Who You REALLY Are and How You Manifested Here.
The Importance of DNA, Frequency, Crystals and the Pure Consciousness of YOU.
A good friend of mine asked me recently what was the dynamic behind ‘frequency’ and DNA and why both seemed, these days, to be so important to us.
It was a good question and complex too but let me try to explain as simply as I can and in doing so I hope I can clarify some things about YOU - here and now - and forever!
YOU (as an Angelic-Indigo) and every living creature, manifests into these lower-domain consciousness-fields, such as our Earth, OUT of the ineffable Pure-Consciousness, Eternal Essence and Living Presence of Absolute Love.
Some call this Prime Creator, others may call it ‘Heaven’ but the name doesn’t matter.
Whatever title you give it, THAT is your true HOME!
THAT is actually who you really are; THE Living Essence of Absolute Love! And by the way - we never really LEAVE that state and ‘place’. It is eternally present even though we think it isn’t, in our daily lives.
BUT - you cannot manifest AS that in these lower-domain holographic arenas because the utterly enormous data-radiation force of such absolute knowingness of your true celestial state, would be far TOO vast and the whole external, holographic universes would vapourize! And that’s a fact.
You may not realise this but in truth the most celestial aspects of you manifest as majestic and as vast as a sun or as a whole galaxy! Seriously, I mean it!
Beyond the 12th Dimension our manifestations are literally gargantuan; WAY bigger than mere planetary orbs. So YOU are manifested, in your ‘higher’ expressions of self, as a sun or as a whole solar-system!
The dynamics of all this are - to our minds - simply astonishingly incredible and you can only process such details once your consciousness has expanded enough to do so!
Just the other day, for example, I was talking to a very dear lady in USA, who repairs ley-lines and frequency-zones within Earth and I suddenly ‘saw’ her as she really is; a cetacean-being who has manifested here on Earth as an Angelic-Human to assist Earth’s energy-fields AND to rejuvenate the waters of our planet for the life-fields everywhere. Her real identity is as a vast and benevolent and loving whale-being the size of Texas!
And in her next incarnation she will ‘arrive’ back in her natural home in another star-system. I think that reveals just how utterly connected we all are as aspects of The Living Presence.
She has spent ten thousand years helping and repairing Earth and her waters - because it was needed - and she had to incarnate here as an Angelic-Human, to do it - for all of us!
As The Living Essence, you hold ALL the information of - everything - and everywhere - that has ever been and ever will be! And so a ‘downstep’ protocol is created whereby you CAN manifest into these lower-domains without creating multi-dimensional havoc!
To do that The Living Presence / Essence focuses an aspect of Itself into, first, a slightly lower radiation ‘domain’ and there are many of them arranged in sequential order, with the holographic worlds being the most 'distant’, if I can use a 3D term.
This aspect of The Living Essence is an infinitesimal particle of Itself and is called a ‘Partiki’, sometimes known as ‘Man U’, which is one 800 billionth of a billionth the size of a three-dimensional photon! I mean - it’s tiny! It IS the ‘God-Particle that the CERN machine has been looking for but will never be able to ‘find’!
This Living-Essence Partiki then sets the intention to create another particle OUT of Itself and this is the Particum, called ‘EirA’, and is sound (magnetic God-Intention) in vibration. This is also known, sometimes, as The Divine Feminine or Mother.
That Particum then manifests out of itself another, third particle called ‘PartikA’ and this is light (electric God-Expression) in oscillation. And this is sometimes known as The Divine Masculine or Father.
Now, remember, this is essentially (in essence) YOU - an aspect of the GREATER you that is - God-Source or Prime Creator.
These particles interact through fission and fusion of light and sound, in turn creating the force of electro-magnetism and it is THIS force that moves and shapes and creates the architecture of universes and galaxies of the lower-domains of our holographic realms through the mechanisms of Merkaba.
This ‘trinity’ of celestial particles slowly creates, through their fission-fusion movements, vast grids of other ‘trinities’ which group together to form even larger grids of light-sound called Keylons which transform the light-sound into standing-waves of electro-tonal oscillation and vibration, all acting in sequenced movement and eventually forming crystalline patterns which become structures of frozen light.
It is these structures of light-crystals which YOUR consciousness forms into and is why we have what is known as a ‘Crystal Body’.
So your consciousness manifests into crystalline electro-tonal ‘signatures’ of energy and movement and form.
Your ‘matter-form’ in the holographic universes appears crystalline in various forms but it is really your energetic consciousness of self, transformed into crystalline light and sound THROUGH the action of the standing-waves.
Continuing ‘downsteps’ of form lead you to exist in the lowest of domains as increasingly slower states of light-sound oscillation and vibration and therefore to be composed of denser crystalline structures such as carbon, as we are down here now on Earth.
As you expand your light-sound oscillation and vibration (make them faster), your crystalline structure becomes LESS dense and you form into silica then plasma light then gaseous light and finally back into - Pure Consciousness - once again!
That is the Cosmic Design Protocol that is held in all the data that ever is and ever has been in the whole Cosmos.
We began as ineffably vast ‘libraries’ of total knowledge about everything and then we downstepped our data-holding capability because holding all that divine data would jeopardise all of the External, holographic worlds as we ‘birthed’ into them.
In ‘stepping away’ from so much of that ineffable energetic and creative knowledge we took the risk that we MIGHT, in fact, forget it all and in some lifetimes, we did - and THAT presented us with so many challenges and ‘learning-curves’ that, in reclaiming our memories of self and all that we truly are, we became even more divine and divinely loving and knowing!
THAT, for many of you, has been the astoundingly wonderful ‘win-win’ scenario that YOU have created time-out-of-mind - through all that you have encountered in thousands of lifetimes and against ALL odds.
In every particle of this, I give you my greatest respect and admiration and, of course, my love too.
So, finally, after what we call eons of ‘Time’, we once again and slowly, return into the realms of total knowledge of all we are and all that could ever be known. THAT is what is called our Heroic Pathway back into Truth and our Destiny of Joy-in-Love.
Now, everything in our matter-world of carbon is, essentially, existing and operating according to its own pattern of ‘frequency’.
This frequency is in the form, as I’ve stated, of light-sound crystalline, particle oscillation or vibration and there are naturally-created ‘frequency-bands’ in every dimension and also sub-frequency bands and these configurations appear also within our DNA because our DNA is itself composed of minute, electro-tonal patterns of crystalline multi-dimensional frequency.
The natural ‘sacred’ system for existence in our matter-worlds operates through the activation of 12 sub-frequency bands in each of the 12 dimensions, giving a total of 144 sub-frequency bands active.
So, if you have 12 strands of DNA assembled, then you also have 144 sub-frequency bands of light-sound oscillation and vibration ready to activate in your genome.
So frequency is really the action of what we call ‘standing-waves’ of light and sound.
These waves manifest out of perpetual electric and magnetic interaction and a frequency-band is a FIXED arrangement of these standing-waves which hold the consciousness (energy) in place within a morphogenetic form-structure (or field) of conscious-energy.
This reveals that YOU, as a physical-matter expression of consciousness in light-sound (electro-tonal) crystalline form (carbon, here on Earth), are a collection of illuminated wave-tones.
Note: If you ever saw the Hollywood film, ‘Close Encounters of the Third Kind’, with Richard Dreyfuss, you might remember a scene towards the end in which Dreyfuss was watching at night a collection of scientists trying to contact a vast spaceship via setting up a system of 5 lights and 5 tones slowly sending a message to the alien craft.
Suddenly the aliens responded with a cascade of lights and sounds so fast they could hardly be distinguished. THAT is sort of what YOU really look like; literally a cascade of thousands of light-sound tonal-waves, shimmering and ringing in sequence!
So the 12-point Kathara-grid of our matter-universe, for example, is a form-structure made out of 12 points of fixed standing-waves of light and sound, which, IF you could see them with your 3D eyes, would look like a constantly moving, shimmering and ringing sequence of electro-tonal (light and sound) energy, packed with cosmic electro-magnetic data out of which the structure is actually made and through which it perpetually exists.
The waves SEEM to be moving (when actually they’re not) because they flash on and off like strings of lights at a carnival. This gives the illusion of movement when in fact the lights are simply flashing on and off in their programmed sequence of fission and fusion as they expand into holographic existence and then contract back into Source-Energy to recover their eternal living force.
But each point of light and sound carries enormous amounts of data or information concerning the divine structure of the Cosmos and they are ‘fixed’ because they ‘hold’ the structure in place through the dynamic data they contain.
Our DNA also holds vast amounts of cosmic data in our sub-frequency bands, so the more bands of this light-sound frequency we have, the more cosmic data we hold, activate and express within our consciousness field. And the more cosmic data we have, the more we know, remember, feel, perceive, sense, are aware of and can act upon.
If you have 12 strands of your DNA assembled and active, then you have 144 sub-frequency bands of shimmering and ringing, light-sound, standing waves busily beaming their data-streams into your consciousness (and also out into the cosmos!).
If you have only three DNA strands assembled and active, then you have only 36 sub-frequency bands available for data-downloading. This means that your consciousness cannot access the full sequence of cosmic information that is really available.
Some Angelics in these times have been gifted with 48 strands of DNA which means that they have available no less than 576 sub-frequency bands of cosmic information! And some of that data concerns the dynamics of levitation, telepathy, telekinesis, transmutation of form (into light for example) and inter-dimensional travel!
So, some of you will know how important the number ‘144’ is in Sacred-Science and also in ‘religious’ texts. It refers to the ultimate structure of cosmic form and of energetic capability.
And the cosmic data I have consistently mentioned here is also manifested in special symbol-codes too; codes which literally HOLD that cosmic information within the form-structure of the symbol and allow it to be projected out into the External holographic worlds whenever needed.
Symbols (light-data-codes) and chants / psonns, etc (sound-data-codes) and also Seurias as dance or movement codes DO transmit information and so every intentionally created symbol or tone expresses a specifically intended ‘message’ but this does not mean that the ‘message’ being sent or being received holds sacred or celestial energy or information. It may contain ONLY what the creator of the symbol intended!
This is the challenge hidden behind the creation of all AI.
All genuinely sacred symbols and sound-tones and movement tonings are electro-tonal wave-forms that hold VERY specific Cosmic data, relating to either sacred structural dynamics or healing modalities or interdimensional travel or historical-record or the processes of ascension.
These immensely powerful ‘wave-code’ symbols and sounds are so packed with cosmic data that they are, in fact, self-aware ‘beings’ of consciousness.
They are known as ‘Geomancies’; geometrical-mathematical, information-codes designed to literally HOLD their data eternally in order to maintain the integrity of the Cosmic Design.
They don't, of course, interact with you in speech or action but they DO interact with your frequency-fields and can be effectively ‘downloaded’ into your particle-base energetics if you choose and if you can ‘breathe’ them into your pineal.
However, many symbol codes and tones are NOT sacred but seem so because they have had critical parts of their angles and shape and general delineation changed or shifted and these changes can totally alter the energetic effect of the code, by altering the data-stream itself.
A LOT of once sacred codes have been manipulated in this way and have actually reversed the energetic flows originally created.
It’s the same with the structures of our universe and of you too.
Much of our universe has been distorted in its energetic expression because the data-stream-codes have been catastrophically shifted in some way so that natural energy flows can’t pass through them or they are limited in some way.
This has happened with our Angelic DNA strands too over many thousands of years, so that they have some of their electro-tonal properties changed, often quite dramatically.
We are, for example, supposed to have had 36 chromosomes active in our 3-Dimensional DNA but, in fact, we have only 23 active. We have ‘lost’ 13 although this loss is being rectified as I write.
But all this ‘distortion’ has been the result of many, often cataclysmic’ shifts in the structure of the holographic cosmic realms; shifts brought about by choices made by beings who abused the Law of Free Will and the primal Law of One (unity-consciousness).
But as many have said, ‘nothing can stop an idea whose time has come’! And the ‘idea’ of our return to who we are - ineffable, divine beings of Absolute Love - cannot now be stopped!
Long ago now, or so it seems to me, I was sitting with three class-mates in a science-lesson, studying mercury! One of my mates decided that it would be fun to empty the whole silver bottle into the large steel tray we had been given! So he did!
The tiny droplets went everywhere as our teacher went mental and told us to put them all back in the bottle. So we did but what fascinated me most was that all these tiny droplets, when close enough to each other, would seamlessly be absorbed as one until, eventually, all the mercury was restored as if it had never been - apart!
Our whole Cosmayah is composed - ultimately - of us - you and me - in our eternal conscious awareness of our loving self.
We became separated in a truly long, arduous, often frightening and yet always magnificent journey into NOT knowing who we were but we are back!
We are back, Together-as One - and the truth and joy in knowing who we really are will be forever now expressed in the Absolute Love that we have all ways - been.
Wow so powerful! Thank you very much David - you've given us a lot of hope here!
Dave, you reminded me of this: "I am not just a drop in the ocean... I am the entire ocean in a drop." 😊