There’s a book coming out in the very near future and it’s a seriously unusual tome!
If you think this world is crazy and the times we are a-living in are two steps beyond strange, then wait til you read this book because it tells you what's’ been going down time-out-of-mind on so-called ‘planet’ Earth!
I mean, NOTHING is (or ever has been) what it seems - in ANY of our lifetimes! And this book gives you the data on most everything that has happened (or not happened, might have happened, could have happened and possibly should have happened!).
In the end all will be well, but in the meantime, if you want to know what the interfaced, inter-connected, merged and distorted timeline-future-probabilities are that have been interlaced into our frequency-field awareness since pretty much forever, then check out the book.
It’s allegedly about ‘history’ but frankly, THAT topic has been shredded so many times regards truth and fact and ‘carbon-dated’ nonsense, that there are only - really - a few things that you CAN hold your heart beside and KNOW are real.
And those things are Love - Joy - Laughter - Connection (as in unity-consciousness).
And THOSE comprise the real ‘history’ of you and me and of Angelic Indigo Humans everywhere in the universe.
The rest could very well be - illusion - and confusion - and delusion.
So, hang on to your hats as the winds of pivotal change blow every which way, and maybe read about how this crazy tale got to be imprinted into the electro-tonal frequency-fields of holographic reality.
And we’ve got to face up to something else too.
It’s that we CHOSE to be here, since we are not the ‘accidental’ bio-chemical, mammalian arrival the ‘experts’ tell us we have been.
There has always been ‘something else’, something marvellous, something celestial about our appearance here in the 3D Earth-realms, and this book will tell you what that ‘something’ really is!
And is our ‘story’ exclusively about a war between ‘Good’ and ‘Evil’?
Yes - and NO!
Yes, because in the holographic reality-fields of illusion, polarising ‘dreams’ and ‘nightmares’ exist straight out of our thought-energy patterns and THOSE can be (have been) fiddled with and manipulated time-out-of-mind.
And our carbon-crystal, physical bodies are created out of the thought-energy of our prevailing individual and collective consciousness, held within our cellular structures.
And yet NO, because in our Original Source-Code, Pure-Consciousness, Absolute Love, Eternal Existence, all is REAL and NOT an illusion of any kind.
There is only ONE reality which exists everywhere and forever and yet, when we intend to express seemingly OUT of that reality, then ANYTHING can happen - and always does!
And THAT is why (when we are ‘down here’ in the holograms of illusion), we witness (and feel) duality, separation, something ‘good’ and something ‘bad’, truths and fakery, promises and threats, dreams and nightmares, fear and freedom, joy and despair and wherein we can forget the True Reality of Love that is our genuine Identity of Self.
You’ve been everything and everywhere, in these flickering realms of light and sound but mostly you've been a magician, an inventor, an actor, an observer and a fabulous creator of universes beyond imagination.
And NOW you get to ‘dream’ it all back into the Original Reality of who you really are - IF you want to.
What’s your dream? And where do you really want to be?
This upcoming book is a multi-directional signpost; pointing into the past while fixing the future through the power of our NOW moments and every single one of those - will be created by YOU!
You are the Universe in its moment-by-moment creation and when you are ready, you will remember the Original Self that has always been - YOU!
Dear Dave,
Thank you for being here!
When will your book be published? Admittedly, I am very impatient here. 😅🙏💙