I don’t have a problem with ‘science’ or scientists.
They are amazingly talented and clever people and while I admit that my school report-card for ‘Science’ was seriously blighted, I recognise and respect the vital part that the subject has played in our developing human future.
Latterly, of course, I have read some scientific papers and the works of truly great scientists and I did THAT because, as I expanded my awareness of ‘Self’ and the perennial question of ‘why am I here?’, I wanted to know what science could offer me by way of an answer - and - mostly - it couldn’t!
Yes, I know that ‘answers’ were forthcoming, of course they were, like Newton’s revelations concerning gravity or the Second Law of Thermodynamics, but I slowly came to innerstand that a lot of these ‘answers’ were based on the dimensional energies of the realm we live in here and now - effectively - 3D, and almost every scientist today and that there has ever been, cannot ‘see’ or include any ‘other’ dimensional existence or dimensional-energies or even ‘consciousness’ in their equations!
They just can’t! Because they cannot ‘measure’ them or weigh them or accept them as evidential facts.
Oh yes, they can speculate (science and history and anthropology do that pretty much all the time) but they tend to dislike it when WE do the same because we are not ‘scientific’ and we have not conducted rigorously controlled ‘experiments’ that meet with THEIR approval!
This is why authorities truly hate ‘conspiracy-theorists’, as they call many of us, because we have not followed THEIR controlled protocols for evidential ‘proof’ over which THEY have control!
And yet, there ARE some wonderful scientists who HAVE peeked into the veils of other dimensional possibilities, scientists such as Max Planck and David Bohm and more latterly, Philp Goff, Professor of Philosophy at Durham University, who argues that there could be a ‘cosmic purpose’ and that the universe is directed towards specific goals such as the emergence of life and the expression of ‘value’.
Then there is Michael Pravica of The University of Nevada, who suggests that our brain’s consciousness could derive from other dimensions and not merely ‘electrical brain-activity’!
So there is hope that, as WE expand our awareness of self and of the unknown or maybe ‘forgotten’ promises of the Cosmos, we may step into a true and magnificent understanding of who WE really are and of our reason to be.
Because, let’s be clear, our purpose and our mission, if Humanity truly has one, is all to do with - identity - knowing who we are!
So, I ask, dear reader, how YOU view ‘science’ and the progress we have made as a collective in the true innerstanding of our identity and of the passion and purpose of our individual and collective living on ‘Planet Earth’, amidst a seemingly chaotic cosmos of a billion galaxies and a trillion stars, none of which, we are solemnly informed, contain any intelligent life - except - us!
I ask you, how could it be that WE are the only intelligent life existing within a nano-parsec (or some obscure mathematical time-space formula) in our known universe?
We have (allegedly) existed for 13.8 billion years and it might seem as though WE are the pinnacle of enlightened wisdom and awareness in our universe!
The brilliant and thoroughly engaging physicist Michio Kaku, says that we are struggling to manifest our civilisation INTO a Type One Civilisation - which effectively means that we can control the energy-powers of our planet, energies which he claims - rightly - that we have manifested already in such aspects as weather and climate-control.
And yet I could reasonably ask if the energy-control we HAVE manifested has been truly for our best benefit? I mean, have some of these ‘controls’ REALLY helped us but instead in many ways, hindered us from fulfilling our alleged destiny as a species?
Kaku says that when we DO become a Type-One civilisation, we will be truly self-sufficient and walking towards our destiny as benign controllers etc where our world is governed by and through a collective and assured process of multi-cultural agreement and shared vision for the future.
Beyond THAT, he suggests, we will perhaps then become a Type Two Civilisation, which controls the energies of suns and whole stellar systems and which is responsible (in a perfect universe) for the benign patronage of a vast complex of cosmic life-systems and then, finally, that we will ascend into a Type Three Civilisation controlling the energies of whole galaxies.
It’s a fascinating argument, which Kaku underpins by stating that we can do THIS first planetary step in energetic control, ONLY when we collectively become aligned as one in our human purpose and mission; presumably - perhaps - under a singular governmental control. Maybe a One World Government.
In closing, Kaku states that ‘terrorists’ and ‘fundamentalists’ (and maybe conspiracy- theorists?) for example, exist in a state of ignorance regarding these grander developments and want to hold us back within the mindsets of the past and of individual desires and demands, thus fulfilling a past agenda for NON-expansion into a planetary energy-control system.
Well, Kaku’s argument is certainly a powerful consideration for our planetary future and those who endorse this gargantuan theory of ‘Type-Civilisations’ view it as a possible destiny for Humanity IF (they ask) we can cease or control our self-destructive and often (it might seem) our selfish and egotistical tendencies.
They allege that such a brilliantly benign future can happen only when Humanity follows the globally agreed principles of an aligned collective, all focused on what is best for all and this, of course, presumes the possibility that all global controllers truly do hold the very best of intentions for our planet and Humanity.
I’m not sure about that - are you?
So, in essence, what do I think?
I think that anything is possible and that what Kaku says sounds impressive but I also feel that THAT ‘Type-Civilisation’ scenario can happen ONLY in a future predicated upon 3D values and intellectual focus!
It sustains the need for control of - energy - first planetary energy, then star-system energy and then galactic energy and who knows what after that - maybe cosmological energy - the energy of EVERYTHING? And in THAT scenario I ask myself if perhaps such controls might already have happened - somewhere in the Cosmos - and have been so disastrously ineffective, that those civilisations self-consumed and can no longer be ‘seen’?
In THAT scientific angle-of-vision we are being prepared for a 3D, measured, weighed and ‘logical’ expansion of civilised existence which CONTROLS the ‘physical’ aspect of things connected with energy and which sustains the values of physical existence and the evolution of physical adaptation and physical advancement.
It mentions not at all the existence of other dimensions, of other dimensional life or of the possible reality of worlds and realms beyond the 3D vision of current scientific knowledge.
I suppose you can’t blame our Earth-scientists for operating within a very closed system of speculation because, as I said, they can observe, measure, weigh and experiment ONLY with what they can see and feel and hear and touch and manipulate, even though they now have very sophisticated machinery that allows them to enter into quantum worlds of the very tiny.
And yet that ‘very tiny’ also includes the ‘very enormous’ because, as the ancients stated; ‘as above, so below’! They are all connected even though our 3D experiences suggest that we cannot be so connected at all!
So - what am I saying here?
I am saying that ‘science’ has, over at least the last four hundred years, been slowly submerged within a well of 3D investigations, which have provided astonishingly brilliant and inventive ways and means and mechanisms for operating increasingly successfully WITHIN that 3D world but none of which have seriously allowed us to operate OUTSIDE of that 3D realm. I mean, even the alleged trips into space depend upon 3D mechanisms and fuels.
A case in point? The combustion-engine!
‘Invented’ in the 1880’s it has not materially altered in the last 140 - 150 years. It hasn’t! Well, not in ‘main-stream’ science as it is presented to us.
Yes, it’s vastly improved but not materially altered and it is based on standard energies for propulsion and all of these energies have been fiscally monitored in VERY controlled circumstances which provide HUGE advantages for those who do the controlling and none of THAT control benefits the ‘collective’ that Kaku was talking of!
NONE of those fiscal advantages that have allowed the development of energetic propulsion systems on our world, have been translated into true and real developments in our holistic living; in the life of our spiritual expression. And this might make one wonder if our scientists actually recognise or even believe that we have a spiritual expression of self.
We have ‘progressed’ in technological ways quite dramatically, even amazingly, with smart-phones, faster transport, better communications, better distribution-systems, visual enhancements such as TV, space-travel (allegedly) and more comfortable accommodations (for those who can afford them!).
But have we progressed in other, more meaningful and expanded ways, such as self-awareness, emotional-connection, unity-consciousness, true and vital freedom and spiritual alignment?
I don’t think we have and I suspect that, in our past, a lot of the time, we weren’t even aware of this short-fall in the catalogue of our lives; of the vital importance of the holistic and of the spiritual, to all that we truly are, except, long ago, when we believed in the spirits of the forest or the passion of our dreams.
So then - who are we? And HOW can ‘science’ help us fulfil this colossal imbalance in our lives?
Well, in my view, current Earth-science can’t! It just can’t step up to the plate of vitally innerstanding our spiritual AND our emotional needs.
It can provide some of the physical requirements but even then it falls way short!
If science can’t recognise ‘consciousness’ or consider the existence of other dimensions and worlds within worlds then it is stuck forever in 3D! Period!
And its projections for living in any future will therefore be totally predicated on that 3D mindset! Just like its speculations on Type-Civilisations! All of those would be based on current 3D maths and social engineering, involving taxes, legality, law and fiscal measurements!
Show me the dynamic shift in future-possibilities regards an alignment of the spiritual with the physical and I will begin to believe in the promise of current science.
Perhaps I’m being harsh here but I believe that even though ‘science’ has done some truly epic 3D things, I still contend (without measured and ‘double-blind’ experimentation) that we have not fulfilled our true and promised potentials as ‘Angelic Humans’; the potentials with which we were created long ago and which we once remembered and acted upon.
So I am saying here that there WAS (and still is
) an ‘original’ science which DID offer alignment of the spiritual with the physical, the emotional and the mental. In fact, that science WAS itself ‘sacred’ in the most aligned and celestial of ways.
In that science Humanity KNEW of its divinity and of its holistic connection with the Cosmos and with every living-being.
Back then, ‘we’ knew how the universe worked, how it was constructed, how life was intended to be lived - in unity and love and in joy - together-as-one - and that healing and longevity and purpose and ‘ascension’ into heavenly realms was all included in that science!
So too were the principles of energy-creation and expansion and all without the need for ANY planetary destructions or fiscal arrangements, taxes or treaties or laws or collective agreements.
We just KNEW how it all worked and our place within the tapestry of Life - universally!
So, if THAT be true (and I believe it is), then how did it all go so tragically wrong?
Because a bunch of beings of increasingly non-benign intent chose to invade and invest and inveigle their way into the frequency-fields of many different universes so that THEY could initiate control of the life-fields and the planetary energies of whole collections of worlds.
But, you might ask, WHY would they do THAT, if they had so much technological expertise to be able to manifest such controls, and visit such worlds, then surely they would be BENIGN beings of love and light who would not choose to seek any controls? Their spiritual credentials would be - celestial!
Well they did seek such controls because they had either deliberately lost their spiritual connection with that ‘original’ source-intent, or they had chosen to NOT follow its celestial system-code under any circumstances.
There are tales of this having happened but of course, we cannot measure or weigh any evidence for such and so it remains as ‘speculation’ or yet another ‘conspiracy-theory’.
But for eons now, tens of thousands of years, it must be clear that we have been embarked upon a ‘programme’ for structured, organised, technological living that has slowly become divorced from spirituality.
Yes, we have had ‘religion’, and there was ‘Hermeticism’ born out of stolen cosmic-science texts and latterly we have experienced ‘new-age’ forums which seek to tell us how to live in accordance with the declarations of ‘god’ or some other entity holding greater powers than any of us individually or even collectively.
And yet ‘science’ has now assumed that overarching, often patriarchal, almost parental, role in many ways, for our lifestyles and expectations for living safely and happily, have been set up to ‘follow-the-science’ and give our support and even our total belief, to its all-encompassing guarantee of ‘security’ in these modern times. But it’s a 3D-science that precludes consciousness, dimensions and even the now known existence of ‘quantum-entanglement’.
Long ago I believe that science lost its soul and began slowly to deliver what those human-hybrid elites of geo-social control protocols CHOSE that it should provide - for us - and that meant controlling also the education, teaching, research, funding and celebritizing of the status and influence of such ‘wanna-be’ scientists, through such things as the Nobel Prize of this or that!
Of course the best scientists of our world are indeed truly brilliant and so very creative and imaginative but they have all been - eventually - funded and lauded and prepared for entry into a very specifically controlled environment where their enquiries and their presentations, TV or otherwise, are predicated upon the needs of those who control, notwithstanding the occasional outlying science-paper which sometimes throws cherished theories into the garbage-can of history.
Those give the illusion of freedom of research but rarely do they project Humanity into a new realm of the truly sacred awareness of self and of who we are and where we really come from.
Long ago Cosmic-Science of the soul and of Life Itself, shared ALL of that divine knowledge and our pre-ancient ancestors knew and passed it on generation after generation. That knowledge was within us.
And those ‘ancestors’ do not and never did include the genetically created sub-human forms that ‘history’ tells us were ‘us’ 200,000 years ago after we had jumped out of trees, fashioned an upright stance, the ability to make fire and to use an opposable thumb!
For at least 12 thousand years our awareness of our true self and of our world and our place within the Cosmos, has been descending into distortion and we have, in that time, become more and more connected into the needs of that ‘physical’ self and further and further apart from the unity of our connection with the universe and of our real soul-self and the soul-families from which we originally came.
We have become spiritually isolated and dependent upon anything that brings us physical satisfaction, the next big ‘high’ or the adrenaline ‘fix’ that David Sereda so brilliantly mentions.
Our science has a lot to learn, not about the dynamics of how we make vehicles go faster or how we can get better nuclear energy or how we can get more data on our phone or how we can AI our DNA or how we can manufacture better lithium batteries.
What REAL science does and did and should do again - and soon - is to examine the core cosmic science of the universe and how Consciousness manifests ALL things and how it creates reality-fields in holographic universes and how Love and Joy and Unity play into all of that true science.
This is the science of the spirit; the bio-spiritual, scientific examination of REAL evolution and how to ensure it - for all beings everywhere.
We are a part of the Cosmos, in fact we ARE the Cosmos and our consciousness is the energy that drives it and all of that is based on Absolute Love-in-Joy-in-Unity - Together-as-One.
Let our scientists figure THAT out and present a paper or two on it and then one day, we may find ourselves remembering precisely who we are - and have always been; spiritual beings having a physical experience, ascending the stairway back into the divinity we have all ways - been!
Dave, this was begging to be written! Lets get our compliant arses off the 3D couch and into 5D post haste! May I be so bold as to suggest that these 3D scientists use as their "measure" the trinity of the Partiki, Partika and Particum found in the spiritual, conscious creation science of Keylontics, wherefrom springs all matter through the symbiosis of pure consciousness and electromagnetism? We have had this sacred ancient white magic for eons, but it has been hidden from us...until now, thank you for bringing this HUGE problem to the fore Dave.
Nice to see you here. The planet/countries who don't teach their future generation their best knowledge in all fields had to ended up in this chaos our humanity is. We need help and you are here. Thank you David, Jane and Sacha who introduced me to you.