln or Timothy Elmwood.
We became (over time of course) accustomed to these ‘titles’ and they were ‘recorded’ as being ‘legal’ entities operating through consent (we agreed but only because we didn’t KNOW what the controllers were doing so we could not ‘object’!).
These ‘legal’ records began as ‘Settlement Certificates’ and then morphed into our current Birth-Certificates.
Our mothers signed or made their mark as ‘informers’ NOT as our ‘mothers’!
YOUR mother did that and her mother before her but they didn’t KNOW they were classed as ‘informants’, because they thought they were your mother!
Oh and also - to give ‘LIFE’ to these documents (the controllers' freaky way of ‘appeasing’ God Himself!) they put our tiny footprint in blood as a mark of ‘proof-of-life’ to the document - yes I know, sick isn’t it?
*By the way - you can never see this! It’s an ‘official’ secret!
But our mothers ‘informed’ on us humans - you and I - as being NOT - a child-Man or child-Woman but confirmed us as ‘being lost at sea’ and that we were therefore ‘salvage’!
Being a human anything was NO LONGER required!
The controllers have not respected or wanted ‘humans’ anywhere on this Earth-plane because ‘Humans’ are ‘of God’ and are NOT created by the controllers you see.
Note: Although they have tried VERY hard to change our DNA through vaccination so that they can say that we HAVE been created by them!
This is further exemplified by the MSO ‘Manufacturers’ Statement of Origin’ whereby (even in other dimensions!) something created BY a business or corporation is regarded as their ‘property’ and can be traded (and insured) as such, as long as any faults or deficiencies are rectified!
And this is how THEY view - YOU! As tradeable, insurable ‘property’ and it’s also why many governments introduced ‘health-care’ so that the ‘property’ could be ‘rectified’ if possible and legally insured if not!
So - YOUR ‘legal’ title IS controlled by THEM - the controllers - and so (if you consent to it) YOU are controlled by them through that title that THEY own - as property!
Actually, so you know, Black’s Law Dictionary up to 2004 classified ‘humans’ as ‘monsters’! True!
All this hideous agenda is when ‘transhumanism’ really began!
And thus, we became ‘persons’ or ‘citizens’ or ‘individuals’, NOT humans and certainly NOT ‘Man’ or ‘Woman’ under God.
That’s because the controllers had planned - long ago - to claim us as ‘property’ and they did this by trance-forming our own language in ‘legalese’ so that we would use THEIR legal language when writing or signing or speaking of anything ‘legal’ and ‘lawful’!
Our names (as ‘titles’) were recorded, as I’ve just stated, on ‘Settlement Certificates’ which became (over time) Registrations of Birth Certificates and the ‘titles’ were recorded as Capital Letter Names which the controllers presumed were ‘dead’ entities lost at sea - the maritime law of the sea they created for us to operate in!
Capital Letter Names are used in churchyards on gravestones to show that the body buried IS - dead - and thus they did the same to all of us.
So - we were (are) dead and lost at sea and are therefore under THEIR ‘jurisdiction’ as ‘salvage-property’ - THEIR property - until such time as we may ever re-claim our birth-right as Man or Woman under God!
But as most of us never know this - we don’t re-claim and we carry on using our capital-letter names and therefore operating UNDER their legalese, thinking that it is ‘Law’ when it isn’t! And we believe we ARE the names and titles that they had us ‘register’ into their programme!
You see your name SEEMS like it’s yours but as soon as you sign anything with your ‘title-name’ (in capital-letters) or in an official document or when a council official visits you about your Census Form for example, he is talking to the ‘title-name’ - the corporate-fiction-name that the government (the controllers) STOLE from you! He is NOT talking to the Man or the Woman that you really are.
And what do we do?
We think he’s talking about US - the real Man or Woman - when actually, he isn’t - he is working FOR the controllers and THEY want you to sign for whatever THEY set up for you - so that (wait for it!);
YOU claim the liability - for EVERYTHING!
They use your family name that they stole from you, switch it into a capital-letter title-name that is presumed dead and lost at sea (in THEIR maritime Law) and get you to sign for whatever because you are alive and capable of ‘doing’ and ‘acting’.
Your title-name, your ‘dead’ fictional ‘person’ or ‘citizen’ or ‘individual’ can’t DO or ACT in any way at all, because it is a made-up entity designed to fleece the REAL human-being (YOU!) to pay for all they want you to pay for - like - taxes!
This is NOT natural law - at all - ever - it is ‘legality’ (to set into confusion!).
It is actually, thievery! And THIS is the mechanism they have used to steal our energy, identity, blood, sweat, time, tears and so on - and even our children IF they so choose!
Now, you MAY say, ‘but we NEED to have people to pay for things and obey laws and behave sensibly so what THEY did wasn’t THAT bad’!
Fair point - so if it wasn’t THAT bad - why didn’t they just tell us EVERYTHING they did to make all these ‘good’ things happen? If there is NOTHING to hide, why have they not told us - everything?
No - in my opinion, the people who set this up (the governments and the bankers) are the real criminals and trust me - they ALL know it at the highest levels!
And where did they get this abhorrent mechanism for control?
From those demented beings who have been seeking to control whole universes time-out-of-mind. It is they, behind the veils of other dimensions, who have entrained (psychically) the highest elites of our world to follow the fallen agenda.
ALL legalese is NOT ‘Law’ of the land - at all - so NO statutes, Codes, Rules, Regulations, Acts or Policies drawn up and presented as ‘law’ by government through Parliament are the Law of the Land.
These so-called ‘laws’ are the law of the sea (Maritime / Admiralty) and neither you nor I have ANY business acting in that jurisdiction - because we are Man or Woman under God, living on the land which is a wholly DIFFERENT jurisdiction and in THAT natural jurisdiction NO legal entity may operate!
Unless they CONSENT! (Which they - we - do in our billions, time-out-of-mind!).
But - we don’t know about non-consent where our ‘names’ are concerned, so - we operate businesses, commerce and sign all the documents THEY tell us are ‘the law’ and we end up being effectively their property!
And - accordingly - they tax us, can take our children, force us to wear masks, take vaccines, ask for licenses and registrations to be able to do whatever they tell us they control, forcing us to do things that invade our natural rights, freedoms and purposes under God and all because we THINK that they are talking to - the real US!
And if we object while still acting as a ‘person’ or with their title ‘Mr’ or ‘Mrs’, then they presume that we are breaking their laws - which - we would be under those circumstances!
All the secret language they have created to keep us in ignorance about this, utilises many ‘maritime’ words we THINK we know the meaning of - but don’t.
You think you’re ‘educated’ and ‘clever’ and ‘eloquent’ and ‘good with words’? Think again! Whose words and language are you really using?
Do you know?
Birth-Certificate means ‘berth’ as in being berthed from your mother’s birth-canal (like a ship) and we have ‘relationships’ which can be controlled and moved and we have currency (as in currents of the sea) moving power from one place to another and ‘banks’ (as in ‘rivers’) within which is controlled the movement of this energy and the captain of the maritime ships stand on one side of the ‘bar’ (like a lawyer or a judge) and holds total power of life and death and even marriage whilst the ship is at sea - and YOU - are at sea in the maritime world because you have not reclaimed your sovereignty and your natural status as a Man or a Woman under God living on the land.
That’s why when you go to court (don’t!) THEY hold all the cards because you are in THEIR legal world of Maritime Law.
In COURT, they force you to be a plaintiff or a defendant and the Man or the Woman CANNOT ‘win’ in that jurisdiction because it is a game (like playing on a tennis ‘court’) and THEY make the rules and If you object they cleverly get you to comply (consent) by tricking you (and by the way ALL the court officials KNOW this is trickery!).
They trick you by forcing you to comply in small ways such as, ‘All rise’ when the judge enters and you stand; you comply!
The judge asks you if you ‘understand’ the court rules and you say ‘yes’ and that actually means that you ‘stand UNDER’ their rules and have agreed to comply! So if later you object, then you are in contempt of their court and they can jail you! Because you did NOT know the real meaning of the word ‘understand’!
There are SO many of these deceptions in our language, such as ‘parent’, meaning, you ‘pay’ to ‘rent’ your child on THEIR behalf.
That’s why they CAN - easily - take your child away from you - and they do. They simply require to keep us in the dark about the ‘salvage’ / property issue by fixing a useful excuse, like the child is obese or something!
All of these ‘subterfuges’ and legal-mechanisms have been created to enforce our feeling of separation from God and to make us feel infinitesimally tiny and powerless in the universe - when actually - we are exactly the opposite because WE have GOD on OUR side - NOT on their side! In effect We are God too!
So - historically - all this process, this ‘programme’ to control us all, began many hundreds of years ago (around the 1500’s) and that’s why in around 1830 formal, NATIONAL (official) ‘Education’ began, NOT to make us independent thinkers but to force us to learn THEIR concepts of science, maths, language, history, geography, art, religion and ‘law’! Oh - and to be - ‘obedient’ and inclined to offering consent without argument.
Now these controllers do NOT believe in God or in a higher, benevolent power / energy - not at all! BUT, they know that WE do (mostly) and so they hijacked the religions (yes all of them!) so that they could use these religions’ moral force to further inspire us - to obey!
Like, as an example, they told us to wear a mask and get vaccinated NOT because it would save us - but because it would save society - the world - everyone! It was a ‘Judeo-Christian-Moral-Ethic’ geo-political protocol!
THAT is the moral force they use against us! Just like ‘Political Correctness’!
AND we were also morally encouraged to say thanks every week to the carers and hospital workers - for saving us even though THEY never pay these workers a proper living wage!
And we were told to ‘take a knee’ for only ‘black’ lives matter when of course WE know that ALL lives matter!
Why they even called ‘god’ into the social contract when THEY wanted us to go to war!
They just USED our spiritual senses to control our behaviours - and it worked - spectacularly. I wonder how many of THEM laughed at all that, as we complied!
It’s all ‘biblical’ to them - and they use that moral power to ensnare our common-sense and use our ignorance and naivety!
Long story short?
These truly creepy controllers (many of whom are NOT humans or Men or Women under God at all) have turned every human Man and Woman into a counterfeit human - a fake Man or Woman known as ‘corporate-fictions’! Made up entities that must NOT call themselves Man or Woman but a ‘person’.
This is deliberate mis-representation or ‘personage’ and it is a crime (yes it is) and punishable by death! But, of course, we have NEVER been told (or ‘educated’) about THAT aspect of Natural Law!
*Note: If you go to their courts they will expect you to hire a ‘lawyer’ (one of their agents and NOT a supporter of you) and if you say you can’t afford a lawyer (most can’t) then the courts will have one to ‘re-present’ you (as a corporate-fiction) - to the court which, of course, immediately places you in THEIR jurisdiction! Like I say, you can’t win in their business court-game!
But - we are waking up!
Oh and let me add something about ‘The Police’!
They were effectively created by Sir Robert Peel in 1829 as The Metropolitan Police (but NOT for the City of London which had its own police-force (aka Military Power!).
But I mention the police here because you see, we THINK that they were created to help US - protect us and serve our rights - and they WERE - originally but those days are long gone and let me tell you why.
Remember, there are TWO ‘versions’ of us (you and I). There’s the real YOU (Man or Woman under God and living on the land). And there’s the ‘corporate-fiction’ ‘you’ created by the government and its agents (the lawyers!).
So WHO are the Police guarding and protecting?
Yes, interesting question.
Well, the real GOOD-GUY police WILL help protect you and serve your rights when sudden dangerous situations appear. (The BAD police won’t help you - EVER because they are just thugs and follow ALL the rules and regulations they’ve been mind-washed into believing!).
BUT - and you need to know this (check it out for yourself please!).
All Police are trained to operate in TWO ‘jurisdictions’. (Arenas of LEGAL Operation).
ONE: To support and to protect and serve CITIZEN’S rights and freedoms (to travel for example and to assemble peacefully and lawfully) and in THIS they state and sign an OATH-of-OFFICE - which all citizens may ask them to confirm. This is the jurisdiction of ‘The Public’ and it is this arena that their oath reflects.
TWO: To support the ‘requirements’ of the Government and agencies thereof in the transaction of Government business and protection.
Meaning that they are the ‘military’ protection force for government and official intent! NOTHING to do with you or I.
This is the jurisdiction of The Private and in this the Police are MOSTLY simply ‘revenue-collectors’! (AKA, look at all the fines they pulled from ‘citizens’ who would not obey the wholly unlawful mandates for masks and rule-disobedience throughout the pandemic!).
It IS difficult for the real good-guy police everywhere because these two jurisdictions are daily in conflict. The thuggies don’t care!
The governments do NOT care about you or I either - they truly don’t - ever - unless they feel YOU have seen through their charade of benevolence and call them on it!
BUT - we can confront the Police (peaceably and lawfully) by asking them if they are acting on their oath (FOR us and our rights) or ‘in the Private’ and if they are in the Private then THEY become liable for breaking their oath! Charge them $5,000 per hour for everything they do which inhibits your natural unalienable rights as a citizen!
Now I say again that there are many genuinely good-guy police (just as there are many good-guy lawyers too and I want you to know I said that!) and they are as appalled at what has gone down these last few years as we are - because OUTSIDE their work they too are Man - or Woman and are under God’s law.
But, many are not or are wholly ignorant of who they really are and think WE are the criminals when it’s almost exclusively government and their pay-agents (you know who they are!)!
And so, to end this little sojourn into some current-day truths we need to know:
We are waking up to this total charade of ‘law’ and control and how a tiny few worldwide have managed to entrain and mind-wash billions of the rest of us for thousands of years!
So that THEY could steal everything we have including our beautiful Earth (and don’t listen to them about MOST of their Climate-Change agenda - that’s controlled BS too!).
Finally - our waking up to who we REALLY are - signals - eventually - the absolute end of THEIR ruthless and evil game of stealing - everything including our own God-given identities as Man or Woman.
We ARE sons and daughters of God, properly and lawfully referenced as Man and Woman.
THAT is who we are and once we claim that before them in every way, then their game is done - because we are choosing OUR rules (God’s rules) and they CANNOT exist in that game - ever!
Now I said that I would also say where we are going - if we have the ‘ticket’ to get there, so let me finish with this explanation.
I told you how we got to be here now.
I also mentioned some details about our 3D geo-social world-experience and how we have been ‘managed’ as ‘property’ even though we are aspects of God-Source and I’ve revealed some intelligence about how fallen beings have pulled the strings of our human existence from behind the veils of other dimensions.
The confusion and distress and fakery and corruption and control that we have experienced on Earth these many centuries, all began SO long ago it’s a mind-bender.
It started, as I said, 480 BILLION years ago! In another collection of universes.
So has ‘Source’, the ‘Cosmic Divine Designer’ been interested at all in ANYTHING that has happened to the universes and to us?
I mean, all the disaster and broken cosmic laws, the sadness, the loss and the interminable futures changed without consent; how can they have been allowed?
Through the Law of Free Will! Essentially.
This means that God-Source allows for any and all expressions of intent and action in the holographic realms of The External Domains.
And yet - there IS a divine ‘salvation’ protocol that has been largely unknown by those living IN those external realms and that protocol began 30 billion years after the Borenthasala decided to create a new order of Source.
This salvation protocol was manifested into the grids of the holographic worlds as a fail-safe and has many names but we can call it The Aurora Continuum.
This Aurora Continuum first manifested into the External Worlds 450 billion years ago, and as a result of the Shan-Tar-El victimiser control-game.
It initiates the Tri-Matrix, Star-Fire Krystal-River Host and it is out of the Aquareion Matrix (as in ‘Aquari-US - of Angelics everywhere), and the Aquareion Hub, An-Sha-TA-Sha Passages and allows for full trans-dimensional ascension.
The Aurora Continuum activates (when triggered), as an organic, universal host-matrix consciousness-field, which permits ‘pass-through’ ascension, between the Light-Crystal Matter and Rasha Dark Matter (physical, semi-etheric and etheric) domains of External Creation (where we are!).
The Aurora Continuum is an organic ambient, spectral-field which activates via the progressive opening of the 5 Aurora slide-zones of the Aquareion Hub, An-Sha-TA-Sha Passages.
Yes, I know, this sounds deeply complex and indeed it is, in cosmic-science terms, but the reason for my mentioning this is because WE, as aspects of God-Source, now have a way to escape the controls over Man and Woman on Earth by ascending OUT of such controls over the next few hundred years and THROUGH the Aurora Continuum and its 5 unique slide-zone passages which by-pass all distorted or ‘fallen’ ascension-systems of our deliberately corrupted past.
In THIS way, we are guaranteed to live as we were always MEANT to live; in Love and Joy and Oneness - as Divine God-Source Expressions of God’s Celestial Intent.
Long ago and in another distant universe, duality took a dramatic turn towards chaos and fear, despair, distortion, denial of self and the absence of Absolute Love.
For thousands of years our world and our ‘story’ was written by those who chose for us to be controlled by them and that they should be the sole arbiters of all our fates forever.
It was how we came to BE - HERE - NOW.
And yet - our story is being re-written by us as Angelics and by the Aurora Continuum Fail-Safe Krystal River Host, so that we can, once again, and after eons of confusion and separations of self, step back into our Tru-ah Self as God-Source and live forever as we were always meant to do; within The Pure Consciousness of Absolute Love.
It’s who we really are!
Elizabeth my dear and illuminated lady, thank you for your comment here. I just write what comes to me basically and that 'arrived ' in the last few days so - I thought I'd put it up! But thanks for reading and for commenting. I hope your mission is moving wonderfully and I apologise for not making contact recently but I have been busy here in USA and in many different ways. I hope we may connect soon. Take care and keep shining!
Dear Dave,
Thank you so much for sharing your innerstanding wisdom!
Please tell me more about the Aurora Continuum.
With much love and gratitude,
Elke 💙💫🩵