LOVE her writing Dave!!! So relatable.

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Oh so loving this, thank you dear Dave. Before the times with you at Lazarus Initiative and Facebook I didn't know anything about Keylonta, but was reading different stories in magazines and books about travelling between future and past, and travelling the world finding places that I know I was there before, and meeting my son, my parents who passed, in my dreams learning lots from them. All of that makes sense now. Thank you again, you are brilliant Dave!!!

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Dear Dave,

Thanks for sharing these thoughts!

I wonder whether we are really through this already. Sometimes I feel like living in two different dimensions - one is "my" beautiful bubble of love & light & peace, the other one is still stuck in hatred & war & the narrative still played out in MSM...and imprinted in so many people's mind...

And yet, it's right, we don't need to dye... I literally can already regenerate my body cells just by intention...

And we don't need kick our heels three times (😂). Connecting with the heart chakra of Lady Gaia, breathing the higher frequencies through our heart and using one of the Stargates (e.g. the sun) is fine. 🩵💫🩵

Looking forward to your next message.

Much Love

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Thank you for clarity of many mystery symbols on my Soul Art Therapies since 1999! sometimes all make sense, sometimes years later a symbol is explained: "Zeta" on only one was presented as a positive ET there because their planet was overtaken as she said; "Milky Way" was split fr Andromeda!; our chip w/in to god source is intact in everyone-was worried those taken the covid shots/dna changes/ atheiests, could not traverse to our New Earth; & lastly, the first Soul Therapy in 1999 depicted a person on rope inching down into a deep blue inner Earth core to manifest Andromeda & choose another dimension to visit, not die! Very fun, enjoyed this info.

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