Yes I know those titles sound way too ‘grand’.
As though they have placed themselves on some sort of pedestal of personal pride.
As though they are saying . . . . ”Please read me - I have all the answers for you!”
Fact is - they don’t - and neither do I!
But YOU - do! You hold ALL the answers - for you.
And now you’re asking yourself (probably,) “How on Earth does Dave know THAT? How can HE know something about me that I haven’t told him?”
Well, IF what I say is true, then I am literally, ‘taking it from the top’ - the highest level of Pure-Conscious Awareness of - ALL-That-Is.
Reality 101!
There IS a ‘theorem’ for the explanation of existence as we have experienced it ‘down here’ in our 3D ‘Never-Sometimes-Land’!
Otherwise known as Earth; 3rd stop on the right-side of ‘The 6-9-12’ bus-route that ONCE was the Highway to Heaven!
Am I being a little too confusing for you?
Maybe - Life can be like that . . . confusing.
But here’s the thing:
The dynamics for living - anywhere - are essentially very simple and yet VERY profoundly . . . expanding in every way.
Life in every dimension of every world is - in its essence - about . . .
Now THAT is The Equation of Existence - Reality 101!
And now you’re laughing! Or perhaps throwing the mouse at your screen!
I know - it sounds WAY too conveniently simple doesn’t it? That theory for successful living; that ‘learning of life’!
So - let me explain - as simply and as fast as I can.
Consider something I’ve talked about a LOT.
As you know, it doesn't’ move from left to right or up and down and it doesn’t actually ‘move’ at all! We THINK it does because of our ‘experience’ (otherwise known as ‘entrainment’ - and there's a BIG difference!).
It’s like when people say ‘practice makes perfect’. BS - no it doesn't!
Practice makes permanent!
Meaning that whatever you repeatedly do becomes a habit-pattern and it may NOT be in any way perfect at all regards what you want or are trying to create! You are simply repeating a pattern that got entrained INTO your behavioural-sequences day after day. Yes? True?
So - Time then!
If Time doesn’t move and we’ve simply been entrained to THINK that it does and that doing so creates permanent habit-patterns we may not really want - if that’s so, then what IS moving, because as sure as eggs are eggs (and we THINK they are), then SOMETHING is moving! We DO know that!
Because when I look in the mirror each morning I see someone who is OLDER than when I looked 10 years ago!
This means that my physical looks are - changing.
I am ‘moving away from unlined skin and great eye-sight and dark hair and lots of it - to - something totally different! And sometimes, I admit, that’s both scary - and really annoying!
My physicality is moving from somewhere TO somewhere else - and THAT is absolutely down to ‘Time’! Isn’t it?
It HAS to be due to Time - surely! How else could my physicality be moving ‘ME’ - physically - away from what I once looked like, and into something that, honestly, I really DON’T want?
Is that just bad practice making permanent? Bad habit-patterns that DON’T lead to the ‘perfection’ I REALLY want?
Are you saying, Dave, that if I get my ‘theory-for-living’ right then I can BE - DO - and HAVE - anything I want?
I mean - seriously? It sounds like total BS to me! My ‘experience’ screams an entirely different theory! The ‘theory’ of inevitable old-age and the MAYBE I can have ALMOST anything I want - if I get lucky!
Ok - I get what you may think and feel when I say ‘Time’ doesn’t move, when all our instincts (entrainment) shouts differently!
But the thing is, as I said, Time does NOT move and your appearing ‘age’ (and the fact that often we cannot seem to create exactly what we want) ARE - illusions!
These are the illusions that are manifested through ‘bad’ - or rather - ‘mistaken’ habit-patterns that allow us to create what we THINK - and feel.
Our true creative-instincts are wholly natural and indeed, celestial - IF we could remember them and enact them in our moment-by-moment intent!! And if we could, then what we manifest in our ‘outer world of ‘experience’ would be - fabulous! And perfectly what we wanted!
Time is the holographic structure within which all living-beings (and remember SOME are not ‘living’ at all!), create the illusion of their perceived reality!
We create this ‘reality’ each moment by projecting, via thought-intention, individual ‘packets’ of ‘FELT’ desire, (like mini-photo-negatives), out into that holographic screen, which ‘replays’ them back to us instantaneously and which we then (instantaneously) imprint into either our ‘ego-self’ or our ‘higher-self.
BOTH of these ‘selves’ are operative always within us. They are revealed in our ‘self-talk’ and we CAN discern which one is which, once we begin to ‘remember’ - who we are! (Expand our conscious-awareness of Self!).
What we then create via our thought-intentions moment-by-moment, is ‘monitored’ and marshalled and made manifest by whichever ‘voice’ speaks to us the most.
If it is your ego-self voice and that ego-self is predominantly fearful of life or of creating or is bound by 3D rules and regulations or by being told to ‘do the right thing’, or ‘follow your sense of duty’, then THOSE habit-patterns in your ‘ego-behaviour’ WILL out-picture themselves INTO your reality each and every time you project a thought filled with such feeling (emotion!).
So, each experienced instant of our LIFE here on Earth (every life we have on Earth) is a thought-intention projected out onto the holographic screen (it’s called a Radial-Body - or etheric skin), surrounding us - and those instant-thoughts accrete (collect) as single, momentary, SENSORY images (of light, sound and FEELING - emotion, really), flashed back to us and imprinted onto our predominant SELF - either ego-self - or higher-self.
And this process ALSO occurs in the whole human collective - over great lengths of ‘time’!
As I say, we are creating these thought-intentions in EVERY moment, even when we are asleep and, as we accrete, say, thousands of the same type of thought, each one, being composed of light-sound-feeling, the accumulation develops a crystalline form which can and does manifest INTO the hologram as, eventually, with enough repetition, a physical manifestation OF the thought-intention!
How else can a building like the Shard in London appear, literally, out of NOTHING like it before, in that parcel of London real-estate?
I chose THAT example, because the man who first had the idea for such a building was a very good friend of mine for many years and I knew how he first created that building in his mind, years before it appeared.
He literally ‘imagined’ that building into London!
You see thoughts ARE - things!
They exist initially as tiny light-sound signatures, at first meaning nothing, but, with repetition (practice!) and intensity (feeling / emotion) they can, being essentially light and sound standing waves, form crystalline particles which CAN align with similar light-sound signatures! This means that they can - expand - into something - physical!
How else do you think that YOU appeared here within this hologram of light-sound?
YOU - were ‘imagined’ into existence - here - and now! You BEGAN as a ‘thought-intention’!
Back in the days of ‘magic’ and ‘mystery’ (those days are still here by the way, they’ve just changed their titles!), but back in ‘history’, people could - and still can - create very weird thought-forms that will actually physically appear in specific low-frequency, highly charged emotional pools where those thought-forms can exist!
Images of really strange seemingly real beings have been deposited in low-frequency parts of Earth and these are often merely gargoyle-like thought-forms that have accreted in certain areas and manifested into almost wholly physical form!
So what you think - persistently - can manifest! And the frequency you use to create those thoughts will control the creative process! And the emotion you put into the process will either strengthen or weaken your process.
What you put IN to the holographic screen IS what you will get out!
Ok - so now that I’ve explained HOW creation works, even in this holographic world of illusion, what has that got to do at all - with Time not moving?
Are you suggesting Dave, that you are looking older each day because THAT is what you created? You WANTED to lose your hair and eyesight and have lines on your face?
Wow! Nice creation my friend! You must have put a lot of emotion in THAT for sure!
Well, I can see how you’d think that! But no - that ISN’T (obviously) what I WANTED to create.
So how did it, seemingly, manifest?
I mean - has it REALLY been simply - the passage of Time and that Time IS moving inexorably and so - we age and die and that’s it? End of story!
NO! We were NEVER meant to exist in THAT scenario.
We were (are) supposed to be able to create exactly the reality-field we want in whatever illusory holographic realm we exist within.
We are ‘Creator Gods’! - Yes - we are! We just - forgot that!
Actually, we were entrained to never remember but that’s a whole other story!
We are meant to be able to create, through our thought-intention, the precise reality we choose. And in doing so, our practice WOULD make - perfect! What we created would manifest faster and more perfectly AS we intended!
Back in the MOST ancient of times an Angelic Human could manifest anything - instantaneously - if they wanted - yes even a vast building like the Shard could have been manifested instantly INTO the holographic frequency-fields!
But we developed the wrong ‘practises’ and so then each time we (naturally) had a thought-intention, it was often wild, disconnected, imprecise, affected by conflicting emotions, aligned with other similar but different thought-intentions, confused, unsustained and often affected by outside light-sound imprints which distracted us in our creative process!
Good job we CAN’T (yet) create what we want instantly or our world and our lives seriously would be out-of-whack - instantly!
Watch a child, though, in THEIR process of creation. THEY are wholly focused on their thought-intention. They are actually THE thought-intention aren’t they? They become what they are creating - totally - throughout all the ‘time’ that they are creating.
In their creations ALL of their ‘selves’ are working together to - create!
Yes, ok Dave, we get it we really do - about how we create. But what about ‘Time’? We age and change because of the passage of Time, I mean, what else could be moving us to wherever we choose to go to manifest whatever we choose to create at any one ‘time’ in our lives?
Time isn’t ever ‘moving’ - it’s our Consciousness that is moving - inexorably and perpetually.
There IS perpetual movement throughout the Cosmos (and in Heaven) and Consciousness is perpetually moving too.
Time isn’t real and Time, therefore, does not move. But Consciousness moves and it is THAT which creates the illusion of - change - and that our world is growing ‘older’ when in fact, NOTHING ‘grows older’ - EVER!
It simply - changes its form!
But - HOW can you know that Consciousness moves? How can you know it changes - anything?
Expansion - and - Contraction.
Consciousness moves through expansion and contraction - just like - breathing. They mirror each other perpetually; like light and sound - electric and magnetic. You can’t have one - without the other.
Sound manifests light - just as the magnetic manifests the electric - AND - they BOTH are created out of - ALL-That-Is - or - what we might call - GOD-SOURCE.
The Perfection of All That Is - Pure. The Living Presence of The Living Essence.
You and I emanate OUT of that Living Presence of All-That-Is.
And we emanate out of that as Pure-Consciousness of The Living Presence.
And yet, as a tiny aspect of us (individually) is energetically ‘downloaded’ into the Holographic Realms of the External Creation, we have to change our form and manifest through the interactions of light and sound and electro-magnetism; into crystalline structures of matter-form.
We HAVE to do this or we would not be able to enter into the holographic worlds of illusions, for our purity (radiation-frequency) of consciousness would destroy the fabric of the lower universes.
And so, as we ‘move’ our consciousness into the matter-worlds of crystalline standing-waves of light and sound created via electro-magnetism, we shape our Pure-Consciousness of Self INTO the form of structures that CAN exist within those worlds.
In our case we shape (through God-Mind Thought-Intention) into ‘Humanoid’ beings, one form out of many, many millions of varieties throughout the Cosmic universes, according to our - ENCRYPTION-CODE - which IS our God-Source ‘signature’ of primal uniqueness.
And so - to bring this somewhat ‘unusual’ article to a close - allow me to say that you and I are here on Earth in these pivotal times now, as the downstepped uniqueness of our Pure-Consciousness, so that we can experience ourselves as NOT who we really are but as whatever we may choose to create!
We were MEANT to always - through our encryption of Self - remember who we were, even though we had chosen to exist in the worlds of Illusion. Our 12 through 48 strands of DNA enable us to do that (or were supposed to!).
We could create varying degrees of ‘Contrast’ within Free-Will, so that our conscious-awareness of Self would move us, eventually (when we CHOSE) back into the Halls-of-Heaven, in full remembrance of ALL that we had been and of all that we had created and of all our ‘experiences’ as NOT our Self.
In THAT way we could ‘expand’ the very awareness of The God-Mind Self, through what we created in worlds of illusion!
We CAN create as God-Source - because - we ARE! But in the worlds of Illusion we chose to BE-DO-HAVE as though we were NOT God-Source and this fact allowed for the development of other timeline-experiences.
The Original Timeline Programme instituted into the frequency-grids of all universal holographic structures was supposed to sustain the perpetual, sequenced, ‘movement’ of living-beings, through the worlds of holographic out-picturing (of personal creation) and back into the Living Presence we never ever really leave!
Our expansion back into the Halls-of-Heaven was meant to take the ‘length’ of ONE ‘lifetime’ of, in Earth-time, a few thousand years.
In that ‘time’ - which was simply a cosmic-structure upon which universes could ‘move’ their own expansion and contraction in and out, like breathing - in that ‘time’ WE could move our own consciousness from UNKNOWING INNOCENCE - back into full and perfect and ineffable, celestial - KNOWING INNOCENCE!
THIS - is the Destiny of Joy - The Heroic Pathway into The True Light and Sound of The Living Presence.
THIS has always been our purpose in the worlds of illusion:
To MOVE our consciousness from Unknowing Innocence into Knowing Innocence.
And so, it is not ever ‘Time’ that moves - it is always our own consciousness that moves us - from a state of unknowing innocence and into KNOWING INNOCENCE.
You see, we are Angelic, loving, joyous, freedom-feeling, enthusiastic, generous, all-embracing, honest and truthful, caring, living-beings - and THAT is our nature - all ways!
And yet - once we enter into The Worlds of Illusion - where ANYTHING may happen - we CAN also enter into a realm where our natural innocence of loving honesty and heart-mind joyousness can be distorted, de-stabilised, dismantled and even destroyed!
When THAT happens we lose our Self - in angers or despairs or substances or energies and experiences which promise us an artificial return into the loving embrace of what we once remembered from long ago from our deep-hidden Encryption of Truth, which we KNOW is there but which we cannot any longer find or feel.
We were meant to move our consciousness from contraction into expansion; from our tiniest beginnings as an awakening physical, crystalline, humanoid thought-form, silently manifesting in the womb of our Mother-Creation-Energy, through the moment-by-moment accretion of our own, created thought-forms of desire so that - in every one of those creation-moments - we would move our conscious-awareness of Self from the Unknowing Innocence of our baby-beginnings in this world and into the gradually changing awareness of KNOWING Innocence; the full and forever innerstanding that we - are - Loving, Pure-Consciousness of God-Source.
It is THIS change that manifests our celestial lifetime - or was meant to.
As each cell in our crystalline, physical-matter-form changes its energetic structure, and expands through replication, however slowly, it seems as if ‘Time’ is the manifestor of this change and yet it is not.
It never has been ‘time’ that has done this; it has been our own energetic expansion, our recreation of the Self that we always are, deep within our encrypted structure of soul-essence; - our unique ‘hominid’ identity as God-Source Expression.
We have been the ‘chrysalis’ of our natural momentum - out of NOT-knowingness and into whole and complete gnosis of that self.
We are truly ‘born-again’ back into what we have all ways been, through our own expansion of Consciousness.
It is our Consciousness that moves us throughout our journey Home.
As we moved our consciousness, the world around us would move also, in unison with our own creation of reality, thus making it seem as though ‘Time’ was moving and yet that we were not.
But all the ‘time’ - it has been us - you and I - from childhood to adulthood - who have been - moving - from unknowing innocence into the archetypal, fully-realised, ascended-awareness of our God-Self - and KNOWING Innocence.
Our God-Mind IS the joyous, unified, creative, perpetual Innocence of Angelic, Absolute Love.
And yet it is also full of KNOWING; the knowing of ALL-That-Is. A knowing that CANNOT be distorted or diverted or destroyed by ANYTHING that is an illusion!
It is this state of Divine Innerstanding that WE came here to manifest, even in the Worlds of Illusion; the state of KNOWING Innocence.
Our ‘history’ has become the catalogue of sublimely extraordinary events and energies which conspired, in OUR world of illusion, to take us away forever from ALL of this knowing and to corrupt our Divine Innocence so that we could not return to it or remember the knowing that counts all ways - the KNOWING who we truly are:
The Living Presence of All-That-Is.
If ever there was a Christmas GIFT that I could give myself (and to all whom I have learned to love) then it would be this innerstanding.
This conscious, eternally-expressed awareness of Self - the God-Self that is - forever - YOU!
May your Christmas be one of joy and love - and perpetual awareness of all that you truly are and will always be.
Thank you again Dave! Happy Christmas to you too ✨🎄🌏🕊️
Dave, thank you for expressing the inexpressable...or is it UNexpressible? LOL
No matter. Your "grasp" is very infectious!
Thank you!