Ann kindly shares an experience she had many years ago now and which illuminates an aspect of the Zeta-connection with our world; a connection that every elite politician surely knew of!
From our Awakening Catbird Seat, we Conspiracy Theorists stared into the dark ignorance of 2003 in fearful wonder. We watched as Russian Scientists probed underneath Yellowstone Super Volcano and wondered at their true intent. We were alarmed when British Risk Analysts investigated the possibility of a Canary Island Volcano falling into the ocean, creating a tsunami so large it would wipe out most of the U.S. East Coast. This was of particular interest, because the Eastern U.S. seaboard sits on a shelf which extends out miles over the Atlantic Ocean. Would this shelf collapse under the weight of a giant Tsunami? (We learned years later that this was actually a potential “bullet” in the Cabal plan!)
We ‘dug’ for info everywhere, dusting off every nuance in an attempt to form a true picture of the world that seemed to be unraveling around us. And we were more than a little frustrated.
Our Major concerns were: Gigantic Solar Flares… Chemtrails… Unusual Volcanic Rumblings… HAARP… incoming Planet X… precisely patterned forest fires… NASA firing all of its old guard employees and hiring just-out-of-school youngsters who didn’t have a clue. These were all very unsettling.
Yet perhaps the most curious of our concerns was the gigantic ocean vessel showing up on Government radar decorated with humongous ball looking things. This phenomenon showed up as an “island” in the middle of the Pacific. An island which could be “steered”, no less! We suspected a HAARP connection (which years later proved true). We watched, took pictures, catalogued, and grew increasingly concerned.
Yet our concerns were ignored. No one, in any official capacity, was providing answers to any of the many questions raised by these anomalies, and yet the strange occurrences seemed to increase in number daily, along with our Awareness.
It should be no surprise then, that this unlikely group of Conspiracy Theorists found themselves listening to Nancy Lieder’s channeled accounts from the Zetas. The Zetas were one of the very few sources spewing out ‘semi-believable’ info regarding the crazy things we were seeing back then. We had no idea about their agenda.
Perhaps more importantly, we also knew nothing about the difference between info that was ‘channeled’ and info that came from one’s own Source Being. (Pretty sure Nancy didn’t either. We corresponded back then, and I liked her very much.) We were ‘newbies’ flying in the dark like baby bats, just awakening to our own Internal Conspiracy Radar.
Thus, when the Zetas began warning us about a pole shift scheduled to occur in MARCH of 2003, they had our rapt attention. Of course, our new ‘friends’ had very specific instructions for how we were to survive this upcoming Pole Shift. This is the gist of what they told us to do:
1) Get yourself a few large garbage bags, preferably the hefty kind.
2) Purchase a new roll of silver Duck Tape. Leave it in its packaging.
3) find a small valley, or if you were in the City then an indentation such as a culvert, etc.
4) When the alarm was rung (presumably by the Zetas) Retreat to your secure spot.
5) Climb inside the garbage bags or lay on top of them.
6) Keep your roll of tape at hand.
7) Remain in place til the Shift is over.
Ummm… What is the tape for? “Oh, that is useful for so many things. You’ll know what to do with it when the time is right.”
Okay, Reader, I can hear you laughing… (no doubt the Zetas were laughing too) but remember, we were babes in the woods back then. In spite of the doubt that surrounded us, we still wanted to believe that our government was basically ‘good’, with only a few ‘bad apples’; and that NASA was the most honest arm of the government. Back then we had no idea that the Moon Landing was one of the biggest hoaxes ever perpetrated on the American Public.
After all, the Zetas came from ‘Outer Space’. They had to be superior to us and thus would never do anything to harm us. All space aliens were good guys. Right?
Yup. We were quite convinced that the Zetas had to know spectacular information about our reality. Thus we convinced ourselves that their seemingly absurd instructions had to have some hidden magic in them.
With no authority to tell us otherwise, many of us armed ourselves with garbage bags and a roll of Duck Tape…just in case.
As March 2003 drew near, the Pole Shift subject was foremost on our minds. Our concern grew when the News began reporting that FEMA/Military were moving into place all along the Canadian Border, with special emphasis on the Ports of Entry. WHY?
Then FEMA made an announcement that sent a shiver down the spine of every conspiracy mind: It declared, that it was taking control of all the U.S. property within 200 miles of the Canadian border!
Dang! It was beginning to dawn on us that someone wanted to make sure no American crossed that border. WHY?
We couldn’t help but wonder if all this had to do with the upcoming Pole Shift. Anxiously, we clung to our garbage bags and Duck Tape and waited in anticipation.
Curiously we didn’t hear another peep out of the Zetas.
After we passed the Ides of March 2003 with no Pole Shift, we began focusing on March 21-23.
Yet, March 21 came and went. And nothing happened. Well, nothing except for a moderate Solar Flare. (More on that later in our story.)
So we waited again the next day. Again Nothing.
And the next… nope, we were still alive and well, with our garbage bags and silver tape at hand.
As I remember it, we actually waited all the way through March 2003, every day becoming more disillusioned with the Zetas, who were still not speaking to us.
As the month came to a close, all FEMA and Military personnel left the border and returned to their home bases. By this time, most of us felt very foolish to have ever listened to the little grey aliens in the first place. After that big build up, it was pretty much the end of their credibility. We were left to ponder what had just happened. Why would the Zetas risk looking like they had ‘egg on their faces’.
Now for the KEYLONTA PART: (You knew that was coming, right?)
Fast forward 3 years. In a 2006 workshop, Asha (as she was known at the time) was talking about how, in March of 2003, the Indigos had been asked to aid in fending off an attack incoming from Darkside Entities, who planned to cause a Pole Shift to destroy humanity.
Whoa! I was very new to Keylonta; she had my attention!
Asha recounted how, after the Keylontans had finished their vital energy work back in 2003, the Guardians congratulated them on their success. The Darkside Assault had been stopped by the efforts of the Cosmic Special Forces Indigos! Earth and her Angelics had been saved to fight another day! Yay!
Asha added that the only physical ‘blowback’ they knew of was that the Indigo efforts had caused a Solar Flare.
You know how you feel when all the pieces of a puzzle that has been haunting you for ages, suddenly fit together? Well, SHAZAM! I had goose bumps as I sat there in one of my very first workshops, considering how close we came that day in 2003 when we thought the world was about to come crashing into a Pole Shift.
Though I wasn’t part of Keylonta til 2005, nothing brought home how vital our efforts were than having been on the other side, and discovering, quite by accident, what had really happened in March 2003. For me, it was a monumental confirmation of this ancient Science!
The Guardians told us that the Zetas were actually us, you and me, about 2,000 years into the future. They had made great effort to return back to our ‘time’ to warn us that we were heading into a future that would destroy Mankind! They knew this because the reality they were living in was destroying them.
In our future, we had bred all sexuality out of ourselves and reduced our physical form to look like..well, Zetas. All babies were born in test tubes. Our future selves were still slightly male or female. One can imagine this had little import other than an attempt to keep the electric/magnetic energies going just enough to sustain life.
Apparently, because we had been led to separate Spirit from Science, we never realized that without the beautiful sensual-sexual expression of Source Being through the GodSeed Atom, all life would eventually expire. In other words, it takes LOVE to experience GodSource.
Our future Zeta Selves had also destroyed nearly all flora and fauna, and their world (Future Earth) was dying on all fronts. They needed to do something quickly to stop this destruction which would end humanity and Earth, forever.
The good Zetas initially came here to warn us that it was imperative that we steer ourselves into a new ‘Timeline’ that would avoid the demise of the Angelic Human. If we made this change, their dying world would disappear as though it never happened, and their souls, which are ours, would end up on a new pathway into a magnificent future which they would live in and we would experience when we got there.
Well, wait a minute! What about Nancy Lieder’s Zetas?
According to the Guardians, the Zetas were split into two groups:
>First, our future Angelic Selves caught up in this mess who came back in time to warn us and help steer us in a better direction so we could save them and ourselves.
>AND secondly, the Darkside Predator Zeta who was determined to keep us from succeeding by creating a Pole Shift to kill us off. The Bad Ones wanted to leave their dying planet and move themselves onto a terraformed Earth in our current time, in order to continue their obnoxious way of life until they destroyed our Earth as well!
Oh, and just In case you hadn’t already figured it out: The garbage bags and the Silver Tape were merely to make it easy for them to get rid of our remains when they found us lying dead in those valleys after the Shift was over!
Sometime in the middle of all this happening back in 2003-4, Hillary Clinton announced that she was going to support release of all the UFO materials. This was a BIG deal! There was a story going around that Hillary had met personally with the Zetas. Indeed, she was supposedly having an affair with the “Commander”. He was taller than the others, as we saw in pictures that were passed around the net at the time.
However, looking back on it, I wonder: If they had no sexual organs, how did that happen? Maybe Hillary taught the Commander a thing or two!
Soon after this, the Zetas, both good and bad, were told by the Guardians they had to leave Earth. We had much bigger problems to deal with concerning the Wesadaks, Wesadraks, Annunaki, etal. The Zetas were merely pesky flies compared to the energies of those truly blackened DarkSide beings who spent their time in Black Hole worlds devouring every ounce of light around them to keep their domains operational.
These Scavenger Beings have powerful anti-DNA that goes all the way up to 11.5 strands. Big Head Brains; No Heart Brain. This is due to the fact that they have bred the GodSeed Atom out of their natures.
Unlike the Zetas, they’ve always known they can’t survive without the Light. Indeed, they carved a big ‘bite’ out of Andromeda to use for ‘food/fuel’, billions of years ago. We call that ‘bite’ The Milky Way. This is why we Indigos came here this time: To help heal Andromeda by putting the Milky Way back where it belongs through acting as ‘puppets’ to our Greater Selves who would direct the energy as needed.
Yup, the Indigos had bigger fish to fry than Zeta minnows. And back then, it was all unknowingly coming towards us like a New York-sized meteorite aimed at Earth.
As I sit here today looking back on this Pole Shift experience, It is easy to see that without that little band of Indigo Forces, all of us, including the Zetas, would have been fodder for the Darkside Big Boys much sooner.
What is more, Donald John Trump would not be doing his thing today. And we would be staring into a completely different future reality… if, of course, any of us were still alive. And if we were, you can bet they would be hunting us down and destroying us.
And yet, thanks to our beleaguered band of misunderstood, just awakening, Indigo Family, here we are today in 2024, about to embark on the grandest journey yet! And that family has become an Army of Awakened Souls!
But most of all, we will NOT ever become Zetas!
So what might our Future Selves on the Zeta planet be experiencing now? Because of our amazing success in changing our Timeline on December 21, 2012, those Zetas have likely already phased into our future selves… 2,000 years into our future! I’m betting they are plenty happy about that!
Back in this current Earth Realm, Angelic Humanity is in the beginning stages of remembering who we are and what we are capable of:
Self-healing, self-creating whatever we want to experience next; never physically aging beyond age 33 and so much more as the Expansion of Consciousness knows no bounds. The Guardians told us we could even become Planets/Stars if we wanted. They are alive, you know. Everything is.
Because of our Seed Atom, our bodies literally contain ‘chips of GodSource’, never disconnecting from our roots in the Full Body of Source. We are like trees, rooted into Earth’s energy and those roots travel all the way to GodSource. (The concept of “grounding” kind of takes on new meaning, doesn’t it?)
Or, as Keylonta describes us: Standing Waves on the surface of Source. We NEVER move off of our GodSource Standing Wave Address. All our movement…our experience, is done through the out-picturing by our Image-I-Nation from our Homebase on Source. WE CREATE REALITY from our Cosmic Paint Box . ALL OF IT!
What is more is that in any given moment, we can experience Life WITH others of like mind, or by ourselves. The Guardians called this: The One and the Many, and these Beloved Ones took us on several insightful Journeys, allowing us to experience the difference so we could move easily from our private space Source Connection, into sharing with Other Standing Waves, fluttering near us.
The greatest physical aspect of all this to me is that we will never know death again. When we want to go ‘home’ we’ll just “click our ruby heels together three times” (kidding), breathe ourselves into Earthcore (not kidding); stare out onto the ‘road’ to Andromeda manifesting before us, and pick out one of the Dimensions we want to go visit first. And Zoom, we’re gone.
The Guardians have even given us a map so we don’t get lost! How great is that?
I LOVE HAPPY ENDINGS and even more, exciting Beginnings!
LOVE her writing Dave!!! So relatable.
Oh so loving this, thank you dear Dave. Before the times with you at Lazarus Initiative and Facebook I didn't know anything about Keylonta, but was reading different stories in magazines and books about travelling between future and past, and travelling the world finding places that I know I was there before, and meeting my son, my parents who passed, in my dreams learning lots from them. All of that makes sense now. Thank you again, you are brilliant Dave!!!